The rules and regulations of the internal regulations at the enterprise are considered the most important part of the labor process. The manager or director must use the work of employees, ensure discipline, and keep records. To fulfill the obligations, the employer must approve the shift, schedule, and norms within the organization.
It is also important to create a time sheet. Filling out will be a prerequisite, because the document takes into account the number of shifts and is the primary documentation of the organization.
Form Features
The form indicates the departure and arrival of the employee. In fact, T-12 and T-13 are the first forms of accounting. The first is used for automated control, if the organization has a turnstile, and the second for manual filling of the time sheet. Such documents are used to exercise control over employees who are required to comply with the labor regime. In the time sheets there are items that indicate the number of working hours. Each organization provides a clear procedure for maintaining primary documentation.
An example of filling out the time sheet is presented below. It includes such items:
- Working out. This paragraph indicates the working hours and days for the month. Then this information is summarized.
- Information for the salary. The development of time and days is divided into costly code designations, on the basis of which payroll is calculated.
- Absenteeism. Such data are indicated on the basis of documents confirming the reason for the absence. Temporary, daily absenteeism is broken into code symbols.
Sample filling T-13
Accounting for information on hours worked is carried out through constant registration in the form. T-13 is used only in the control system, which is automated and modernized. The time sheet is tailored to technology that processes information. The sample fill form T-13 shows us a table with the following data:
- requisite information in which the department is indicated in advance, full name, qualification, employee number;
- the first cells indicate the time spent and worked;
- subsequent columns are informational about the results of the work;
- at the end points, absenteeism, the total number of shifts, days off, are entered.
Latest Information filled in at the end of the reporting period. The correctness of filling the time sheet ensures the implementation of the set of rules established by the head.
What is the form for?
Forms are created for statistical timing for the purpose of payment. Accounting is carried out at the time of work. The term hours of labor should be understood as the period when the employee is at the place of work and carries out activities. This indicator is sometimes modified. For example, when a person works overtime.
Time accounting is compiled on the basis of mining, processing and flaws (transaction, overtime, part-time, business trips). Working time begins from the moment the employee arrives at the place of work and ends when he is actually relieved of his duties. Moreover, these circumstances are provided for by the instructions of the tenant and the internal routine. Preparation, main activity, completion of tasks and assignments - based on these data, a time sheet is filled out. This does not include time for:
- travel;
- dressing up;
- registration.
Some difficulty filling
If there is a downtime when the employee carries out other tasks, then these works are not included in the form, and additional one-time orders are issued. An intra-shift shutdown is considered a five-minute delay in production.
The working days are normalized, formed on the basis of weekly and shift hours, taking into account the limitations of labor legislation. Standard working weeks amount to 40 hours, and under harmful conditions - 35. Before the holidays, work is reduced. If such conditions cannot be provided to employees due to production, then it is necessary to add one day, taking into account processing. Night work reduces the number of working days per week. If under the contract the employee works according to the reduced principle, then these rules do not apply to him. Also, you can not reduce productive time with the continuity of production relations or night shifts.
Summarized Accounting Principle
The report card shows the arrival and departure, as well as the absence of the employee. However, at some enterprises it is not possible to introduce the accepted form due to the continuity of production relations or certain categories of employees. In such cases, it is necessary to keep track of attendance on a summarized basis.
The summarized accounting principle is created internally; legislative and established bases are not applicable in this case. In addition, a similar report indicates that, depending on the situation, working hours can change up or down. Defects, processing are summarized within the reporting period and will be equal to the internal routine of the organization. Given that the standard principle is calculated on the basis of the code, in this situation, working time will be calculated in the process. Accounting based on the summarized principle does not imply violations of the general rules.
Who fills the time sheet
The document is filled out by a specific specialist. In practice, it is customary to introduce conditional characters on the cover pages of the form. The hours worked are taken into account on the basis of the entire enterprise or its structural divisions. Usually, an authorized person is responsible for compiling the time sheet. The following information shall be indicated and marked in the form:
- being late;
- downtime
- Overtime
- hours and minutes of mining, etc.
The days when employees are not working are also taken into account, they indicate the following:
- performance of other duties;
- business trips;
- illnesses;
- vacation;
- absenteeism;
- absenteeism;
- weekends.
Features of maintaining and filling books and forms
In the book of accounting of working hours, the sample of which is in the public domain, there is an instruction for its maintenance, and also the position of the one who fills it is indicated. The report card is kept in single letter designations. If an employee is suspended from official duties due to intoxication, then the form will indicate the actual work until suspension. If the employee does not appear for no reason, the code value “PR" is entered in the form.
If the employee was determined to work an incomplete schedule, this should also be recorded. Donors and those who have impaired health should be considered with specific designations. The days of holidays at their own expense are also entered into the form as the actual development or shortage. A simplified form of the time sheet is provided by individual entrepreneurs or under an employment contract.
Symbols for keeping records
Symbolic values of the form:
- I am the days and hours;
- N - night shifts;
- RP - holiday;
- C - overtime;
- K - business trip;
- CX - agricultural absence;
- O - vacation;
- DPO - additional incentives in the form of time off;
- Y - weekend due to exposure;
- UD - an abbreviated form of work;
- UBZ - radiation, vacation without payment;
- P - pregnancy, childbirth;
- ОЖ - childcare;
- G - failure to appear due to government orders;
- MS - fees;
- MO - failure to appear, due to being in a medical facility;
- D - donors;
- LO - social weekend;
- GB - disaster management;
- DM - an additional output;
- GS - court;
- FROM - days off under the collective agreement;
- B - disability;
- T - unpaid disease;
- X - quarantine;
- A - domestic problems;
- OA - the initiative of the employer;
- OAD - not worked hours;
- In - holidays.
A sample of filling the time sheet shows us that there is nothing complicated in its jurisdiction. The main thing is to carefully fill out all the points.