
Closing a bank account: procedure, conditions

Closing a bank account may be performed by a company or individual entrepreneur for various reasons. Most often, the procedure is implemented to change the bank or upon termination of business. To do this, it is important to contact a banking organization directly in a timely manner, and if necessary, notify state organizations and counterparties about changes. By law, any company or individual entrepreneur has the right, at his own request, to terminate cooperation with any bank.

Current Account Concept

It is represented by an individual number in the bank, which is assigned to a particular client by employees of a banking institution. With its help, various monetary operations are carried out.

If the company acts as the applicant, then an on-demand account is opened for it, but for the individual entrepreneur and citizens a limited period is established during which you can use this number.

To open an account, a subscription agreement is necessarily drawn up with bank employees, which is signed by the client. An account is used to conduct business, pay taxes, pay for goods or other purposes. You can withdraw money from it or carry out various operations in non-cash form.

reason for closing a bank account

Grounds for closure

There may be various reasons for closing a bank account. The most common reasons include:

  • liquidation or reorganization of the company;
  • there is a need for various reasons to change the bank, as an organization is selected that offers more favorable and interesting conditions for cooperation;
  • the new owner of the company decides to continue working with his old bank;
  • a change in the legal address of the enterprise;
  • adjustments are made to the legal details of the company;
  • the initiator is a direct banking organization;
  • an appropriate decision is made by the court if the company or individual entrepreneur has significant debts to the bank for various services.

It is allowed to perform this process at any time. As a result of the closure of a bank account, the company may establish cooperation on more favorable terms with the new bank. This is due to the fact that different banking institutions do charge significant amounts of funds for services from their customers.

closing a bank account

Main conditions

The procedure for closing a bank account in a bank is considered quite simple, but for this it is important to remember some important conditions. These include:

  • the process is carried out only by a representative of the company with the right of first signature;
  • it is required to prepare many documents in advance;
  • it is important to notify the FTS about changes.

Additionally, the requirements of a particular bank are taken into account. For this, the contents of the existing contract are preliminary studied.

What documents are needed?

Documents for closing a bank account are presented in the following forms:

  • passport of a company representative or direct individual entrepreneur;
  • an agreement on the basis of which the registration of the record with the bank was carried out;
  • a checkbook, if used by the company;
  • seal of organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the USRIP, and it must be obtained within a month before contacting the bank;
  • an order based on which a specific employee of the enterprise is appointed responsible for the process;
  • the protocol of the founders, drawn up as a result of the meeting at which the company was liquidated or reorganized;
  • the decision of the owners to terminate cooperation with a particular bank.

Other documents may be requested if necessary.

bank opening account closing

When is the bank the initiator?

Closing a bank account may be initiated by a direct banking institution. There may be the following reasons:

  • revocation of a license from a bank;
  • the company or individual entrepreneur does not use his account for two years, therefore, during this period of time, no payment transactions are recorded;
  • bank liquidation.

If the bank is the initiator of the termination of cooperation, then he must notify the client two months in advance of the termination of service.

Process cost

In most cases, banks do not charge any fees for this procedure, but it is necessary to clarify this information in the accounting records of the organization.

Some institutions charge about 500 rubles for this service.

how to close

What actions are performed with the balance of funds?

When preparing the application, the entrepreneur or company representative independently indicates what actions should be performed with the money left on the account. Cash may be issued to the applicant in cash or transferred to another account.

The Bank does not have the right to misappropriate this money.

Bank account closing procedure

Closing an account is actually quite simple. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • a decision is made by the management of the enterprise or direct IP on the termination of cooperation with a particular bank;
  • the necessary documentation is collected, which is transferred to the employees of the organization;
  • a competent statement is prepared, for which you can use the free form;
  • based on these documents, the bank management ceases servicing;
  • the money left in the bank is transferred to the applicant in a convenient way.

The procedure is usually carried out within a few days, but often takes longer if the company previously often carried out various monetary transactions on the account.

application to the bank for closing a current account

Application Rules

An application to the bank to close a current account is simple enough. It includes the following information:

  • details of a company or individual entrepreneur refusing further cooperation with a banking institution;
  • number of a previously concluded contract;
  • grounds for termination of service;
  • checkbook number;
  • the number of checks used by the account holder during the business;
  • Date of preparation;
  • Signature of the entrepreneur or his representative.

Based on this document, the bank account is closed. A sample of such a statement can be studied below.

account closing process

Do I need to notify state authorities?

It is not required for the entrepreneur or the owner of the company to independently apply to different state institutions to notify that cooperation with a particular bank is terminated. Therefore, no notifications are sent to the PF or the Federal Tax Service, since it is the banking organization that must deal with this process. Previously, each company had to independently notify government services of a change of bank within a week after closing the account.

It is advisable to notify counterparties of such changes so that in the future there will not be various disagreements or problems associated with errors in money transfers.

Can a bank disagree with termination of service?

Closing a current account with Otkritie Bank is carried out in the same way as terminating cooperation with any other banking institution. The Bank cannot in any way create obstacles for its customers, therefore, upon request, closes the account.

The procedure can be performed at any time, but the bank may require the client to receive advance notice and return of previously taken loans.

Bank account closing sample

Nuances for IE

If the account is closed by an individual entrepreneur, then the steps are performed for this:

  • an extract is requested for all accounts opened in the bank;
  • repaying existing debts to a banking institution related to issued loans or payment for services;
  • an application is submitted on the basis of which cooperation is terminated.

Although the application may be in free form, it is advisable to use forms issued by bank employees to clients.

closing a bank account documents

How to make sure account closure?

After submitting the application, it is the bank’s employees who are involved in the actual closure of the account. To make sure this process is completed, it is recommended that you request a special certificate from your organization. It contains information that the account has been closed.

In addition, the head of the company or individual entrepreneur may try to use online banking, since if cooperation was terminated, then simply cannot get into your personal account.

procedure for closing a bank account


Closing a current account in any bank is quite simple. The process can be implemented for various reasons. For this, it is important to correctly compose a statement and prepare other documents that are transmitted to the employees of the institution.

The Bank cannot create any obstacles for its customers. The organization may charge a small fee for such a service.

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