Some people cannot have native children, while someone is engaged in charity work and helps others. Such persons often adopt children. This is a crucial step, which not everyone is ready to agree to. Today we will study the certificate of adoption, as well as the procedure for obtaining it. Achieving the desired goal is not easy. Therefore, below we consider all the nuances and features of taking a step-child into the family. What should everyone remember?
Adoption is ...
The adoption certificate in Russia is issued after the procedure of the same name. But what is she like?
Adoption - the procedure for taking a non-native child into a family for education. In fact, adoptive parents become legal representatives of a minor. All parental rights will be transferred to the relevant persons.
The mentioned powers are confirmed by a certificate of the established form. We will be puzzled further by her study. Unfortunately, taking a child into the family is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to observe many conditions and nuances.
Description of the document
What does the certificate of adoption look like? A sample of this paper is provided below. Outwardly, it resembles a certificate of divorce or marriage.
Statements of adoption - the main documents confirming the parental rights of adoptive parents. Used paper like a birth certificate. The study statement indicates information about adoptive parents and adopted children. Here you can also see data on the registering authority and the date of the operation.
What information is written in the adoption certificate? The form of this paper is approved at the legislative level.
In the documentation you can see:
- F. I. O. adoptive parents;
- F. I. O. adopted;
- date of taking the child to the family;
- information about the registering authority;
- last name to be assigned to the minor.
Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. In fact, a certificate of adoption is not much different from certificates of birth, death or marriage / divorce.
Where to get
Which authorities issue the studied extracts? There is no definite answer. This is due to the fact that the corresponding service can be provided in various bodies.
For example, you can request an extract on the adoption of a child in the family through:
- MFC;
- Registry offices;
- single window services.
If desired, everyone will be able to draw up the relevant documentation through the "State Services". But you still have to pick it up at the previously indicated registration authorities.
Adoption Terms
As we have already said, the procedure for accepting a minor into the family gives citizens a lot of trouble. Without it, a certificate of adoption cannot be requested. Registration authorities will simply have no reason to issue documentation.
Not every citizen can act as an adoptive parent. In order to have a chance of taking an unborn child into the cell of society, it is required:
- to come of age;
- be fully capable;
- have a decent income and an official job;
- have a good biography;
- have a difference with the adopted at least 16 years;
- not have problems with law enforcement agencies (criminal record);
- do not suffer from addictions;
- provide suitable housing for the potential adopted.
That is, if a person is law-abiding and wealthy, there should be no problems with adoption. Nevertheless, it is often precisely the level of income and square meters that does not allow a citizen to take an unborn child into the cell of society.
Important: at the time of applying for the service, a person should not be deprived of parental rights.
You can adopt a spouse's child from a previous marriage. This requires the consent of both legal representatives of the minor.
Where to look for a child
Many are interested in where to turn for help with adoption. The answer to this question depends on the circumstances. Baby House is one of the organizations in which children without parents live. It usually picks up babies and newborns for further placement in families.
Orphanages are another place where a person can be helped with finding a child for further adoption. Here, as a rule, are children of an older age. In such institutions, grown up babies are transferred from baby homes.
In addition, you can sometimes find a minor in maternity hospitals. Some medical organizations have special wards where newborns are left. It is not necessary to wait for their transfer to the orphanage - you can find "your" baby in the maternity hospital.
Important: if desired, adoption of children from past marriages is allowed. This is a more difficult operation. We will not particularly focus on it.
How to carry out the procedure
The child adoption certificate is issued only at the very end of the operation of the same name. Therefore, you first have to prepare for adoption.
In general, the instruction for translating ideas into reality has the following form:
- To form a package of documents for adoption. It is quite extensive, we will familiarize ourselves with its components later.
- Contact the orphanage or baby home with an application for the selection of a child for adoption in the family. The request will resemble a form.
- View the proposed results. At this stage, it is recommended to study children's documents and information about the minor.
- Get to know a potential adopter. Ideally, take your time and make contact.
- Submit a request to the orphanage / baby's house for adoption. The application will be submitted to court. This is a required operation.
- Participate in judicial debates involving guardianship authorities.
- Get a court ruling on the adoption.
- Pick up children's documents.
- Go to the registry office and on the basis of available papers receive a certificate of adoption.
It doesn't sound as hard and scary as it sounds. In practice, getting a positive court response is becoming more difficult.
If there is adoption of children from the spouses' previous marriages, you need to go to court yourself with a lawsuit for adoption. Only at first the second bio-parent must either give the go-ahead for the operation or be deprived of his parental authority.
Help for the procedure
Documents for adoption are prepared in advance. Quickly cope with this task will not work with all desire. In fact, if a citizen is conscientious and responsible, he will not encounter any difficulties.
Typically, for the adoption of a child in the family you need to prepare:
- passports of adoptive parents;
- marriage certificate (if any);
- income statements;
- statements of ownership of the property;
- characteristics from the place of work or study;
- autobiography;
- documents of no criminal record;
- certificates from narcologists and psychiatrists;
- medical report on the health status of adoptive parents.
In some cases, you have to take with you:
- notarized consent of the spouse and the second parent of the child to the operation;
- certificates of deprivation of parental rights of the second adoptive parent;
- death certificate of a parent with whom the child does not live permanently.
That's not all. In order to obtain a certificate of adoption, you must bring along the documents for the child. What do they include?
Baby paper
There are not so many of them. Typically, a package of documents consists of:
- birth certificates;
- the act of taking the baby into the house;
- permission of custody of the operation;
- child’s medical records;
- conclusions of the psychologist.
That should be more than enough.After submitting a request for adoption in court and a positive response to the hands of potential parents will issue a resolution of the established form.
We go to the registry office
Now you can contact the registry office at the place of the alleged registration of the minor and receive a certificate of adoption. Does the birth certificate change during adoption?
Usually yes. This is done at the request of the adoptive parents in order to maintain the secret of adoption. The procedure is carried out along with the issuance of an extract on the adoption of an established sample.
Applicants must have:
- passports
- minor birth certificate;
- court order with permission for adoption.
In addition, you will have to pay for the corresponding service and attach the payment receipt to the application.
How much and how fast they get
How much is the adoption certificate fee in Russia? At the moment, you will have to pay only 200 rubles. This is a mandatory payment and you won’t be able to avoid it.
How long does the relevant information take? By law, the procedure takes 5 days. In practice, from a few hours to 2-3 weeks. As a rule, it is recommended to clarify more accurate information in a particular registering authority.
A birth certificate for the adoption of a child is usually replaced. This procedure is carried out together with the production of a certificate of adoption of the established form.
From now on, it is clear how one can take a non-native child into a family to raise a child. Practice shows that it is not always possible to cope with such a task. Increasingly, you have to try pretty hard for adoption.
If the operation is refused, it is worth clarifying the reason for the corresponding act. Next, you have to fix the "problem" and try to take the child to the family again. As a rule, if a contact has already been made with a minor, the court can allow the adoption, even in the absence of spacious housing or high earnings.