
Shelf life of colored lenses. One-day color lenses. Colored lenses for eyes

Colored lenses became known to mankind 30 years ago. Thanks to their discovery, many myths have appeared regarding the dangers of wearing such a tool. Despite this, the new generation is still interested in colorful products and transforms their appearance with them, changing the shade of the eyes. This solution looks unique and catchy. But we must remember that a person who uses the device constantly, not only changes his appearance, but also harms the retina. Consider the existing types of this invention, storage conditions, how unsafe it is and what is the shelf life of colored lenses.shelf life of colored lenses

Diopter lenses

Lenses are conventional hemispherical products. They have an external pattern. Most often, it resembles a natural iris. Lenses can either change the color of the eyes, or enhance the existing shade. Previously, optics were produced only for people with vision problems. Then the lenses could not change the tint. Their task was to enhance the light color of the iris.

Over time, the range began to expand. Colored lenses for eyes with diopters appeared. That is, products that correct vision and change the shade of the iris. They are used not only for convenience and refusal of glasses, but also for changing appearance.

Before buying, you need to consult a doctor who will evaluate the health of the eyes and the body as a whole, be able to determine which lenses are suitable, based on the age and characteristics of the patient. He will also advise on the expiration date, storage and use rules.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lenses are able to neutralize the sun's rays, since they contain substances that quickly absorb ultraviolet light. This feature is inherent in the dye. Buyers are interested in the question: “Are colored lenses harmful?”. Just dye and is capable of harming the eyes. Because of it, you can not wear lenses for more than 8 hours. The fact is that the dye is not applied to the place where the pupil is located. Due to this, when using, if he goes beyond the unpainted area, the person ceases to see at 100%.colored lenses for eyes

Shelf life

How much optics are worn depends on the type. For example, there are one-day colored lenses (we'll talk about them in the article), which are used only for a day, after which they are thrown out. This species is the safest and best for humans, the only negative is too much cost.

There are lenses for long-term use. Their shelf life ranges from 7 to 30 days. They are used by those people who do not have the opportunity to change lenses every day. Such a product is useful on a hike. Optics with diopters is used for about a year, depending on the model.

Types of Lenses

Colored lenses help bring something new to the ordinary image of any person. They are able to hide weaknesses and emphasize advantages. If you select the appropriate model, it can correct vision. One-day color lenses were very popular. They differ from each other in purpose:

  • Indicator Such lenses have a light shade of green or blue. This solution makes it easy to find optics in a shipping container. Their feature is that they do not change the shade of the eyes, although they are called colored.
  • Hue. They need to be used if you want to emphasize your natural color of the iris. When it is dark in color, the lenses will enhance it, since the color of their own is not bright.
  • Cosmetic. They completely change the color of the eyes.The assortment has a large number of different shades.
  • Carnival. Such lenses differ in the pattern applied to the surface of the optics.

In addition to the listed types, color products can be two- and three-tone. The latter are made in such a way that they have a black rim around the edges and interspersed in the center. This allows you to achieve the effect of radiance.

The benefits of day lenses

One-day lenses are not harmful when worn. Due to the short period of their use, various deposits do not accumulate on the eye, and the paint does not have time to begin to affect the retina. Additional advantages include the ability to change the image and color of the eyes every day. You need to understand that such a luxury is not a cheap option. When using them, dryness and inconvenience do not appear. One-day color lenses for the eyes can be both cosmetic and corrective vision. They can also be used by people who have special sensitivity to such products.color lenses without diopters


Doctors do not recommend using lenses for a maximum period of 24 hours. The optimal wearing time is a period not exceeding 10 hours, even if the shelf life of colored lenses is much longer. What is the reason for this? Due to the fact that colored lenses have virtually no oxygen permeability, unpleasant symptoms can begin quite quickly. In dark times and in rooms with insufficient lighting, a person in one-day lenses will see everything in vague.

To perform work requiring maximum visual concentration, you can only first remove the product. Driving in them is also dangerous. You can not wear them if there are diseases such as strabismus, glaucoma, blepharitis and so on.

Wearing specifics

There are lenses with different lifespan. One-day, from a medical point of view, are considered the most successful and optimal. Such optics do the least harm. A new pair of products for every day is a safe method of changing the natural color of the eyes. But even with such an advantage, some nuances must be taken into account.

If any kind of discomfort appears, the lenses must be removed immediately. When the eyes dry, you can use special drops. You need to choose them with your doctor, and not on your own. In order to monitor the state of your vision, after wearing optics you should regularly visit an ophthalmologist. If you ignore the shelf life of colored lenses, the accumulation of various harmful substances may begin, hypoxia appears. In the event that the eyes are constantly experiencing any discomfort, you need to pay attention to the curvature and diameter of the product - they are chosen incorrectly.

How to choose the right lens?

