Economic instability in the country affected almost all citizens. There are fewer and fewer jobs, as is the need for even highly qualified specialists. Not many who have a truly unique specialty or a wide profile manage to stay afloat and not lose their job. Therefore, the issue of obtaining an adjacent profession is becoming increasingly relevant. This is especially true for those areas in which the labor market is crowded. These are lawyers, accountants and even teachers.
Do not confuse the concept of combination and related profession. The last phrase means that the employee masters another type of activity. Such training can occur by combining two or more posts. So, for example, the secretary can simultaneously keep personnel records.
You can not confuse and advanced training with the development of an adjacent profession. If a specialist improves his qualifications, this means that he only gets in-depth knowledge in the field in which he works. The development of a new profession is the acquisition of new labor skills, that is, the handyman can learn painting skills, which will allow him to perform additional functions.
What professions can act as related
Almost any profession can be selected adjacent. The employee in this case only wins, you do not need to go to work in another country or look for another job, but simply combine another position at your own enterprise.
Despite the demand for such specialists, in some cases it is quite difficult to find a job. For professionals with an accounting education, there are a number of related professions:
- auditor;
- economist;
- tax consultant;
- Financial Manager.
Especially if the accountant has practical experience, then mastering these professions is very simple.
Many people think that it is easiest for a lawyer to find a job, but this is not always the case. A specialist can not only work as a legal adviser at the enterprise, but also advise on real estate issues, work as an economist or HR manager. You can go to the public service, for example, to Rosreestr and become a specialist in the registration chamber.
Not everyone and not always has a desire to move to the outback, where teachers are always in demand. Related professions for a teacher can be:
- social teacher;
- educator;
- tutor.
Do not forget that a mathematics teacher can combine the position of a teacher of astronomy and physics at school.
The teacher can apply for vacant positions in the Board of Trustees, rehabilitation centers and boarding schools.
It would seem, where else can knowledge of the pharmaceutical market be useful, except for a pharmacy? However, there are many related professions, only desire is required. So, having passed a short-term training course, you can become a clinical pharmacologist or even a doctor. Knowledge in the field of medicines allows you to apply for the position of product manager or sales representative, marketer in a pharmaceutical company, and you will not need to receive additional education. A great chance to get an international medical representative if you have knowledge of foreign languages.
Working specialties
In the working environment, subcontractors are most often found, for example, it can be a plasterer painter or forwarder with the functions of a loader or driver. The tiler can learn the skill of laying out mosaics.
Large corporations try to train their staff independently by organizing training centers on their basis. Indeed, it is easier to organize training for an adjacent profession at home and adjust it to the right direction, to prepare specialists for work in remote branches.
If the specialist was not able to get into such a progressive company, then you can learn a new profession on your own on the courses. Typically, training programs are designed for several months, but you will have to pay your own money for them. At the end of training, a person receives a diploma about the profession. This category includes even short-term trainings. For example, a recruiter can study the basics of psychology, which will allow you to make the right decisions when choosing candidates.
There is a third option - directly at the workplace. Usually in this way they get a second related profession. This practice is often used in production, when an experienced, but not a young specialist transfers his knowledge to a young employee. Although this situation has its own nuances: it is quite difficult without the additional incentive to force the master to share the secrets of the profession.
The attitude of management towards related parties
Even if in the near future the specialist does not plan to quit, the management is always better for employees who do not neglect the development of new skills. Fortunately, there are many related professions and specialties. Even when deciding on a reduction, the boss will always give preference to a specialist who is not afraid to go beyond his functional responsibilities. This approach allows you to quickly close the "gap" if any of the employees quits or goes on sick leave, and does not worry about the production process being disrupted or stopped.
If the specialist decided to radically change the profile of his activity, then before choosing a second profession it is necessary to study the labor market, prospects for the future