
UDGO on receipt - what is it?

In the housing and communal services receipt, not all columns are clear to payers. We will analyze one of them in the article. What is the VDGO service on receipt? Who provides these services? What legislation do they govern? We will deal with these and other important consonant questions further.

What is it on the receipt?

VDGO - domestic gas equipment. In apartment buildings, the so-called gas pipelines laid from a gas source, their connection to gas distribution networks, to the stopcock, which is located on the branches to the gas in-house equipment.

What does the VDGO mean on the receipt? This equipment includes technical devices installed on gas pipelines, safety and control valves, a gas control system for indoor buildings, apartment-wide, collective gas meters, devices that fix the volume of gas.

For home ownership

WDGO on receipt. What is this for home ownership? Gas pipelines that are located within the land allotment on which this household is located. Gas pipelines laid from the place of their connection to a common gas distribution network to gas-using devices. VDGO here are designed to supply gas to only one and only home ownership.

What is the UDGO in the gas receipt? In relation to households, this equipment includes the following: gas-powered devices, technical equipment on gas pipelines, including safety and control valves, gas meters, gas control systems for indoor gas pollution.

what is gas supply receipts for gas

What is HCGO?

We figured out what UDGO means in the housing and communal services receipt. There is a similar concept - VKGO. Decoding of the abbreviation - in-house gas equipment.

This is the name of the gas pipelines of apartment buildings, laid from shut-off valves located on the branches to the gas in-house equipment, to gas-consuming household equipment that is located indoors.

The VKGO also includes the following:

  • Technical devices on the pipelines.
  • Safety and control valves.
  • Gas contamination control system for living spaces.
  • Apartment, individual gas meter.

Legislative regulation

Decryption of VDGO in the receipt - intra-house gas equipment. Now we will understand what legislative act regulates its installation and maintenance.

Decree of the Russian Government No. 549 (2008) introduced the "Rules for the supply of gas to ensure the domestic and communal needs of citizens." The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 (2009) was also adopted. He introduced the "Procedure for the maintenance and repair of the VDGO".

According to it, responsibility for the state of gas equipment was assigned to citizens. The "Order ..." obliges them to conclude agreements on repair and maintenance of the VDGO and VKGO with the specialized institution on time. The latter, respectively, should deal with the maintenance of gas intra-house and intra-apartment equipment.

decryption of receipts

New rules

Decree of the Government of Russia No. 410 (2013) approved the new "Rules for the use of gas in the field of safety in the maintenance and use of VGGO and VKGO in the provision of public utilities for gas supply."

Included in the receipts is the maintenance of the VDGO. What is it, according to these "Rules ..."? Implementation of a whole range of services and works:

  • Repair and maintenance of this equipment.
  • Dispatch and emergency support.
  • Technical diagnostics of this equipment.
  • Replacement of VDGO and VKGO.

Under the new "Rules ..." only a specialized institution in the Russian Federation is authorized to engage in the maintenance of such equipment.

what does it mean in the housing receipts


WDGO on receipt. What is it? Decryption - intra-house gas equipment.

In the Russian Federation, only a specialized company or organization can service it. This is a gas distribution company that transports gas to the junction of gas distribution networks with gas pipelines that are elements of the VDGO.

Such an organization receives in the prescribed manner access to work, services for technological maintenance, repair work in relation to VDGO, VKGO. It must have an emergency service in its structure.

According to domestic legislation, the maintenance of the VDGO and VKGO is the services and work to maintain this equipment in a state that fully complies with the legal requirements for it.

In their work, specialized organizations rely on the following provisions from the "Rules ...":

  • Procedures for organizing the safe maintenance and use of gas equipment.
  • Terms, procedures, conditions for concluding agreements on repair and maintenance of the VDGO.
  • The degree of responsibility of performers and consumers.
  • Terms, procedures for the suspension of gas supply.
  • The minimum list of required repairs and maintenance of VDGO and VKGO.
vdgo in receipts what is it

Outdoor System Maintenance

We analyze the value of the VDGO in the receipt. Did this graph appear on the receipt? Here we are talking about domestic gas equipment. This column indicates how much you need a specialized organization for its maintenance.

But what is included in it? We turn to the "Procedure for the maintenance and repair of the VDGO in the Russian Federation." It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 239 (2009). Maintenance of this equipment is considered two areas of work.

The first vector is maintenance of the external gas pipeline system. The following are highlighted here:

  • Inspection, bypass routes of external gas pipelines.
  • Maintenance of the mass of disconnecting devices on external gas pipelines.
  • Checking the condition of fasteners, painting of gas pipelines, as well as the presence of cases, their integrity at the places of laying gas pipelines through the internal and external structures of various buildings.
  • Checking the tightness of gas piping connections, fittings with a soap emulsion or instrument method.
vdgo maintenance on receipts

Internal System Maintenance

You can see the VDGO on the receipt. What is it? This abbreviation refers to the intra-house gas equipment.

As for the second vector of its maintenance, here we mean work and services related to internal gas pipelines, gas-using equipment:

  • Conducting a visual check of the compliance of the installation of gas-using devices, laying in the premises of gas pipelines with current regulatory requirements.
  • Checks for tightness of gas piping connections, gas equipment, fittings with soap emulsion, using special devices.
  • Verification of the completeness and integrity of the gas equipment used.
  • Functional checks of valves, valves, lubrication of these devices installed on gas pipelines. If necessary - re-adjustment of stuffing box seals.
  • Checking the presence of draft in the ventilation and smoke channels, the condition of the pipe connections of gas-using devices with smoke channels, the presence of air flow necessary for combustion.
vdgo in receipts appeared in receipts


How is the cost of servicing the VDGO and VKGO established? Specialists here rely on the following regulations:

  • P. 40 of the "Rules ...".
  • Guidelines for the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO. They are approved by the Federal Tariff Service in the Russian Federation. In particular, this is Order No. 269-E / 8 (2013).

As for the prices for services under a contract for the maintenance of such equipment, they directly depend on the quantity, types of gas equipment installed at the subscriber, the frequency, frequency of his inspections, repairs, etc.

These prices should be publicly available on the Internet portals of the provider of similar services, works. And also directly in the price lists of specialists who service gas equipment. Prices for the maintenance of VDGO are also posted on the sites of gas distribution companies.

Conclusion of an agreement

Both repair and maintenance of the VDGO are possible only on the basis of the relevant contract. It is between two parties:

  • Contractor - a gas distribution specialized company that transports gas to the equipment of any customer. She assumes obligations to perform the work agreed upon in this agreement (for maintenance and repair).
  • Customer - a citizen who is the owner of the premises. Also, a legal entity can act as a customer - ZhSK, management company, HOA, etc. An individual entrepreneur may also be a customer.

The initiative to conclude such an agreement is shown by both the contractor and the customer. The initiator sends a corresponding application.

The terms of the contract must not contradict the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the "Rules for the use of gas ...". To sign this agreement, a citizen sends a written application. It necessarily reflects the following:

  • Personal information about the applicant. In relation to citizens it is a full name, place of residence, details of their civil passport. For a legal entity - its company name, legal address.
  • The address of the household, apartment in the apartment building, where the subject of the contract is located - VDGO.
  • The list of equipment that is part of this VGGO.
what do you mean on a receipt

To summarize. VDGO - domestic gas equipment. In addition to it, VKGO stands out - similar, but already in-house equipment. As for such a column in the receipt, it indicates how much it costs for the subscriber to maintain the VDGO by a specialized company. The service is provided on the basis of the relevant contract. It is initiated by both the customer (citizen, legal entity, entrepreneur) and the contractor (specialized gas distribution company).

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