
Substitution - what is it? Position, features of the competition

In any state, there are always citizens who are constantly in search of work. For one reason or another, they are trying to find something better than they are at the moment. And in many companies or institutions, situations arise when an employee can move up the career ladder, take someone's position.

this post is

However, filling a post is a process in which it is necessary to go through some stages, demonstrate indicators of one's own performance, prove one's merit necessary for a given post, etc. However, such procedures may be needed. With what it can be connected? Different enterprises have their own requirements for the candidate, certain conditions and rules. You can study in detail the nuances of this process using this article.

The concept of substitution

What is this concept? Substitution of a post is a way a worker obtains a certain job status, which is formalized through a special appointment. Of course, a worker can acquire such a status both on an ongoing basis and temporarily. It all depends on the conditions that the company offers.

And here the number of options is diverse. An employee may replace an employee who is on vacation, including maternity leave. In addition to this, there are a number of other examples: the main employee retired (retired), he was fired for non-compliance with any rules, etc. And such examples may relate to filling a vacant position in both public service and civil service. Moreover, the substitute employee may be indicated in the documents as an IO or ARIO, where the first abbreviation means “acting”, and the second “temporarily acting”. If such designations exist, then this employee is at this post only temporarily. This means that over time, another person may be assigned to this place.

additional charges

Substitution is a process that can be paid additionally to those who replace. However, this is not always the case. There are cases when additional payment does not occur. Whom does this concern? This aspect, again, may affect the filling of both public service and civil service posts. What may determine the presence or absence of additional payment in such cases?

 post procedure

It's pretty simple. Getting a job, each person signs a series of documents. Among them there is an employment contract, job description, safety training and many others, depending on the institution and position. If the job description states that this employee will replace, for example, the head of the department, then additional payment may well not be accrued. If a person signed this document, then he automatically agrees to such conditions, and can no longer demand material compensation.

Job post

Each institution has its own regulation on the procedure for filling posts. They have not only some similarities with each other, but also differences. This has a fairly simple explanation. The thing is that in different areas and institutions various functions are performed, and job responsibilities also differ. For example, the director of the school and the head teacher have similar functionality, but there are differences in their activities.

Of course, in both cases the activities of the director and the head teacher are aimed at the learning process, but there are questions that only the director of the educational institution can decide. Many institutions try to immediately stipulate the procedure for filling posts in order to avoid negative consequences. After all, the work process should not be stopped or suspended if it is necessary to replace an employee. It is safe to say that all responsible posts have a backup option in the event of a temporary or complete absence of an employee (official).

Lack of special provision

As already mentioned above, in most cases, employees of certain institutions are initially given a document to sign, which stipulates the procedure for filling a particular position. Is a provision on filling a position always negotiated with an employee? There are also known cases when this did not happen. The employee did not sign the corresponding document or it simply did not contain such information. And what to do in this case?

civil service posts

After all, an absent employee must be replaced; without fulfilling someone's duties, various negative consequences can occur. In this situation, there is also a way out. Initially, you must obtain the employee’s consent for a replacement in writing, then draw up the necessary arrangements in a certain way, and finally conclude an appropriate agreement on financial payment for the employee of the functions that he will perform in a new position (in a new position). As a rule, all employees agree to such a replacement. And even if they take a position only temporarily, it will still give them their advantages in the form of the necessary experience, which may well be useful in the future.

Competitive basis

How is the replacement of municipal posts? To answer this question, it is enough to understand that only those who have not received the post by elective way or got it through municipal elections belong to municipalities. For example, a deputy is not a municipal person because he was elected by other elections. And in these cases, there are certain requirements for the person who will replace one or another official.

Here, a significant factor is professional education, the length of service in the municipal position, and the presence of certain skills and qualities necessary for the implementation of the work process in the desired position. Naturally, there can be several candidates, and this is quite a common occurrence. Then a contest is held to fill a position where, according to certain criteria, the most suitable candidate is selected. By the way, in this way you can choose a professional in every sense, and his task will be to show that this choice was right.

