
Record in the workbook in combination: sample. Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. "General Provisions on Concurrent Employment"

It is currently very difficult to surprise someone with additional work or part-time jobs. But it is one thing when a person earns money informally, and another when the second job is part-time work. Is it necessary to formalize an employee officially? How to record in part-time workbook? A sample of documents and all the nuances of registration will be discussed later.

Letter of the law

A work book form is that document that contains all the information about the official work of a person, that is, when calculating a pension, he plays a paramount role.

general provisions on part-time work

But according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if in addition to the main place a citizen has a part-time job, it is not necessary to make an additional earnings record in the workbook.

There are several situations:

  1. A person takes additional work part-time at his main workplace (in this case, they talk about internal part-time work), and then making an entry into the work is not a problem.
  2. A person finds additional work in a third-party organization (external combination), and then the recording can be done at the request of the employee.

Types of combination

So, there are several types of combination:

  • external;
  • internal.

Their main difference in the labor activity of the employee. With external part-time job, the citizen additionally works in another organization, with internal part-time work in the main company, but with an additional position. General provisions on part-time work allow an employee to have an unlimited number of employers, unless otherwise provided by law.

Record in labor can be made only at the request of the person himself. In this case, the basis is any document proving the presence of another work.

Internal combination

In order for the employee to make a record of internal part-time work, you need to make a statement addressed to the employee who is in charge of maintaining and storing labor. It should indicate your request, as well as put a number and signature.

Based on this statement, the employer signs an order to enter information on the employment form. Work on internal part-time activities does not involve the submission of documents from an employee, since all the necessary information is in the organization.

part-time work

The entry is made according to the established algorithm. The position of the internal part-time should follow after the indication of the main place. In the third column, it is necessary to indicate the name of the organization, the name of the position indicating that it is part-time, and in the fourth - the name of the document-basis.

An additional agreement on internal part-time employment can be attached to the employment contract. Moreover, it should not take much time from the main labor activity.

Outside employment

The legislation does not prohibit a citizen from working in several organizations at the same time, but one place should be the main one, and the other should be part-time work. Record in the work book during external combination is done after the submission of the main work of supporting documents. These include:

  • a part-time certificate certified by the seal of the organization;
  • extract from the order signed by the employer;
  • contract of employment.

An entry in the part-time work book, a sample of which is presented below, should be made out in accordance with general rules and legislative norms.

Record in the workbook part-time sample

Do I need a record

As mentioned earlier, the legislation does not fix the mandatory entry of part-time jobs. But its fact, firstly, officially confirms that the employee has a certain work experience, and secondly, in the future it can positively affect possible employment in other companies.

how to arrange a part-time job

There are employers who do not welcome the extra earnings of their subordinates, believing that the second job distracts from their main activity. But if an employee wrote a statement about making an entry into the part-time job, they cannot refuse him.

General rules

Consider a detailed algorithm on how to arrange a combination: external and internal.

In case of internal part-time, an authorized employee must:

  1. Find a part-time workbook and open the page where the information about the employment was entered.
  2. Without stepping back the lines, put down the number in order and date.
  3. In the third column indicate the fact of working part-time in a certain position.
  4. In the last column indicate the underlying document.

The fact that the authorized person does not recede a line from the previous record indicates internal alignment. In this case, do not forget about printing and signatures after making a record.

According to Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the entry in the employment form should contain information that the position of the employee is part-time.

When it comes to outside employment, an authorized person should:

  1. Open the labor page on the page where the last place of work is indicated.
  2. Pull back one line from the record.
  3. Put down the number in order and date.
  4. Indicate the name of the organization where the employee additionally works.
  5. Record the fact of combining jobs in a certain position.
  6. Indicate the details of the order.

In order not to make mistakes in entering the information, the following is an entry in the part-time work book (a sample of filling out a document with additional work in a third-party organization).

part-time work record in the work book

Information is entered into the labor only by an authorized employee, a black or blue gel pen. The employee’s handwriting should be as legible as possible; no entry in the labor entry is intended to be abbreviated.


As art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen can work as a part-time job both with his immediate supervisor and in third-party organizations. Moreover, the number of employers is not limited.

In order for the entry to appear in the labor, the employee must write a statement. In the case of internal part-time work, an additional agreement is signed with the employee, in the case of external part-time work contract. Based on these documents, an order is issued to accept part-time work and an entry is made in the work book.

part-time job order

An employment contract or additional agreement governs the relationship between the two parties and secures the employee’s right to engage in additional work.

How to become a full-time employee

Is it possible to transfer from the main place of work to part-time as a full-time employee? Possible, you just need to observe some nuances. Algorithm with internal combination:

  1. Termination of the employment contract - acceptance. An employee must resign on a common basis and re-enter the same organization for the position that he previously combined. All documents are prepared in one day. This process is not very fond of managers and employees, because, firstly, it is necessary to pay the employee all the necessary compensation, and secondly, the employer can set a trial period.
  2. Transfer. Most preferred option for appointment as a full-time employee. First, the employee writes a letter of resignation for the main position.After the order of dismissal is issued, the authorized person makes an entry in the work book. Further, on the basis of an additional agreement concluded with the employee, he is transferred from part-time workers to full-time employees. An appropriate entry is made in the form.

The algorithm with external combination:

  1. The employee must leave the main place, having drawn up all the documents in accordance with legislative norms. In the work book you need to put a mark on the dismissal.
  2. At work, where the employee was an external part-time worker, an order is issued to change the working conditions that suit both parties. The basis for the order is Art. 72 shopping mall.
  3. An appropriate entry should be made in the employment form.


When an employee continues to work in the main place, but leaves the post where he was a part-time job, a record is made of the termination of work in this position. You do not need to certify this entry.

If an employee wishes to resign immediately from two positions (both from the main and part-time positions), two entries must be kept in the labor record on the termination of labor activity. In this case, the records are certified by the seal and signature of the organization.

There are times when the combined work becomes the main thing for a citizen. What to do in this case? Either resort to dismissal from both posts and then sign a new contract, or quit your main job and become a full-time employee by transferring from part-time jobs.

When dismissing an external part-time employer may encounter some problems. For example, what should I do if such an employee wants to go on a permanent job to the organization where he is a part-time worker? This employee will need to resign from both posts. Next, provide a copy of the order on the termination of employment at the main place of work, where they will make an entry in the work book. And then already get a permanent job in the organization where external part-time work was carried out.

st 282 tk rf

The entry in the workbook concurrently (a sample document is presented earlier) upon dismissal corresponds to the established algorithm for filling out the document.

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