
Who is a veteran? Origin, Significance, and Examples

We have great respect for veterans, and this is normal, especially when it comes to war veterans. But the word that we will consider today is, fortunately, not only about military operations. There are labor veterans, sports veterans. In general, any experienced person can be called a veteran of the business with which he is engaged. We will consider the meaning of the word "veteran", its origin and synonyms for it.


Honored Sports Veteran Gianluigi Buffon

There are no special surprises here. The French language gave us this noun. And he, in turn, borrowed it from Latin, where the veteranus from vetus is “old”.

Moreover, when it comes to old age in the veteran sense, the usual time measurements are sometimes canceled. For example, do you remember the movie "Only Old Men Go to Battle"? Everyone was very young there, but they were all “old men”. When a person finds himself in a borderline situation between life and death and endures in it for at least some time, he automatically turns into an old man, and if not by age, then by self-awareness, by experience. By the way, if we talk about Western images of military veterans, then it is worth mentioning Michael Corleone, who was also at war. In other areas of human life for veterans (and this is understandable), time flows in the same way as for everyone else. Labor or sports veterans receive their titles when a certain number of years have passed.


Mexican veteran football team Rafael Marquez

History is history, but we must think and remember about today. For this we need an explanatory dictionary. Let's see in it what is the meaning of the noun “veteran”:

  1. An old, experienced warrior; participant in the past war (high).
  2. Old, honored worker.

Yes, that's right. The only problem is that modern time makes its own adjustments to the concept of a veteran. Now the situation is such that it will be increasingly difficult for people to get the desired title, even if they are aimed by faith and truth to serve in the same place until retirement. A veteran is perhaps something that will be a thing of the past, at least with regard to work in one place or in one profession. Universal mobility and universal mobility take hold of reality, so veterans can be a departing nature everywhere, with the exception of sports and wars.


Young specialist, one who replaces veterans

We understood the significance of the object of study, only details remained unreached. And it is the latter that will complement synonyms for the "veteran":

  • soldier;
  • warrior;
  • retiree;
  • old guard.

Apparently, there are only “military” replacements. In addition, we excluded from the list words that are not very decent and offend the object of study. But, judging by the excluded nouns, not everyone loves veterans, especially if this does not apply to military affairs. On this we are silent. Let the reader himself reveal the secret of the excluded.

Retirement of a veteran is always a very difficult issue. Because, on the one hand, he is the bearer of invaluable experience, and on the other, new generations are advancing, and they need a road.

But why go to those who still want to work? You should not worry about this, because in some areas of life we ​​simply do not have a shift. Therefore, the importance of veterans is difficult to overestimate; they are uncontested. But let's not despair, perhaps the future will bring some changes, and their wind, as you know, "will be kind and gentle."

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