This form is a medical document that confirms that an adult or his offspring did not have a connection with a person who has some kind of viral pathology for up to 21 days. In a pure epidemiological environment there is a large complex of external conditions. These include:
- healthy condition of relatives (everyday contacts);
- lack of communication with patients at the workplace or in an educational institution;
- positive situation in the region.
A person may say that he or his child is not infected with an infectious disease, but words alone are not enough. The authorities need to provide a legal document drawn up by epidemiologists according to all standards. It is when the citizen himself and his entourage are confident in the safety of being nearby that misunderstandings and fears will not arise.
What does the document look like
It contains three seals, the signature of the epidemiologist, information about who and when issued. The form should indicate that the citizen was not exposed to infection for 21 days. The line “Help is given for provision” indicates the necessary institution or place of work. The completed form indicates the complete health of the individual who has been examined.
It must be remembered that the contact certificate has a three-day expiration date from the date of registration. Therefore, it is rational to do such a thing in that period of time when you need to submit a document for consideration by a specialized institution. If a citizen does not bring the form within this period, the paper is automatically considered invalid, as is the case with the spa card. If you want to know what the help about the epidemiological environment looks like, a sample of it is posted in this article above.
Why make out?
Health authorities of the Russian Federation must strictly monitor compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological situation. This is the main and most important task. The sanitary legislation spells out specific measures that should help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and various epidemics. The health system is obliged to work properly, primarily taking care of protecting the population.
All measures, which include, for example, constant sanitary and hygienic procedures, are carried out for the well-being of citizens. Help about the epidemiological environment is an important document related to this system. It may be required at some medical facilities, at work, and at school. This information is of great importance in the fight against the epidemic of measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox and helps state medical organizations to prevent the occurrence of dangerous foci of disease.
Who is recommended to make a document
A reference about the epidemiological environment is needed whenever a person changes his personal environment to a new one. For example, if he goes to a boarding house on vacation, a children's camp or a sanatorium on the lake. Also, its presence is mandatory when an adult returns to work, and the child goes to school, kindergarten after a long vacation or a long illness.
There is always a chance of infection if a person actively visits crowded places. The individual does not always understand the state of his immunity after such events, therefore this medical document saves the nerves of the owner, especially parents.
How to get help?
A large number of people are interested in the question of where to get help on the epidemiological environment. You need to understand that legally this certificate can be made only through the SES system (sanitary-epidemiological station) in your area.The coordinates of the desired institution are easy to find on the Internet.
Many people are frightened or worried by the idea of a long and difficult receipt of this serious document. In this case, it is necessary to spend a lot of energy, standing in lines and faced with incompetence of staff. At his own peril and risk, a citizen may turn to clandestine enterprises with a request to "draw" a certificate in a short time. However, it is worth remembering that such actions are illegal and can entail dangerous consequences both for you and for people nearby.
Epidemiological certificate for the child. Where to get it?
In the professional environment of the doctors responsible for issuing the document, the position regarding this certificate is twofold. In the best case, if foci of infection were not recorded in the region, a certificate for the child will be issued in a short time without any problems. When you need to make such a document to a non-resident citizen, you have to collect and present some papers: notes on the passage of the FLG, passing tests or a certificate of some vaccinations. The document for the child is issued in the pediatrician’s office of the children's clinic where your baby belongs.
Brief summary
A reference to the epidemiological environment is the most important document proving that a citizen is not a peddler of a viral disease and has not been in contact with such a patient for three weeks.
In order to get this certificate, you should contact the regional SES, where after submitting certain documents it will be issued. If a citizen does not want to lose time in lines, there are specialized companies that can quickly fill out a form for a small amount. However, this method is not legal.
The filled in certificate is entitled to demand at the workplace, in schools and kindergartens after long-term leave or sick leave. It should be understood that a certificate of a favorable epidemiological environment is needed for the general safety of the country's population.