Civil Service Competition

Substitution of posts occurs in various labor fields. And in one place or another there is a certain method of selection for the position. Somewhere the requirements are more stringent, somewhere more lenient. Replacing a civil servant position is quite possible, and for this, as a rule, one of several methods is used. These methods include competition, elections, and election.

substitution of municipal

Each of these methods differs in its specificity and selection technique. It is noteworthy that all of them are reflected in the legislative acts of the country. It is worth considering each method in more detail. The competitive basis implies the existence of several candidates who must demonstrate certain indicators of their activity, the level of labor skills and knowledge. The one whose results (indicators) will be higher than the others will occupy the necessary position. Evaluate indicators should a special commission.

Candidate Election

It is worth noting that these methods relate to the filling of public and civil service posts. In other words, high-ranking officials also go through similar procedures. For example, elections. It is absolutely obvious that the post of president of a country is a citizen through the election of the population. The same applies to party leaders, and deputies, and mayors. Naturally, there is an internal system of elections where there is no need to vote the entire population of the country.

There are many examples when a candidate for a position is selected by a smaller vote. It can be either open or secret. This procedure is quite enough to take a position without additional approval. Moreover, such a policy is fixed on the territory of many states and has existed for many years. Each person will respond in his own way about the effectiveness of such a method, and this will already be his personal point of view.

About senior posts

Replacement is a process where election and selection can also be used. Election is a process of selecting from several candidates one specially created collective body of authority. In order to participate in such a procedure, the candidate must have certain signs. Of course, it also happens that there is only one official applicant. In this case, the election procedure is also possible, because there are cases when the candidate does not have certain necessary skills and knowledge.

civil service post

Simply put, a person is not suitable for this position. The next method for filling a position can also be a choice. This method involves the selection of one candidate from among several. It does not always require a public explanation of the reasons, discussion of documents of the candidate, etc. This method is more widely used among senior positions - the choice is applied, as a rule, when electing politicians.

When the tender may not apply

Substitution of civil service posts can also occur in several ways. However, this position can be taken by a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority, owns the state language and corresponds to a certain list of requirements. As a rule, the maximum age at which a candidate can be in the civil service is 65 years. Often, such appointments are either directly appointed or a competition is being held.

If the candidate replaces the leader or assistant for a certain period, then the competition is not held. This also applies to those civil servants who conclude fixed-term contracts, are appointed by the Government of the state or the President, are in the personnel reserve, which was formed based on the results of the previous competition. There may not be a need for a competition even in cases when a certain civil service post is replaced, the work of which involves the use of information relating to state secrets. As well as the replacement of posts that belong to the category of junior.

Representation for the position

Competitive selection may occur if the candidate is not included in the above lists, as well as when there is a reduction in civil service posts or when changes are made to the working structure of the state body. Of course, the President does not always select the applicant personally, but there is a need for his appointment. In this case, a submission is formed to the top management for filling a position with one or another candidate.

civil service posts

This is a kind of description of the personal and professional characteristics of an employee who faithfully performed his duties in the previous place. This submission includes information on the person’s income and on his property obligations.Of course, it is necessary to indicate the total length of service in the position held, and the availability of education, and list professional skills and personal qualities. The more information will be indicated in the submission, the higher the candidate's chances of getting this position. Similar procedures occur in almost every institution or company.

Inability to get a position

Probably, many workers would like to take a higher post at one time, get a promotion. But filling a post is a process that cannot always take place for a particular candidate. With what it can be connected? If a candidate takes part in a competition for a certain position, then, for example, there will be a conflict with one of the commission members. This can have a strong impact on the attitude towards his candidacy and entail a denial.

civil servant post

Of course, any candidate has the full right to appeal such a decision, but to achieve a positive result will not work in any case. Even if he appeals the decision and can defend his position, receives this appointment, he will still create an even more powerful conflict situation. In addition, the candidate may be denied to take part in the competition for a number of other reasons: this is a mismatch with qualification and professional requirements, the existence of restrictions for obtaining this position and working directly on it. Of course, in these cases, the candidate also has the right to appeal the decision. However, there are situations when a position cannot be occupied. For example, having an administrative offense that can be seen by any security service, even the smallest enterprise.

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