
Growing fish in pools. Artificial fish pools

In the modern world, everything around is developing rapidly. Creating aquaculture for business is an important industry. Breeding fish in artificially created reservoirs is the most intensive way. Read about it in this article.

How to breed fish?

Each person who decides to try his hand in this area should get acquainted with the main methods of fish farming. There are three most popular ways to grow aquatic inhabitants:

  • In the pond. The least risky method, implying an almost complete absence of any expenses. You can use both a natural body of water, which are many in our country, and create your own, convenient and functional.

Growing fish in pools

  • Cage way involves the use of natural water areas. However, care must be taken to have a floating cage filled with fry. If you place it where the environment is warm, then individuals will grow all year round.
  • Fish growing in the pools allows you to fully regulate the process of breeding individuals. In addition, a person has the right to independently choose the materials, form, location of such a structure.

How to breed fish using pools?

Each manufacturer is trying to quickly create new products. Since there are a large number of ways to grow fish in artificial ponds, you need to understand what they are. So, both fry and adults are bred in two ways:

  • In water recycling systems, in short - OWL.
  • In installations of closed water supply, or ultrasound.

It doesn’t matter which one is used to develop aquaculture as a fishing industry. A necessary component of either of the two systems is the pool, which will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

Artificial fish pools are used for business. They have both disadvantages and advantages. For example, their positive qualities include such features as full automation of any processes, freedom to choose where the system will be located. In addition, you can create the most convenient structure and use it in the most efficient way, namely to occupy the entire body of water, eliminate unnecessary expenses and create good conditions for residents of the aquatic environment.

Artificial fish pools

However, there are several drawbacks that can make fish farming as a business more costly. Before equipping the pool, it is necessary to install a pump station next to it. Still, these structures are cut off from natural bodies of water. You also need to take care of the treatment facilities, because the water will not carry all the dirt out of the pool.

Thus, raising fish in pools requires upfront costs. All this makes the cost of finished products more expensive. As a rule, fish grown in such structures is one and a half times more expensive - this is evidenced by statistics.

What kind of fish is grown in the pools?

Since it is not always costly to grow fish in pools, not all species of aquatic inhabitants are bred in such systems. Typically, such structures are used for sturgeon and salmon, as these species are expensive.

Fish farming as a business

In order for the number of individuals not to decrease, it is important to correctly calculate the density of their distribution. Everything must be done so that the productivity of the fish, no matter how fast the water exchange is, is at least twenty kilograms per cubic or square meter.

What should the pool be made of?

Growing fish as a business depends on many factors. In particular, the material from which the pool is made is the basis of successful activity. So, the strength of the structure, its features and characteristics are determined precisely by the material.

Fish farming equipment

The most popular are metal and plastic. Choosing the first in order to create good equipment for growing fish, you need to be prepared for the fact that a number of difficulties will arise:

  • Firstly, it is expensive. The costs will be not only for the purchase of material, but also for the repair of the pool.
  • Secondly, it is often necessary to carry out structural repairs for the purpose of prevention.
  • Thirdly, changing the configuration of the pool is very difficult and costly.

All the negative aspects of using metal as a material for creating pools make plastic a very popular material.

What should be the shape?

Plastic is such a material that allows you to implement a project of any shape. So, many people use round, rectangular, oval, square, hexagonal pools. It is important to choose the design of the correct form, because a lot depends on this, for example:

  • Pool cleaning.
  • The state of the aquatic environment.
  • The density of the fish.

What should be the surface?

What qualities the surface of the pool possesses affects the life of the fish within it. The rough walls of the structure are a refuge for many harmful bacteria and microorganisms. At the same time, a smooth surface is easily cleaned not only with plain water, but also with chemicals. The fact is that this material is not subject to destruction as a result of reactions. This is another reason why fish farming in pools remains one of the most popular ways.

What should be the strength?

In order to ensure the safe operation of the pool, it is necessary to make its design as robust as possible. This parameter can be calculated, taking into account all the factors that can affect the strength.

Fish farming

So, fiberglass pools are least affected by various damages. They are reinforced by additional ribs, which make them rigid, mounted frame elements. Their availability depends on the volume of fish breeding in them.

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Dmitry Yakovlev
Simeon AquaBioTechnology.
We will help to realize the project of fish farming in the pools.
Your detailed explanation helped me a lot, thank you.


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