Before buying, you immediately need to look at the picture. It will help determine the size of the lens. This question is quite important, since not all eyes have standard sizes. If there is any doubt about which color to choose, then you should stop at a shade that allows you to make the natural tone deeper. When the choice falls on one-day lenses, and the future owner is the owner of bright eyes, preference should be given to precisely tinted options. Products that imitate the pattern of the iris will look beautiful. When choosing color lenses for the eyes, you need to think about and pay attention to diameter, material, curvature, thickness, permeability, water content, and optical power. If there is doubt about the second, then it is better to prefer a hydrogel. The fact is that it is soft and contains little water. However, this material will not work if a person has severe vision problems.korean colored lenses

Lens care

Due to the fact that the life of one-day lenses is short, it is easy to care for them. Wear mode is also standard. The features of lens care and their observance allow you to put on products with minimal effort and without harm. This must be done in such a way as not to deform the optics.If scratches appear on the surface, then we are not talking about their use. Such lenses will bring only one discomfort. Do not forget about hygiene products. Before putting on or removing lenses, you need to wash your hands and dry them. These precautions can easily prevent infections. Actual question: “How to store colored lenses?”. If the optics lay in a dusty and dirty room, then you need to immediately throw it away. Wearing is not recommended. To avoid even the slightest discomfort and drying out, you need to periodically use eye drops.

Use at night

Doctors have long come to the conclusion that colored lenses without diopters will be useful only in the daytime. At night they bring harm. However, there are cases when a person needs to use the product precisely after sunset. For example, older people and children who have vision problems sometimes have to wear special lenses to put on and take off their clothes. Sometimes people work at night. Also, if a person is on a camping trip or in nature, he does not always have the opportunity to change lenses. In order not to harm yourself and not cause discomfort, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist.one day colored lenses

Model Acuvue Moist

This optics is one-day. It can be used by those with low vision or increased sensitivity. Due to the fact that these colored lenses without diopters are well moistened, the problem with the appearance of dryness should not be present.

In order to protect the eyes of the owner, the manufacturer installed an ultraviolet filter. However, due to the fact that the lenses are not able to cover the entire eye (this is their peculiarity), in strong sunlight you need to use special safety glasses. Products are also suitable for those who have allergies.Are colored lenses harmful?


In order for the eyes to quickly get used to the lenses, it is necessary to start using them first 1 hour per day, over time increasing the period of use by at least half an hour. If discomfort begins to appear earlier, they should be removed. The fact is that each person has their own perception of such a product, therefore, all terms are individual. Cheap lenses for eyes (colored) are in great demand, but it is better not to stop their choice.

How to understand that the lenses have been worn for too long? If after removing them a gray haze appears that does not pass 30 minutes, then you should reduce the duration of use. In the event that after 5 hours there is no sensation or discomfort, then everything is in order. If a person has conjunctivitis or another infection, you should refrain from using lenses.

Wearing time

Before buying, it is necessary to clarify the shelf life of colored lenses: day, week, month, year or more. It should be borne in mind that the countdown begins from the moment of depressurization of the package. If a person used colored lenses for three days, the shelf life of which is one year, put in a container and forgot about them for 12 months, then it is forbidden to wear such a product. Due to depressurization, contaminants and dust could accumulate on the product, which, if splashed in the eyes, cause inflammation.

Popular korean lenses

Famous Korean lenses (color) - magnifying. They visually make the eyes bigger and rounder. You can also purchase a model that will correct vision.

It’s contraindicated for some people to use magnifying products for natural reasons: high blood pressure, special eye structure, and so on. Therefore, before buying, you must consult your doctor.

Care and use of Korean lenses

Korean lenses require special care. They also need to be used correctly in order to avoid (or prevent) various problems:

  • It is forbidden to wear one-day lenses for the second time; an infection can be caused.
  • If Korean lenses (colored) are used after their expiration dates, they can stretch the retina and damage your eyesight.
  • Wearing magnifying optics for more than 8 hours a day is prohibited. The eye quickly gets tired of a foreign substance, oxygen does not enter it, so the retina needs to rest more often from the product.
  • Sleeping in the lens is strictly prohibited. Ideally, upon arrival home, it is best to remove them and place them in a special container with liquid.
  • If the whites of the eyes turn red, there is an itch or discomfort, then this model is unsuccessful. Need to change lenses. Doctors advise you to contact an ophthalmologist who can accurately tell you which option to use.which color lenses are better


Thanks to one-day color lenses, you can change the color of your eyes every day or enhance the radiance of your own shade. Such a product will help change the iris beyond recognition, there is an option to use a non-natural tone. Optics can also help change a person’s pupil shape. Everyone is allowed to use one-day products, even those with allergies. Before asking the question “Which color lenses are better?”, You need to go to the ophthalmologist, conduct tests and only after consultation visit the store. With an independent choice (especially for the first time), optics can be caught unsuccessful, it will not only constantly bring discomfort, but also spoil your eyesight.

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