What is quality of life? It can be defined as the degree of a person’s satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, the degree of comfort of both his own, private life, and life in society. According to the definition of the All-Russian Health Organization, the quality of life is the subjective perception by a person of his own position in life in the context of cultural and social values that are accepted in society.
Everyone wants to live well
Of course, improving the quality of life worries every sane person. Anyone wants to live in comfortable conditions, be happy, enjoy, and not suffer. Often people ask themselves the question: "What do I like in life? What would I like to improve?" Each event in our life can have a positive or negative connotation. At present, a person is forced to live by standards imposed from outside. It becomes difficult for him to assess whether this or that event is good for him or is harmful. He finds it difficult to answer a simple question: "What really do I want in life?".
Subjectivity of perception
For example, a mother wants to send her child to additional courses in mathematics. She is looking for a prestigious university, gives a lot of money for classes. With great difficulty, the child is still enrolled in these courses, but subsequently it turns out that it is difficult for the child to cope with both the main program and additional classes. His craving for study is completely lost. Is then such a “good” as taking courses at a prestigious university an improvement in the quality of life, or does it, on the contrary, worsen the conditions of existence? Everyone must give the answer to this question themselves.
Often those events that seem to us to be a source of joy can only bring disappointment. As it often happens, a girl who has dreamed of marrying all her life is disappointed in this undertaking. Having achieved the desired goal, having celebrated a magnificent wedding, she is faced with the realities of everyday life, completely not feeling happy. “It would be better for me to live with my parents,” she concludes. What was supposed to serve to improve the quality of life, in fact, is just another source of difficulties.
Unequivocal harm
However, there are indicators that can be unambiguously assessed. For example, alcohol or nicotine addiction only brings harm. No matter how hard the supporters of the "green serpent" try to justify their actions, in reality such a way of life brings nothing but destruction. No less dangerous is smoking. The number of those who fall ill with cancer due to this seemingly harmless habit is constantly growing. In addition, cigarettes contain a large number of substances that adversely affect the body's ability to withstand various infections. Therefore, the harm from smoking can be indirect, which further exacerbates the situation. There is no question of improving the quality of life here. Health is the first condition that is necessary in order to feel happy.
Main condition
One of the basic conditions for a quality life is safety. If a person lives in extreme conditions, and the only task facing him is survival, then it is difficult to talk about the comfort of existence. Improving the quality of life of citizens is largely the concern of the state. And it is political structures that take responsibility for ensuring that people can live in security, under the protection of the Armed Forces of the country.Only in peace can we talk about building our future, working and living in good conditions.
Increase income
Another important indicator is income. Many dream that one day a huge inheritance will fall on their head. Girls dream that they will meet a rich prince with a millionth bank account. However, an improvement in the quality of life of people by 99.9% depends on themselves. It is foolish to dream of prosperity without any effort. The economic situation in the country is constantly changing. There is an increase in unemployment, then an increase in prices, then a decrease in wages. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself, your strengths and skills. How to increase your income, thereby creating the conditions for improving the quality of life? Consider several options for additional earnings:
- Baby sitting (babysitting).
- Writing coursework for students.
- Opening your own beauty salon.
- Walk the dogs.
- Tutoring.
- Growing aquarium fish.
Financial performance
To calculate the amount of money that is necessary for a quality and comfortable life, you need to include several indicators. Firstly, this is the cost of housing, food, gasoline, the purchase of household items, clothing, money for the rest. It is also necessary to take into account expenses for the purchase of household appliances, study. For a comfortable life you need good nutrition, clothing, education, the ability to attend cultural events. Without all this, it is difficult to say that living conditions correspond to a certain level. It is advisable to have an idea of what the annual amount of expenses will be equal, because incomes can change every month even if a person can work in the enterprise.
After that, a person can understand why else he may need money. As a rule, after taking into account all the expenses required for a comfortable life, people begin to think about the realization of their dreams. Only at this stage does a person have a lively interest in making money. And improving the quality and standard of living is possible only if basic needs are satisfied and you do not need to take care of a piece of bread and pay for utilities.
Education role
Another condition for a quality life is a good education. Without him, in many areas, building a career is simply impossible. Even if a person somehow manages to gain experience in a particular field without a diploma, and works better than his colleagues, most employers will require an education diploma for employment. And even those who have already graduated from a university must still constantly improve their qualifications and improve their knowledge in the professional field. After all, without this, you can work out your whole life in the same position. And without promotion, an increase in income becomes impossible.
It often happens that a person loses his job for reasons beyond his control. For example, in a region where most of the male population works in mines, politics suddenly change and mines begin to close. What to do in this case to an adult who has a family and children on maintenance? There is only one way out - to get a new education. That is why in order to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to create as many opportunities for study as possible, including retraining.
Success is up to us.
But in many cases, education alone is not enough for success. Many graduates of even prestigious universities often earn less than their former classmates, three-year-olds. This is due to the fact that in order to achieve success it is also necessary to have practical intelligence. Many middle-scholars with a sufficiently high intelligence coefficient will go unnoticed forever. The reason for this is the inability to communicate with people, express their opinions, achieve their goals and apply the acquired knowledge in practical life.Therefore, no matter how important education is, the quality of a person’s life largely depends on his own actions.