
CASCO windshield replacement: conditions and terms

Today, there are quite a few car insurance programs, so drivers have a wide selection. One of them is CASCO, which is very popular among many motorists. The policy has a relatively low cost compared to other analogues, for example, motor third party liability insurance, and it can also be issued in any region of the country. What is this document, what types of insurance claims are covered, as well as how the windshield is replaced according to CASCO, we will analyze in detail in this article.

general information

windshield crack

CASCO is a type of compulsory car insurance that guarantees the owner of the vehicle full or partial monetary compensation in case of damage to the car during an accident, depending on the degree of damage suffered. Probably, here everyone will have a completely logical question, namely, what is included in CASCO.

This policy includes the following insured events:

  1. Car accident.
  2. Hit or hit a third-party item.
  3. Rollover vehicle.
  4. Car ignition.
  5. Damage to the body as a result of the fall of any objects (trees, blocks of ice, etc.).
  6. Failure under ice or falling into water.
  7. Hijacking.
  8. Explosion.

It is worth noting that most often drivers are faced with the fact that their windshield is broken on their vehicle. Insurance replacement in this case is also guaranteed.

Damage classification

There are several types of windshield damage.

The types that fall under the category of insurance claims are as follows:

  1. Scuffs.
  2. Chips.
  3. Glass break.
  4. Cracks.
  5. Scratches.

Depending on what damage was received, the price of replacing a windshield may vary. Regardless of this, the policy holder will not have to pay for anything at all, since insurance will cover everything completely.

In which cases compensation is not provided

damaged windshield

You should familiarize yourself with this issue before signing the policy. The payment procedure is described in detail in the insurance contract and is regulated by this document. The types of damage, the repair of which covers the policy, were described in detail above. However, there are a number of cases in which the insurer may legally refuse to compensate the driver for damage.

A windshield replacement according to CASCO is paid by the owner of the vehicle if:

  1. The contract provides for a restriction on this type of repair.
  2. The car was insured only against theft.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you must be extremely careful when signing an insurance contract, thoroughly studying each section of it.

How to determine what insurance case

tree fell on a car

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Free CASCO insurance repair is possible only when the case meets certain requirements.

According to the terms of this policy, the driver may request monetary compensation to eliminate the above defects, subject to the following aspects:

  1. The battle. Regardless of what factors caused the windshield to be damaged, compensation for repair costs is paid in full, including not only the cost of the spare part, but also the work of the craftsmen.
  2. Crack. They can occur as a result of strong changes in ambient temperature or under the influence of many other factors. It is important to understand that the first case does not fall under the category of insurance, so the insurer may refuse to compensate for losses.
  3. Chips.They are small or large when their diameter is more than three millimeters. Depending on this, a decision is made on compensation. CASCO chip repair is possible only in the presence of severe damage.
  4. Scratches. Everything is a bit more complicated here. The insurance company decides to reimburse the cost of repairs only after a special examination. If the scratches are located on the passenger side and do not interfere with the normal viewing of the driver, then the insurance will not cover the glass replacement.
  5. Scuffs. This type of damage is manifested as a result of the natural physical deterioration of the glass due to the work of the wipers, so all repair costs are borne by the owner of the vehicle.

Now you know when the replacement of the windshield by CASCO is paid by the insurance company, in which cases you will not receive any compensation.

Features of repair by insurance policy

windshield replacement insurance

So what do you need to know about this? Each motorist is interested in the question of how the windshield is replaced by CASCO. And this is not surprising, since most drivers over the course of several decades of their experience may never get into an accident and not face an insured event.

To make repairs according to the policy, the following conditions must be met:

  1. If you get into an accident, the first thing to do is call the traffic police to draw up a protocol and officially record the incident.
  2. Contact the office of the Insurance Company and notify him of the occurrence of the insured event within the time period stipulated by the contract.
  3. Submit a claim for damages.
  4. Provide the insurer with a car for technical examination.
  5. Collect a package of necessary documents.

Only by fulfilling these five conditions, you can expect to receive compensation. If at least one condition is not met, the insurer has all legal grounds to refuse compensation for damage.

