
Freelance employee: concept, features of employment. How to become a freelance employee

A freelance employee is not so rare today. This term refers to a non-state employee. However, a civil or employment contract is concluded with him, and all relations with the employer are regulated by law. True, there are certain features of hiring such employees, and the conditions in their contract are also their own. Which - we will consider in this article.



According to labor law, the term “freelancer” simply does not exist. It has only two concepts - the employee or the employer. A freelancer can be called a specialist who performs work that is not directly part of his official duties.

Each employer has a need for hiring freelance employees. For example, you need a person to provide specific services or a certain type of work. Often these people are hired for a short term, but sometimes freelancers work constantly.

Which contract is concluded?

If an employee is engaged on a freelance basis, this does not mean that it is not necessary to conclude an agreement with him. It can be both labor and civil law. More specifically, refer to one of the following types:

  • A contract for a specific period. It indicates the exact date of completion of work, or prescribes the amount of their implementation, after which the contract can be considered completed. This type of contract is governed by 59 articles of the Labor Code.
  • Seasonal contract. It is close to the previous one, but provides for a specific season of work. Often is concluded for a period of more than 2 months, but if a shorter period is required, the article here is different - No. 45.
  • Concurrently. An employee who is already on the staff of the company can take on additional responsibilities, and then he will also be considered a freelance at the same time. This activity is regulated by Articles 44th and 60th.
  • Civil law. Most often it is concluded if the organization needs a person for work that it is not able to do on its own. Or the staff simply does not have the right specialist.

Freelance rights and obligations: how do they differ from the work of others

Depending on whether the contract is concluded - labor or civil law, there will be significant differences between the tasks of this or that employee.

freelance police officer

Work as a freelance employee with whom an employment contract has been concluded will be practically no different from regular work. In the sense that he can count on the same guarantees and rights provided by law. The employer is obliged to deduct insurance contributions and social benefits for such employees.

When concluding a civil contract, the internal regulations do not apply to an employee. For example, he is not required to pay weekends and holidays, and the length of the working day is not standardized. Nor are social payments and contributions to the Pension Fund made. Accident insurance contributions and other professional nuances may be provided, but they must be discussed individually in the contract.

What you need to know when applying for a job?

In order to save on taxes, an unscrupulous employer can cheat by concluding a civil contract instead of a labor contract. However, you have the opportunity to apply to the tax authorities, and those, in turn, can sue to re-qualify the nature of the documents.

The basis for this decision can be many factors. For example, you work under such an agreement, but you fulfill all the same obligations as full-time employees. Or receive a salary at certain intervals. After all, a civil contract provides for payment upon delivery. Turning to the court, you can achieve recognition of your contract as an official labor.

FSB freelance

In what areas can I work freelance?

You can become, for example, a freelance journalist or manager without much difficulty. But what about more serious posts? There are many examples here. Say a freelance police officer. The average age of such people is 30-35 years, and in parallel they work in a variety of fields, from security guards to company directors.

Why are some so eager to get a freelance certificate and work in the bodies? Everyone has his own reasons. Someone is tired of looking at the riots in their hometown and they just can not pass by if someone needs help. For some, prestige and recognition are more important, although for the most part freelancers are modest people and prefer not to “shine”.

Freelance ID

Responsibilities and Status

The duties of freelance police officers include participation in raids, assistance in obtaining useful information from the investigation and identification of administrative offenses. They protect public order at various events, such as concerts or football matches.

As a rule, a freelance police officer is a volunteer enthusiast. He does not receive a strictly regulated salary, but rightly enjoys the gratitude and recognition of his colleagues. After all, the assistance provided to them is sometimes simply invaluable - largely due to the fact that others simply don’t know what they see in front of them. Therefore, to obtain the necessary information, almost every police station has its own freelance employees.

Freelance Police Officer

A non-staff member of the FSB or the police is able to provide invaluable assistance in solving crimes or instructing rowdy people. However, he has little official authority. The maximum that can be done is to warn the bully by presenting his ID or reporting the offense to colleagues. You can neither detain a person, nor even use physical force.

how to become a freelance employee

Who can get a freelance job in organs?

As a rule, the district police officer offers his acquaintances or trusted people cooperation. But, in principle, everyone can become a freelance and work in the police. It is only important to meet certain requirements.

Before becoming a freelance employee, the prospective candidate undergoes a rigorous test. Its main requirement is the absence of a criminal record and administrative liability, as well as a positive reputation in general. If everything is transparent on this side and does not cause any complaints, you just need to write an application for the “freelance employee” vacancy, enclosing your autobiography. A plus will be the guarantee of the guarantor from among employees of state structures or law enforcement agencies.

After the personal file has been compiled for the candidate and all the data has been verified, he will be invited for a personal conversation and clarification of the goals of the potential employee. It is important to understand whether a person really wants to help organs. After all, someone needs a crust of “a freelance FSB officer” only so that there are no problems with the traffic police, for example.

freelance work

Where to go

The term "freelance employee" on the certificate is of little interest to anyone if you work in a truly prestigious company. The need for freelance employees is in almost all areas. You can get a job at a bank or a publishing house of a reputable newspaper, at a fish inspection, or even at NASA. It all depends on desire, perseverance, as well as the ability to prove that your talents and skills are useful in this industry. Therefore, feel free to contact the employer directly.The rules here are the same as when applying for a regular job resume.

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