
Medical categories: assignment procedure, allowances. Doctor certification

Various categories are assigned to specialists who have the appropriate level of training in theoretical terms, sufficient skills in practice and a certain length of service. Let's consider in this article how the assignment of medical categories is carried out.

Doctors are to some extent interested in obtaining qualifications. The higher the category of specialist, the more prestigious his work will be. Thanks to professional qualifications, it will be easier for him to get a position in a health care facility. The material side also plays a significant role. A good increase in salary is guaranteed by a qualified specialist.medical categories

What categories are there?

Depending on the skills of the doctor, the following medical categories are distinguished:

  • the second - at least 3 years of experience for specialists who have higher and secondary vocational education;
  • the first - at least 7 years of experience for specialists who have higher professional education and at least 5 years of experience for specialists with STR (secondary vocational education);
  • higher - not less than 10 years for specialists with higher professional education and not less than 7 years for specialists with open source software.

Medical categories are awarded in the following sequence: 2nd, 1st, highest.

Conditions that a manager must create

The head of the organization provides the conditions for the specialist, namely:

  • facilitates the submission by a specialist of documents on his qualifications;
  • interacts with the commission for certification of professionals with a view to obtaining a certain qualification category;
  • submits to the certification committee information on the number of specialists who work in a medical organization and have passed the qualification category process, as well as specialists who want to certify the qualification category next year;
  • notifies a specialist who seeks to obtain a qualification rank.qualification category

The importance of paperwork

Documents that are included in the package for obtaining a medical category must be properly drawn up and fastened.

Papers for the contest are sent to the commission by mail, as well as directly by an official who has committed to interact with the certification committee.

To preserve the previously assigned qualification category, the specialist submits papers to the certification commission no later than 4 months before the expiration of the qualification period. If you send a set of documents later than the above period, the exam date may be appointed after the expired qualification period.

Obtaining a category and additional payments for it may be the initiative of a medical professional, as well as its leader. Typically, discharge lasts for several years. After that, a person who holds the position of a doctor in a health care institution must re-pass certification. When re-submitting documents, a citizen can count on assigning him a higher category.


Additional fees for the category are charged after passing the certification of a doctor. The commission includes an authorized representative of state bodies regulating the receipt of medical services by the population. Under certification is understood an assessment of the skills and knowledge of the employee, which must be necessary in order to provide professional assistance to victims in different situations.medical worker

If the certification is successfully passed by a specialist in the field of medicine, the commission makes a decision on assigning the applicant with the necessary medical category. The above information is published on the official departmental website, after which the specialist has the right to contact the employer to establish a wage supplement. The head of the medical organization without fail establishes an award for the category received for the certified employee. This type of cash supplement should be negotiated in advance, before concluding a labor or collective agreement. If this clause is not in the agreement, then personnel officers and lawyers must draw up an addendum to the contract.

It must be remembered that a citizen cannot get the highest qualification category if he has never been certified before. There is also a time frame when the health worker has the right to submit an application for certification. A person does not lose his discharge even when a break occurs, that is, the failure to provide medical services to the population for a long time.

What is the liability for declining a doctor’s surcharge for a category?

Is it true that medical categories are going to be canceled? About it below.

Each manager is required to pay premiums to the category of doctors. In the event of an explicit refusal, administrative penalties are applied to him. Often it can be fines and compensation for material damage to the employee. If the head of the organization flatly refuses to make the necessary changes, the state auditing bodies raise the question of removing such a leader from his post.

Extra points

doctor certificationThe specialist is awarded points for certain achievements:

  • published textbooks, manuals, monographs;
  • Published articles
  • obtaining a patent for an invention;
  • participation in the symposium;
  • performance in the media;
  • getting a rank;
  • successful defense of the dissertation.

Commission purpose

The main goal of the certification committee of doctors in Russia is to assess the professional skills of a specialist and his ability to perform official duties in his current position. All this helps to arrange personnel with great efficiency, taking into account the level of complexity of the work, relying on the skill and experience of doctors. The consequence is the improvement of the activities of health facilities and the provision of medical services to the population.

The composition of the committee and expert group is as follows:

  • the chairman - controls the work and shares obligations between members of the commission;
  • vice-chairman - in the absence of the chairman performs his duties;
  • secretary - registers incoming documents, is responsible for the formation of materials for the work of the commission, fixes decisions;
  • deputy secretary - performs the duties of the absent.certifying commission

Primary requirements

The main requirements that apply to specialists of the second and first categories:

  • it is necessary to have theoretical training and skills, fixed in practice;
  • the ability to use modern methods and techniques in the field of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation and the ability to use health-improving equipment;
  • the ability to navigate the relevant scientific and technical information, have the skills to analyze qualitative and quantitative indicators of work, draw up reports on the work done;
  • have a duration of work by profession (in position) of at least 3 years (the certification committee will verify this fact);
  • it is necessary to have theoretical preparedness and practical work skills in the professional field and related disciplines;
  • to master the latest methods of diagnosis, prevention, rehabilitation, recovery and own health-diagnostic equipment in the field of ongoing professional work;
  • be able to competently analyze professional performance indicators and find benchmarks in current scientific and technical information;
  • take part in resolving emerging issues of tactics and the formation of professional activities;
  • have a length of service of at least 5 years by profession.assignment of medical categories

Highest qualification category

The requirements for this category are as follows:

  • it is necessary to have high training in terms of theory and practical skills in the field of professional activity, knowledge of interrelated disciplines;
  • use the latest methods of diagnosis, recovery, disease prevention and rehabilitation, have health-improving and diagnostic equipment in the field of practiced professional activity - while the requirements for the highest medical category are much more serious than in previous cases;
  • the ability to give a quality and qualified assessment of the data of special research methods in order to correctly determine the diagnosis;
  • the ability to navigate modern scientific and technical information, apply it to resolve strategic and tactical moments of specialized activities;
  • have a duration of work by profession (in position) of at least 7 years.

How often do you need to pass certification?

Certification of medical workers is carried out once every 5 years. The category that is assigned is valid in the territory of our country from the day the order on its receipt is issued. Specialists have the right to strive to obtain a higher qualification category, but only 3 years after the issuance of the administrative act of assignment. Medical category allowances are paid for the entire period of validity.

Upon retraining, the duration of work on the newly acquired specialization begins its countdown from the moment it begins work in a new category. Federal executive bodies create central commissions in order to certify doctors. Under departments, they are created by the executive branch (federal bodies), Russian academies of sciences, and organizations that have subordinate pharmaceutical and medical organizations. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create territorial certification commissions.medical categories are going to cancel

Terms of refusal to accept documents by the commission

Documents may not be accepted in the following cases:

  • if there are no necessary papers that are needed for the certification committee to analyze the issue of endowing a specialist with a qualification category;
  • Incorrect application or certification sheet of a specialist.

The secretary of the committee, which is responsible for the commission, within 7 calendar days after registration of the documents sends the testee a refusal letter with a mandatory explanation of the reason for the refusal. As soon as these grounds are eliminated, the specialist has the right to send documents for certification of the medical category again.

At the moment, there is no information about the abolition of medical categories.

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