What documents will need to be prepared

Every driver should know this. If you are involved in a traffic accident that was recorded by traffic police, then the insurance company will need the following documents from you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Driver's license.
  3. Certificate of car registration.
  4. The original policy.
  5. Protocol from the scene.
  6. A document confirming the occurrence of an insured event.
  7. Certificate of accident.
  8. Notice of refusal to institute criminal proceedings.

It is worth noting that, according to the current legislation, the owner of the car is not required to provide any documents from the traffic police if compensation is paid according to a simplified scheme. This condition is clearly spelled out in the insurance contract, so there will be no problems with registration.

Procedure for registration of an insured event

man calls insurance

So, what you need to know about it. CASCO windshield replacement can be carried out in two ways:

  1. The applicant is given in full the amount covering the cost of repair work, after which he independently searches for the service station and replaces the spare parts.
  2. The insurer does everything independently. Most SK cooperate with car repair shops under the contract. This option is beneficial for both parties, since the first saves on insurance payments, and the second gets the opportunity to completely not worry about anything. Obligations are deemed fulfilled after the applicant signs the relevant document. If the owner of the machine doesn’t like anything, then the masters will be required to redo everything.

It is worth noting that according to which option the windshield will be replaced by CASCO in Ingosstrakh or from any other company, the driver decides. There are no restrictions here, but, as practice shows, the majority prefers that the insurer is engaged in everything.

In which cases repair payment may be refused

Let's dwell on them in more detail.Russian law reserves the right for insurance companies to refuse to pay compensation in the following cases:

  • if the damage was received as a result of a case not prescribed in the contract;
  • when the defect is insignificant and does not interfere with the normal viewing of the driver;
  • in the presence of cracks and chips on the windshield at the time of registration of the policy.

All of the above cases are significant in order for the UK to withdraw all obligations to pay monetary compensation. No appeal to the court will help.

What cases does CASCO cover when applying for a hijacking policy?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the most common types of vehicle damage is broken glass. Almost every driver faces this problem. At the same time, many motorists want to save on insurance of their vehicle, therefore, they issue hull insurance exclusively against theft. What to do and what types of repairs can be counted on in this case?

Insurance companies are required to compensate for the following items of expenditure:

  1. The full cost of the spare part.
  2. Dismantling and installation of new glass.
  3. Purchase of a repair kit, without which work cannot be performed.
  4. The cost of additional components provided by the factory for a specific machine model.

In this case, the price of replacing the windshield does not matter, since the insurer is obliged to reimburse the entire amount necessary to eliminate the defect.

What parts are used in the repair process

glass broken in car

This question is of concern to every motorist, but owners of expensive foreign-made cars are especially worried about it, since more expensive and high-quality windshields are installed on foreign cars than their Russian or Chinese counterparts. The answer to it can be found in the insurance contract, which clearly spells out all the conditions for repair and payment of monetary compensation.

If there is no mention of analogues, then you can not worry, because in the process of replacement exclusively original spare parts will be used, which are ordered directly from the manufacturer.

In addition, if branded tinting was installed on the glass, they are required to restore it. If this condition is not met, then the insurer has not provided all of its obligations, so the problem is not considered resolved.

Almost all insurance companies operating on this principle operate officially and in full compliance with Russian law. However, not all insurance companies adhere to this principle, therefore, you should carefully approach the choice of an insurer and carefully study all the conditions for payment of compensation.

What to do if SK refuses to pay damages

As practice shows, a lot of drivers face a lot of problems when trying to get monetary compensation in the event of an insured event. If you are faced with a similar problem or the repair deadline for CASCO is violated, by law you have every right to sue the company. However, first you need to undergo a technical examination in an independent company in order to have evidence of default by the insurer. If you can win the proceedings, then in this case you will receive not only compensation for car repairs, but also reimbursement of all expenses that arose during the trial.

A few words in the end

glass replacement

Unfortunately, Russian legislation is imperfect and it has a lot of holes and loopholes, which is why irresponsible insurers can in every possible way avoid fulfilling their obligations to customers. To prevent this from happening with you, you need to be extremely selective when choosing an insurance company, giving preference to large companies that have long been working in the market and have a reliable reputation.In addition, you should carefully read each paragraph of the contract. If something is not clear to you, then ask managers to advise you in more detail. This will not only save money when applying for a policy, but also time, as well as save nerves.

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