Martial law has not been declared in the country, therefore, at the federal level, there are no official restrictions on the stay of citizens, including minors, on the street. But everyone knows such a thing as “curfew,” the goal of which is to reduce crime among adolescents and to prevent accidents involving minors. In the article you can get an answer to the question of who introduced it and how long you can walk in 14 years.
West example
It is no secret to anyone that it is precisely at night that the most frequently committed unlawful acts against the person. It is much easier for criminals to hide, they are more difficult to identify, and there are much fewer witnesses in the dark.
Restrictions on staying on the street of minors were first introduced abroad. In the United States, a curfew has appeared to protect teens from the actions of activating gangs.
Its duration is governed by state law. As a rule, children must not remain outside after 23:00 until their 18th birthday. On weekends and holidays, the stay is extended until 24:00. The restriction ends at 5:00.
The approach to punishment also differs. All teenagers know at the age of 14 how long you can walk. Police officers deliver intruders home and are usually limited to a warning. But in some states a fine of between $ 100 and $ 500 ($ 5,700 to $ 28,700) is prescribed. There were times when the curfew was canceled under the pressure of fighters for compliance with the constitution.
But University of California studies show that street crime is about 10% lower during curfews.
Background in Russia
Curfew has been operating in most regions of Russia for several years. This is due to the adoption of amendments to FZ-124 of 1998, devoted to the basic guarantees of the rights of the child. They were introduced in 2009 and allowed the local authorities to establish prohibitive measures for adolescents under the age of 18 when they visited the pubs, restaurants and bars, wineglasses and other places intended for the sale of alcohol, as well as stores selling sexually oriented goods.
Subjects of the Russian Federation are also given the right to independently designate places where harm is caused to the spiritual, moral and physical development of minors, and to establish prohibitions on being at night without adults in public places: parks, squares, Internet cafes, on the streets and in transport.
The document determined the time period that applies to the night: from 22:00 (in the summer - from 23:00) to 6:00. Regional authorities received the right to lower the age limit to two years. That is, local law can apply to adolescents under 16 years of age. This document also contains the answer to the question of how long you can walk at age 14.
Similar legislative acts were adopted: Moscow, Leningrad, Tomsk Regions, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territories, Altai Republic, Sverdlovsk Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Rostov and Ulyanovsk Regions, Krasnodar Territory, Amur Region and other regions.
Current legislation
Currently, curfew is valid in all subjects of the Russian Federation. Local laws prescribe night hours when you cannot be on the street without parents or other legal representatives. A more specific age gradation is discussed. So, a child under 7 years old at any time can not be on the street and in public places. And until the age of 14, children are required to return home before 21:00 in the winter and until 22:00 during the summer holidays.
How long can a teenager walk at age 14? For them, the bar drops to 22:00 in winter and to 23:00 in summer. The Moscow Regional Duma initiated a curfew at the federal level, but there is no such legislative act. The State Duma did not support the idea, citing the fact that there was no martial law in the country, and this law would violate the country's constitution.
Parental responsibility
Local law prescribes punishment for breaking the law. Responsibility rests with the legal representatives: parents and guardians. If the staff of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs (hereinafter - the CLC) or the police see the child at the wrong time or in the wrong place, they must call his parents. If it is not possible to do this, authorized persons must accompany the minor home.
If the children cannot tell their place of residence, and it is not possible to establish the whereabouts of the parents, they are placed in a specialized children's institution - a shelter or rehabilitation center.
A protocol is drawn up for parents for improper upbringing, on the basis of which the case is dealt with in the CPA. After explaining the situation, the legal representative of the minor is either warned or fined. The decision depends on the degree of guilt of the parents. If we are talking about a teenager, adults will once again be explained how long you can walk on the street at the age of 14.
The amount of the fine is in the range from 300 to 1000 rubles.
The desire of adolescents for independence
There are times when parents cannot influence their child. 14 years is a special time. A teenager receives a passport, having the ability to change his first name, last name or middle name. For a number of articles, he is subject to criminal liability, which makes him feel like an adult. And you can open a deposit, make household transactions and create electronic wallets at the age of 14. How long can you walk a completely independent, as he himself believes, teenager? Very often, he begins to rebel and ceases to obey adults. Many begin to cunning, asking for a visit to peers who have no parents or work on the night shift to uncontrollably be on the street until late at night.
What to do? Intimidate, control, scandal and punish? Practice shows that family quarrels lead to minors leaving home, after which parents are forced to put on the wanted list, worry and worry, without achieving a result.
There is only one way out - to be guided by the law, but at the same time create your own rules for staying on the street.
Family rules
The main condition is their development together with the teenager, so that he has the motivation to follow the rules. It is possible to specify special days of relaxation of the regime. It can be holiday dates, holidays, etc. So, the question often arises if there are children 14 years old - how long can they walk on New Year’s, for example? There are no exceptions to regional legislation, curfews apply to this day. But parents can stipulate a situation where a teenager can walk longer under the supervision of an older brother or allow him to celebrate the holiday in the company of peers, accompanying him personally.
We have already examined the question of how long you can walk in the summer at the age of 14. Until 23:00. But in small towns or villages on vacation, the guys want to meet the dawn, go fishing or just chat on a bench in front of the house outside this time. Prohibit or not? Solve only to parents.
And if they agree to ease the regime, they must develop conditions under which being a teenager on the street will be as safe as possible. A son or daughter should:
- To be constantly in touch with a charged phone.
- Clearly pronounce your route, avoiding dead spots, abandoned construction sites and garages.
- Provide contacts of friends with whom they spend time.
- Follow safety guidelines. For example, do not use passing vehicles, etc.
Children must be made aware of the law. Not only how long you can walk at age 14, but also how to properly act law enforcement officers when detaining minors. And legal representatives must be notified of this fact in the first place.
The growing up period is difficult not so much for parents as for adolescents themselves, whose values and worldviews are just beginning to take shape. They can not always adequately assess the consequences of their actions, so parental control at this age is necessary.