There are a lot of ways to create heating in an apartment building. Any consumer wants to choose the best option, which will provide an opportunity to save money and electricity. Why give preference? Most owners choose the installation of autonomous heating in an apartment building. This is due to independence from the management organization.
The benefits of an autonomous system
The main achievement of the autonomous heating mode is to increase the level of comfort. After installing it, you no longer have to constantly ventilate the room due to the heat of the batteries. Or, conversely, purchase additional heating devices when the batteries are functioning very poorly. You can control the temperature regime yourself.
Installation of autonomous heating in an apartment building will solve many inconveniences, as well as save the family budget. In addition, the owner of the apartment may, at his discretion, increase the temperature in the room if, for example, it gets colder on the street. Utilities will not start heating due to several cold days.
Benefits of Independent Heating
With autonomous heat supply, the quality of the services provided does not depend on external circumstances, but on the power of the equipment used. This indicator is the guarantor of a comfortable temperature in the room, it does not depend on the weather outside. The following advantages of autonomous heating in an apartment building can be distinguished:
- Reducing the cost of heating costs. The temperature indicator of the equipment can be controlled independently, and if necessary, it can be completely turned off. This is especially true for those who are often on the road.
- Improving quality indicators. Almost every owner who decides to switch to independent heating in an apartment building, notes an increase in the quality of heating the room. This factor is associated with the absence of heat energy leaks, which quite often form in a centralized system. In addition, autonomous equipment is located in close proximity to the apartment, and this is accompanied by a reduction in the time for heat supply and maintenance costs, network repair.
- Independence from municipal utilities, the start of the heating season, emergencies and other circumstances.
- Conservation of natural resources. To achieve this allows a rational energy consumption.
Cons of autonomous heating in an apartment building
Unfortunately, the installation of independent equipment has some disadvantages. These include:
- The need for repairs. For the high-quality functioning of any system, it is necessary to timely check and service. With a prolonged absence of repair work, the efficiency of the equipment is greatly reduced. But some apartment owners are trying to save money, which inevitably leads to serious breakdowns.
- Decrease in efficiency as a result of the lack of heat in the proposed premises. This topic is especially vital in apartment buildings, where neighboring apartments are often empty. The walls common with empty rooms do not heat up, respectively, the temperature indicator in a populated apartment becomes less. This problem is solved by installing a heating system in each apartment. This allows you to automatically maintain a minimum heat level without continuous monitoring.
- The difficult process of obtaining permits.To install autonomous heating in an apartment building, the approval of authorized bodies is required.
In addition, great difficulties arise in the process of choosing a place for a boiler room. It must be separate. Therefore, most often the system has to be installed in a common yard. For the gas boiler house, it will be necessary to build an additional unit where the processed gases will be removed.
Boiler room installation
To create an autonomous heating of an apartment in an apartment building, it is planned to equip a separate boiler room. The best option is a building located close to a residential building. Some people prefer to place a boiler room in the lower part of the house or in the attic. The heating system consists of several large-sized boilers connected to heaters and collectors. Quite often, several heating elements are used simultaneously in this design.
Alternative option
A full-fledged boiler room in a separate building is an expensive pleasure, the payback of which requires a significant amount of time. As an alternative, block and modular designs are used. To form such a boiler room, a small area is required where special blocks are installed and connected into a single system. All parts are assembled at the factory, each element is selected in accordance with the technological parameters.
Wall heating equipment
A more affordable and effective solution for creating autonomous heating of an apartment in an apartment building is to install a wall-mounted gas or electric boiler. The popularity of these systems is determined by the following factors:
- Compact size. Due to their small dimensions, these systems can be installed even in small kitchens. In addition, they will not spoil the appearance of the room. The wall-mounted device is a mini-boiler room, consisting of a circular pump, an expansion tank and special sensors. The latter are needed to ensure operational safety.
- High performance. Modern systems have a capacity of up to 35 kilowatts. This is enough to warm a room of 100 square meters.
