On the web, the illegal activity of fraudsters is flourishing, which is presented in various forms. And she aims to empty the wallets of citizens using the Qiwi system. Those who are not clean at hand, well familiar with psychology, put on the greed of human nature. They promise to pay extra dividends for all citizens who have used their services.
But in this situation, it is worth remembering about free cheese and learning to decline financial offers of a dubious kind. This series of win-win adventures also included a reserve account “Qiwi”, which is of great interest.
Are there any grounds for the existence of a QIWI Wallet backup account?
The basis for this kind of reserve was groundless rumors regarding the secret account of the organizers of the system, personally used by them. It is believed that there are no limitations to this balance. All such information is mythical, since in real life money does not appear out of nowhere and does not disappear in no one knows where.
Any bank employee knows this, and all employees of a financial institution are able to find the missing money, ruble by ruble. It is easy to track the movement of all transfers by visiting the archive point, that is, the location of the transaction history. In addition, the commission is known in advance, which is withdrawn when paying for financial transactions, therefore, surprises are not expected here.
There is no priori reserve account for Qiwi. What was deposited into the wallet is located there, respectively, you can spend only the amount invested there. It is not necessary to wait for its increase magically, and there is nothing to turn into an unknown reserve. The director of the company cannot take a penny from the client’s wallet. Where, then, can an unlimited balance appear in the system?
Is it possible to visit the Kiwi Wallet backup account?
Given the above information, we can conclude that it is not grateful to search for a backup account, since, most likely, this is not realistic. There is an opinion that frozen accounts are used to replenish a Qiwi backup account, although a user of a locked wallet always has the opportunity to attest to their own involvement in fraud. In the event that someone’s money is blocked without the right to a refund, such funds are used as payment of taxes and system revenue.
There is nothing in common between black cash and these finances, since no one has the right to appropriate them. According to the agreement, they are removed from the system when they are completely transparent. From this, a Qiwi backup account cannot be formed. From the foregoing, it follows that you can not trust scammers. Following their recommendations, it is not necessary to deposit a certain amount into their account as payment for providing information regarding the reserve account and how to enter it in order to use unlimited balance.
How to find out a Kiwi backup account and get a number?
When registering in the electronic payment system QIWI, users are interested in the question of how to inquire about the number of their QIWI wallet. This will not be difficult to do. It duplicates the phone numbers you specified during the registration process (state code is not indicated).
In Kiwi, such a procedure involves the introduction of a password known only to the client and number.Further, from the system side, a code is sent in SMS to the user's address, which must be entered in order to confirm personal registration in it. As a result, a simple citizen turns into the owner of an electronic wallet, for the attachment of which his phone number is used.
When visiting your personal account, you can see the wallet number, the location of which has become the top of the page (left).
Account number
The performance of certain financial transactions involves the use of an account number. In order to search for it, you need to use the payment history, which is intended to enter information related to transactions. Also, with the help of such a history, the wallet account number corresponding to the user's phone number by the QIWI system is recorded. But, as already noted, the Qiwi backup account number does not exist.