Now the widespread phenomenon is the sale of trays outside stores. A trailer, car or tent can act as a trading place. Street trading has gained popularity due to the fact that it does not require significant investment to organize the sale process: there is no building, pavilion and all the necessary equipment.
What is street trading?
Street trade is the sale of all kinds of goods on the street in a designated place. Instead of the usual trading place, the seller can have any simple design, which acts as a counter. As a rule, these merchants are not very favored by store owners. And there are a number of reasons for this. The fact is that street trading is not always legal. Well, what kind of owner will like it if a tray with obscure goods suddenly appears in front of his store. After all, every entrepreneur intends to make a profit, and any negative factors can reduce it.
Immediately we want to separate street trading from such a phenomenon when pensioners or peasants sell locally grown vegetables in the city's markets. This category of sellers is usually not too worried about the authorities. Of interest are those entrepreneurs who buy goods at the bases and sell them on trays. Often, such trade occurs unauthorized, without any permits, in violation of sanitary standards.
Penalties for street trading
If you approach the issue from the point of view of the law, you need to understand that you can not engage in the resale of goods in any place you like. The legislation provides fines for those negligent grief-entrepreneurs who seek to violate existing rules:
- The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that it is impossible to carry out illegal trade without state registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The size of the fine is 500-2000 rubles.
- According to the same code, the sale of goods of inadequate quality is not permitted. For such a violation, a fine of 1000-2000 rubles is provided for citizens, and for officials - 3000-10000 rubles.
- Trading in the wrong place is punishable by a fine of 500-1500 rubles. These amounts may vary by region, as the amount of penalties is regulated by local laws.
Who controls street trading?
The city authorities do not like street trading for a reason, because it threatens the road, fire and sanitary-epidemiological situation in the region.
Oddly enough, illegal street trading is sometimes suppressed by those entrepreneurs who conduct legal and legitimate businesses and do not want to put up with chaos.
As for the regulatory authorities, compliance with the rules of street trading is supervised by the SES (Rospotrebnadzor), police, tax and local administration services. Each of these organizations monitors compliance with certain standards. For example, Rospotrebnadzor monitors that the rules of street trading are followed. In case of violation of the rules, the protocol can be drawn up not only by the police, but also by employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. But the legality of business is monitored by the tax service.
How to legalize street trading legally?
If you are not attracted to illegal street trading and you want to draw up all the documents properly, then you need to perform a number of actions:
- The first thing to do is register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or as a legal entity in the Federal Tax Service. This is due to the fact that an individual who is not registered in the tax as an entrepreneur will never be given permission for street trading.
- Next, you should register with the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and the Pension Fund (PF) as an employer if you plan to invite sellers to work.
- The next step is to submit an application to the local administration (trade department) to obtain the appropriate permission to engage in visiting trade. As a rule, in such cases, the following papers should also be attached: a plan for finding a mobile object, a copy of the charter of a legal entity, a copy of a state registration document as an IP, a copy of a tax registration document, a copy of a person’s identification document, a tax certificate, which indicates the absence of tax arrears.
Trade permit
In addition, it should be understood that permits are issued for trade only in places specially designated for this type of activity. There is a special plan for the placement of such retail facilities. It is approved by the local administration.
The application is considered by the commission, which gives an answer within ten days from the date of registration of the document. She can issue permission or refuse it.
In the case of a positive decision, the entrepreneur receives the passport of the mobile object, and in case of refusal, an extract from the protocol indicating the reasons. Failure can be caused by a variety of reasons.
At the beginning of your activity, you should not forget that when selling food products, you must follow all the rules, from the availability of sanitary books and ending with veterinary certificates for meat products.
Equipment for street trading
Perhaps, all the inhabitants of Russia have long been accustomed to the fact that street sales are a trading tent and a folding table. Currently, the range of tents is so huge that novice entrepreneurs can choose the most convenient option for themselves. All of them are quite mobile. The tent is put in a state of readiness for work in a matter of minutes (7-15 minutes). Such lightweight constructions are very convenient, which was the reason for their incredible popularity.
Tents for street trading - this is the best solution for non-stationary trading places. In addition, they are actively used for fairs, campaigns, exhibitions, etc. The task of the tents is to protect the seller from wind and rain. The peculiarity of the tents is that they are made of materials on which advertising images that attract the attention of buyers are easily applied. Tents, as a rule, are made of light metal pipes, which quickly and simply assemble into a single structure.