- Variety of choices. On the market are single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. The latter option can be used to heat water.
Electrical equipment
If the main question is to save, it is recommended to choose an electric heating system for an apartment building. Today it is the most economical option. This is due to the fact that in the operation of these devices an alternating current is used, which affects water. This principle is called polarization.
The process of connecting one apartment to autonomous heating is the installation of an electric boiler with an anode principle of operation.
When choosing dual-circuit equipment, you can lay warm floors. The system will function due to heat through a separate circuit. For a small room, an ideal option would be to install a special battery through which heat will be supplied. This device also allows you to independently adjust the temperature.
The most difficult option is to transfer the entire residential building to an independent position. To do this, you will need to obtain a special permit for autonomous heating in an apartment building and calculate the load on the electrical network in accordance with the power of the transformer. In addition, some devices may need to be replaced. All ongoing activities must be agreed with authorized bodies.
Gas system
Installing autonomous gas heating of an apartment building is quite difficult.To carry out the work, it is necessary to develop a technical design, obtain an admission and find a highly qualified specialist.
Connecting one living room consists of a series of actions:
- Installation of a gas boiler.
- Sealing equipment by a specialist.
- Making an entry in the logbook.
For the installation of a gas boiler, a powerful ventilation system is required. It is her absence that is the most common reason for the refusal to issue permits. The ventilation problem is solved by organizing a separate chimney, which is displayed outside using a special filter. In this case, a standard ventilation system will not work, it is necessary to install an additional supply valve into it.
For small-sized apartments often choose equipment equipped with two valves. Its capacity is enough to warm up a small apartment, in addition, it can serve as a boiler for heating water. Gas boilers are equipped with closed or open combustion chambers, therefore, do not require additional installation of the flue. The ventilation system performs the function of supply and intake of air, and the products of combustion are discharged through special openings. The boiler is recommended to be installed in the kitchen, since it is the most ventilated room in the apartment.
As you can see, the autonomous heating of multi-apartment buildings has enough pros and cons. But do not forget about the main advantage for many - saving. The funds saved on heating allow you to recoup the cost of installing the equipment in a few years. In addition, a multi-stage safety system provides protection against overheating in the event of a failure of the water pump. In this case, the burner shuts off automatically. External temperature sensors allow you to maintain optimal temperature conditions and stabilize the intensity of water heating.
Rules for placing wall equipment
The room in which the heating system will be placed must meet certain requirements. Their observance guarantees the provision of a comfortable temperature regime in the cold season and a high level of safety during operation. So, the requirements are as follows:
- The area of the room is not less than 4 square meters, the ceiling height is at least 2.5 m, the doorway is more than 80 cm.
- At least one window for natural light.
- The absence of other gas or electrical appliances within a radius of 40 cm.
- Installation of fireproof material between the wall and equipment.
Possible difficulties
At first glance, it seems that making autonomous heating in an apartment building is very simple. A logical question arises: “Why do not all apartment owners move to an independent position?” But the fact is that not everything is so easy! Not everyone obtains permits.
Just imagine the situation that all residents living in the house will simultaneously decide to switch to independent heating and refuse centralized heat supply. This is a disaster for the management organization, loss of profit. In addition, in this case, perhaps many will lose their jobs. Although this is a moot point. Someone must serve and mini-boiler rooms. But in any case, for management companies this option is flawed.
In case of refusal to issue permits, a commission should be convened, composed of independent experts. They will have to comment on the decision of the communal service and issue a final verdict.
Installation of autonomous heating in an apartment building will significantly improve the comfortable and high-quality characteristics of the living space.In addition, complete independence from communal services ensures the preservation of time and nerves that have to be spent in their offices in order to deal with incorrectly accrued amounts.
With autonomous heating, you do not need to pay bills for those months when heat is not supplied to the apartment. The amounts for July do not differ at all from the winter season. In short, independence from communal services is a good way to get rid of many problems.