
Change of insurance policy when changing a surname: documents, procedure and terms

In Russia, many documents have a certain validity period, and some extracts change only in specific circumstances. SNILS can be attributed to the second category. Even a child cannot do without this paper. Next, consider a change in insurance policy when changing your name. Where to go for help? Under what circumstances is an insurance certificate exchanged? What is useful to achieve the desired result? Answers to all these questions will surely help the modern citizen avoid many problems in the future.

SNILS and its replacement


Changing the insurance policy when changing the name is an operation that worries both adults and children. More precisely, their legal representatives.

SNILS is a statement of registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is called an insurance certificate. It is issued for both children and adults. Moreover, SNILS can be issued regardless of citizenship. Foreigners are also entitled to register with the FIU.

SNILS looks like a card in green and white. It shows information about the owner. There is no extraneous information on the green card.


How to change the insurance policy when changing the name? Maybe this operation is not needed at all?

In order to correctly determine the answer, you need to understand what specific information can be seen on SNILS. Usually this:

  • surname;
  • name;
  • patronymic;
  • Date of Birth;
  • citizen number in the pension insurance system;
  • date of issue of documentation;
  • gender;
  • person registration city.

On the back of the “green card”, citizens can see information about when to change SNILS. It also sets out the responsibility of the paper holder. It consists in the careful and accurate storage of the studied evidence.

Reasons for sharing

Do I need to exchange an insurance policy after changing my last name or not? Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that the adjustment of personal data leads to the unsuitability of the "green card". So, it is necessary to make the replacement of the relevant documentation without fail.

How to change documents after changing the name

The insurance certificate does not have a validity period. A reissue of SNILS is required if:

  • a person changes personal data;
  • a citizen found typos in the documentation;
  • the date of birth has been adjusted;
  • The green card was stolen or lost;
  • SNILS is corrupted.

Accordingly, changing the insurance policy after changing the name is a mandatory procedure. Everyone can cope with this task. Exchange of the mentioned card is a minimum hassle even for foreigners.

Where to exchange

A lot of questions are caused by the SNILS reissue procedure itself. Where to change the insurance policy when changing the name? There are not many options.

To date, the mentioned service can be obtained at:

  • MFC;
  • FIU.

No longer are organizations re-issuing insurance cards. This fact upsets some citizens, because you have to go to specific places to achieve the desired goal.

For working

If a person has an official place of employment, he can go the other way. Replacing an insurance policy when changing a surname in Russia is ideally carried out at the local branch of the Pension Fund. If you wish, you can send an application to the multifunctional center. This is a kind of mediator between the state and the population.

SNILS - how to re-register correctly when changing a surname

Officially working people can get for the first time and exchange SNILS from their employer. This is not the most common scenario, but it still occurs in practice.Most often it is used by foreign citizens.

Internet and SNILS

After changing the name, the insurance policy is exchanged without fail. Otherwise, the person will not be able to use the appropriate paper.

Many state and municipal services can be ordered by the modern population of the Russian Federation via the Internet. The service called "State Services" helps in this.

Can I change my insurance policy when changing my last name via the Internet? No, such a function is not currently provided. On the other hand, citizens are able to find detailed information on how the SNILS is reissued in a particular case at the State Service.

Exchange instructions - we contact the registration authority in person

The key moments of the upcoming operation were sorted out. Now you need to understand how to act in a particular case.

Let's start by replacing SNILS in the registration authorities. In such circumstances, the applicant will have to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a series of references for further manipulations. Below we consider the possible extract packages to achieve the desired goal.
  2. Select a registration authority. The place of registration of the applicant will have to be taken into account.
  3. It will contact the IFC or the FIU with a statement about the exchange of the “green card”.
  4. Receive a receipt on acceptance of the application. Usually this paper is issued when you contact the multifunctional center.

Now what? You can just wait for the change of insurance policy when changing your name. The citizen will be informed of the readiness of the documentation, after which it can be picked up from the registration authority. You must have an identity card with you at this moment.

