
What does the prefix "vice" mean? Examples of using

The prefix "vice" is not a native Russian word. She was borrowed in Latin. What does the prefix "vice" mean? In the literal sense - "instead of" or "in return." When used in conjunction with other words, “vice” should be understood as a deputy or assistant to someone.

US Vice Admiral

Examples of using

It should be noted that this prefix has features in writing. So, it is always used with a hyphen, unlike the prefixes of the Russian language and other foreign ones. Often the prefix “vice” is used as part of words, which are the names of various government posts. Here are some examples: vice president, vice chancellor, vice king, vice governor. Along with this, it is used in other cases. What does the prefix "vice" mean? For example, the vice mayor is the deputy mayor, or the vice admiral is a military rank.

It should also be emphasized that the prefix “vice” is used not only in the names of state or military posts. It may relate to posts held in organizations of any form of ownership, companies, sports clubs, non-profit institutions. It will be useful to say that derivative adjectives with “vice” are also written using a hyphen: vice-presidential, vice-admiral. But there is one exception to this rule. The only word with this prefix, which is written together, is the uniform.

Vice President of the Russian Federation

Vice President

It is curious, but in Russian history there were only two people who held this responsible public office. We are talking about Deputy M. S. Gorbachev G. Yanaev and Deputy B. N. Yeltsin A. Rutsk. It should be emphasized that both of these figures were directly involved in attempts to remove their leaders from their posts. What does the prefix “vice” mean with the word president? She indicates the level of authority of the deputy head of state.

Subsequently, this position was abandoned in the Russian Federation. There are several versions of why this decision was made. Perhaps in the mandate that the person in this post possesses even in comparison with the powers of the prime minister. The vice president, as well as the president, is elected by the population of the country by popular vote. And it was this figure who, according to the legislation, was supposed to rule the country in case of impossibility to fulfill his duties by the head of state (due to illness or due to impeachment proceedings). This is what the prefix “vice” means in combination with the word president.

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