
Types and forms of ownership in the Republic of Belarus. The number of enterprises by ownership in Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is notable for the high rates of development of farming, machine building, and the active construction of transport infrastructure. A significant part of locally produced products is exported.

The main foreign trade partner of Belarus is Russia. Despite the high level of industrial development, the republic is very dependent on energy sources (most of the energy comes from Russia) and, by European standards, suffers from inflation.

ownership forms in the republic of Belarus

Today, as in the days of the Soviet Union, the public sector remained dominant in the economy of the Republic of Belarus. But the forms and types of ownership in the Republic of Belarus are quite diverse.

Ownership concept

Property - this is the relationship between individuals or legal entities, groups of people regarding a thing, object, property, object. In this case, one entity (or several, if the property is cooperative) is related to the thing and is the owner.

The right of ownership is a system of legal norms that fixes the relation of ownership of the means of production and commodity.

Forms of ownership

The owner has three rights in relation to his property: possession, use and disposal. Legislation also compels the owner to fulfill certain obligations regarding property. These include: timely payment of taxes, repair of certain types of property. In addition, the owner bears the risk of damage to his property.

types and forms of ownership in the republic of Belarus

Forms and types of ownership

There are three types of property:

  1. Private propertywhen one entity is the full owner of an item, capital, heritage or property. By the nature of the acquisition, private property is divided into labor property - this is capital acquired through wages, business income and other types of earnings; unearned - this is such a form of property as inheritance, deposit, securities.
  2. Public property - this is such property where the means of production, the results of production and property values ​​are a joint public domain (cooperative, partnership, joint-stock company, joint production).
  3. State property - this type of property implies that the management or disposal of property is carried out by representatives of state authorities.

The configuration of the form of ownership can be modified and carried out by different methods:

  • privatization - it is a property acquired from a state facility by an individual or legal entity;
  • nationalization - a private property as a result of such an action of ownership passes into state ownership;
  • denationalization - return of the state facility to the previous owners;
  • reprivatization - return of the private property to state property (purchase of institutions, land, shares).

History of entrepreneurship in Belarus

The movement of the world economy is based on economic resources (production factors): natural factors, labor and scientific and technical. Together, production factors form the potential of a national or global economy.

Private ownership in the Republic of Belarus

Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Belarus has passed several stages of formation. In 1990, Belarus received the status of an independent state.In the same year, the Law "On Enterprises" and the Law "On the Basics of Foreign Economic Activity" were adopted. The period from 1990 to 1995 can be called the maturation of a new state and a new model of the economy. In 1991, the Law on Entrepreneurship provided great opportunities for individuals (private entrepreneurs) to carry out business activities.

In 1993, Belarus adopted the law "Privatization and Denationalization of State Property", "On JSC, ODO, LLC." And in 1994, a new Criminal Code was developed, which clearly spelled out information about crimes in the field of business

Development of enterprises of the Republic of Belarus

By the beginning of 2003, in the Republic of Belarus there were about 230 thousand economic entities. 74% of enterprises were private, 13% - joint ventures, 6% - agriculture, 2% - insurance companies and banking institutions.

The development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus is difficult. Most businessmen go abroad (most of them move to Russia) or to the informal sector. A number of reasons why entrepreneurial activity is developing in the republic is very difficult, includes:

  • lack of start-up capital for most entrepreneurs;
  • complex registration of activities, bureaucracy;
  • high taxes deprive businessmen of income (income tax is 18%, insurance premiums for employees - 34%, insurance against accidents - 0.6%, etc.);
  • administrative barriers - different types of regulatory and administrative documents that contradict the basic laws of the Republic of Belarus.

Types and forms of ownership in the Republic of Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus there are various legal forms of enterprises. Enterprises are divided according to:

  • forms of ownership;
  • the number and composition of the founders;
  • rules for creating the authorized capital;
  • degree of responsibility;
  • rights and obligations of the owner.

ownership forms of enterprises in the republic of Belarus

The number of enterprises by ownership in Belarus involves three types of property:

  1. Private enterprises - this is a type of property that belongs to an individual or legal entity. Private forms of ownership in the Republic of Belarus may include houses, apartments, cottages, vehicles, personal items.
  2. State ownership may be communal or republican.
  3. Fractional (general) is such a form of property when two entities own property so that the value of an object is divided into two equal parts.
    The legislative framework.

What forms of ownership are recognized by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus? The state provides and recognizes the same rights for all types of property and protects them by law.

Violation of property rights

When property rights in the Republic of Belarus are violated, the need for protection arises. Violation can be of two types:

  • deprivation of the owner of the property;
  • interference with the use and disposal of property to the owner.

In the first situation, the owner can sue for the seizure of property from another person by the right of illegal possession. In the second, the owner has the right to sue to remove obstacles to the use of his property. In a lawsuit to seize property from a stranger or illegal owner, two facts are established:

  1. Conscientious purchaser. Sometimes it happens that when buying property, the acquirer did not know that he was acquiring property from a person who did not have the right to dispose of the property.
  2. Unfair purchaser. In this case, the acquirer knew that he was illegally buying property, but he acquired it. From such an owner, property is always returned to the rightful owner.

Property shall be returned from a bona fide purchaser in such cases:

  • if this property was received free of charge (for example, as a gift);
  • if the property was lost, went out of possession against the will of the rightful owner or was stolen.

what forms of ownership are recognized by the legislation of the republic of Belarus

In other situations, the property remains with the bona fide purchaser. True, special rules apply to cash and securities. From a bona fide purchaser, they cannot be taken.

Formation of a variety of patterns of ownership in Belarus

A variety of property classes develops during the process of denationalization (changes in state ownership to other types) and privatization. The formation of state ownership includes republican and communal (municipal):

  1. Republican property is a relation to property that belongs to citizens of the Republic of Belarus. The objects of such ownership are land, airspace, forests, ponds and all the country's natural resources. The property of the republican government and administration includes: institutions, the republican budget and other facilities that ensure the economic independence of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Communal (municipal) property - this is the attitude to property that belongs to associations of citizens living in the district, regions, and is shared by them. Users can be residents of the respective territories, and the objects are agriculture, housing and communal services, institutions.

Forms of ownership of enterprises in the Republic of Belarus

The main difference in the legal forms of the republic is the number of participants and the size of the authorized capital of legal entities. Commercial forms of ownership in the Republic of Belarus can be created by law in the form of limited liability companies, open and closed joint-stock companies, additional liability companies, production cooperatives, private unitary institutions.

ownership forms in Belarus

Employment by ownership

Forms of ownership in Belarus determine employment. Today, 40% of the population of the Republic of Belarus is employed in state-owned enterprises. Since independence, the rate has been steadily decreasing.

The number of enterprises by ownership in Belarus is determined by the employment of the population in various types of industries and in private entrepreneurship (employees who work at private entrepreneurship are taken into account). If in 1995 the percentage ratio of people working in state institutions was 59.8%, then in 2011 this ratio dropped to 43.8%, and in 2016 it became 40.1%.

At that moment, when the percentage of employment of people in state enterprises was decreasing, the percentage coefficient of employment of the population in private ownership increased. Back in 1995, the number of private enterprises was 40.1%, and by 2011 it had increased to 54.1%. According to data for 2016, the percentage of the population on employment in private ownership was 56.4%.

number of enterprises by ownership in the republic of Belarus

Mixed property (with foreign participation) has been growing upward since the country's independence. If in 1995 the ratio was 0.5%, then already in 2016 it reached 6.4%.

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