Without tents in our climate it is impossible to organize street sales.
Street tables
Another indispensable attribute are tables for street trading. Folding structures are simply irreplaceable. Heavy counters are good for permanent places in the markets. Tables for street trading are quite another matter. Lightweight and compact designs should accommodate the entire product range. Their different types are able to withstand from ten to fifty kilograms. Novice entrepreneurs can choose the right option for themselves.
The following requirements are usually imposed on street tables:
- The design should be lightweight, because sometimes the seller himself lays out the entire trading place, which no one helps.
- The table should quickly and conveniently fold and unfold.
- Ease of care.
- Fairly low cost, since expensive designs are not in demand.
- The table must be stable even under maximum load.
The foundation of any design consists of metal parts.Aluminum and steel legs, as a rule, have intersecting elements and are equipped with all necessary fasteners. Many models are equipped with special adjusting mechanisms that allow you to place the countertop horizontally even on uneven ground.
As for the countertops, they are made of light but durable materials that are resistant to dust, moisture and scratches. As a rule, this is plastic, light plywood, wood, less commonly metal.
It is believed that large tables are not very comfortable. But rectangular and square models are the most popular. Oval tables are very convenient because they are devoid of traumatic corners. Many times a day, sellers have to circumvent the structure around the perimeter. Typically, traders prefer to use transformer models, the sizes of which are adjustable.
Vegetables trade
Street trading may have its own nuances, depending on what products or items you plan to sell. As you know, the most popular goods are food. The same direction is in demand in street trading. Not all products can be sold without a room. Perishable foods cannot be kept without refrigerators. This rule should not be neglected, since the sale of such goods is prohibited. But street trading in vegetables is the most common option.
Such a business is quite profitable. Its advantages include constant demand, low capital investment and high profitability. In addition, you can trade not only during the season, but throughout the year.
Of course, in the winter, working outside is uncomfortable, which is an undeniable minus. When you open a point of sale, you need to choose the right assortment of goods. As a rule, the street vending counter is filled with the most popular and least deteriorating vegetables and fruits.
Assortment of fruits and vegetables
Here is a basic list of relevant products: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, garlic, onions, peppers, beets, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, radishes, mushrooms, beans, peas, pumpkin. If we talk about fruits, then among them the most popular: citrus fruits, grapes, apples, pears, melons, stone fruits, berries. You can add greens to the range of tent products: lettuce, parsley, dill, green onions. We have listed only a few items. In fact, the range of products can be much wider.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of stalls with vegetables at every step, such a business is very profitable, since the average mark-up on goods is from 30 to 70 percent. And while the costs of organizing trade are minimal. And the demand for products never decreases.
Ice cream trade
Equally popular in the summer is the street ice cream trade. It can be organized in three ways:
- Stationary stall.
- Refrigerator under an umbrella.
- A mobile refrigerator attached to a scooter or bicycle.
Organizing a stationary stall is very difficult and troublesome. Moreover, such costs for seasonal goods are simply disadvantages. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs, as a rule, choose the last two options. Selling ice cream is incredibly lucrative. Retail margins reach 200%. For the first few hot days in the summer, you can offset all the costs of organizing a business, and then work for profit.
It is for this reason that in summer there are many points of sale of ice cream.
Business features
In order to start trading, you only need to purchase a chest of chests and goods. Modern refrigeration units sometimes work without connecting to the network, since they have autonomous batteries. Experienced entrepreneurs do not recommend taking free lari from ice cream manufacturing companies, as they require to sell only their products, and this is not always beneficial.The high season for a refreshment is not so big, so you need to organize sales wisely.
Ice cream trade is quite promising and profitable. In winter, semi-finished products can be sold in the same refrigerated chests. This means that business can not be stopped in the cold season. Gradually, trading can be expanded, opening up new mini-points.
Street sale of flowers
Street flower trade is another promising area of activity. Some experienced entrepreneurs even organize field sales for two to three days before the holidays.
It can be March 8, Teacher’s Day, etc. To organize the process, you will need a car or just a trading tent, flowers and related materials for decoration. The key to success is the choice of a good passage through which trading will be active.
Instead of an afterword
Street trading has its own characteristics. With proper organization, it gives a good profit. Its main advantage is minimal investment. For its organization, there is no need to hire or acquire premises, receive numerous permits and make repairs. All you need to have is the most necessary equipment (depending on what and where you plan to trade) and the goods that are relevant, in your opinion.