Appeal to the FIU for SNILS

Instructions: request from the employer

As already mentioned, a person can reissue SNILS through his employer. This is not the most common way, but it takes place in practice.

Typically, an officially working person to make adjustments to the insurance card has to:

  1. To form a package of certificates for the exchange of SNILS. In this case, it will be minimal.
  2. Fill out an application for re-issuance of an insurance certificate.
  3. Submit a request to your employer. Usually, citizens communicate either directly to the authorities or to the personnel department.

Now you can just wait. All further manipulations will be carried out by the employer. As soon as SNILS is re-manufactured, it will be issued to an officially working citizen directly at the place of employment.

Help for adults

Need a change in insurance policy when changing your name? Documents for obtaining the appropriate service play an important role. Without them, to cope with the task will not work.

Suppose that an adult is issued a green card again. Then he needs to take with him:

  • application for the exchange of SNILS;
  • old insurance certificate;
  • applicant's identity card;
  • basis for making adjustments to the document.

The last category of papers includes various references. For example:

  • certificate of dissolution of the marriage;
  • an extract from the registry office on the change of surname;
  • Marriage certificate.

As practice shows, you can do without copies of the listed papers. It is not necessary to bring them to the registration authority.

Marriage and registration of SNILS

For kids

Replacing an insurance policy when changing a surname is not the most difficult operation. If you need to reissue the relevant paper to a minor, you will have to prepare quite a few extracts.

Among them, it is customary to distinguish:

  • birth certificate;
  • ID of the parent-applicant;
  • passport of a child over 14 years old (if any);
  • the basis for making new adjustments to the SNILS;
  • A green card for a minor.

Obtaining a basis for replacing SNILS causes a lot of problems. These securities may include:

  • statement of adoption;
  • court order with permission to change the name.

Just like that, personal data of children does not change.And therefore, the operation under study raises many questions. Fortunately, you can cope with the task with minimal hassle.

For foreigners

Where to change the insurance policy when changing the name in Russia? The answer to such a question will no longer cause any trouble. As was emphasized earlier, SNILS is also issued to foreigners. The main thing is to correctly form a package of statements to achieve the desired goal.

Where can I renew my insurance certificate?

Usually in the case of foreigners you need to prepare the above certificates. In addition to them apply:

  • certificates confirming the legal stay of a person in the country;
  • migration card;
  • translations of available documents into Russian.

Only in the presence of all the listed securities will the foreigner change SNILS. It is advisable to turn to your employer with an appropriate petition in order to bring your ideas to life. So the upcoming chores will be minimized.

Service cost

It is possible to change the medical insurance policy when changing the name in Russia only after exchanging SNILS. A person will have to take with him an insurance certificate, passport and an application for reissue of a compulsory medical insurance policy. With these papers you need to go to the insurance company and wait a bit. This service is provided free of charge.

And how much does the reissue of SNILS cost? There are no state duties for issuing and exchanging an insurance certificate in Russia. Under no circumstances will Russian citizens or foreigners have to pay for such an operation.

If the registration authorities ask to pay for the issuance of SNILS, you can go to court or go to the prosecutor. In any case, they should not demand money for the operation under study.

Term of exchange

How long to wait for the corresponding service? Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question and it cannot be.

In general, changing the insurance certificate when changing the name takes a minimum of time. Sometimes a document is issued a few hours after applying for it. This rule usually applies to underage recipients.

Adults SNILS make out and exchange approximately 2 weeks. The maximum waiting period for documentation is 1 month. As soon as the "green card" is ready, the person will be informed about this. It remains to take with you an identification card and pick up the finished documentation.

Exchange and receive SNILS per child


Your attention was presented to the procedure for reissuing SNILS when changing personal data. From the foregoing, it follows that there is nothing difficult in achieving the desired goal.

Children after 14 years old can independently apply to the PFR with an application for re-issuance of an insurance certificate. Until that moment, legal representatives should come with them.

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