
Self-employed population: definition of a concept

Recently, in our country, the term “self-employed population” has often been referred to. Let's see what this concept means, who falls into this category, and why such a status has suddenly become so relevant for our time.

The self-employed population includes people working for themselves, but not registering their activities in any way. Free artists, freelancers, and a number of others working alone, but not registered with the Federal Tax Service and, therefore, tax-free citizens, will be classified as small business entrepreneurs. The state considered that people who chose an occupation according to their abilities could also contribute to the country's budget, that is, become another source of replenishment of the treasury. Let’s figure out how a self-employed population should be motivated in order to voluntarily register themselves as an entrepreneur. self-employed population

Mulling Law

This idea, born back in 2013, has long been in the air. Over the years until today, the president has instructed members of the government at least six times to find a solution to this issue. This means that it was necessary to define the concept of “self-employed population”, what types of activities should be considered to fall into this class, and what taxes should be levied on these so-called “shadow” representatives of small businesses.

It is not surprising that to this day the points regulated by this legislation need to be improved. After all, everyone knows what earnings freelancers have. Yes, for some they are really cool, but for some, as he interrupted from bread to water, he still lives on. After all, not all citizens went to freelance from a good life. Someone has done this nowhere to go, and what then will such a “self-employed population” pay premiums? What can motivate them to voluntarily go for a patent for their "business"? Such legislators faced such hard-to-solve difficulties. So, we find out what of the paragraphs of this decision has already entered into force, and which provisions are considered to have entered into force.

What was the idea?

The government believes that the legislation of any country should cover absolutely all segments of the population. This means that if there is a profit tax, then all earned citizens must pay it, regardless of their type of activity. And therefore, if some part of the Russians fell out of the number of honestly deducting a percentage of profits to the state treasury, then the bills must be finalized.

Well, the specialized term “self-employed population” was specially written so that there would be no confusion between self-employed citizens and individual entrepreneurs, since the requirements for these groups of businessmen differ significantly. And this will primarily affect the price tax policy. self-employed contributions

What works take you out of the dusk?

Types of labor included in the category of "self-employment" can be voiced by a small list as yet. These are all so-called private traders selling alone the accumulated fruits of their own labor or their services. This includes private taxi drivers, repairmen, tutors, photographers, maids, nannies, shoemakers and seamstresses, and even freelance cleaners and hairdressers and manicure experts. Next, the list was supplemented by Internet businessmen: programmers, copywriters, designers, translators and journalists.And here are the citizens who fall into the status of “self-employed population”, whose activities are seemingly more like hobbies, such as fishermen, private fair dealers and hotel owners for animals. This list is not yet final and not confirmed by law.

What is the difference between individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens?

It can only seem at first glance that self-employment is the same as individual entrepreneurship. But these are different things, otherwise a separate name would not have to be invented.

Individual entrepreneurs fully go through the procedure of registering their business with the tax service. This includes the collection and provision of necessary documents, preparation of an application, payment of state fees. In comparison with individual entrepreneurs, the self-employed population goes through a much more simplified procedure. The cost of registering an IP is 800 rubles, and free activity is only 100. self-employed people activities

Tax system

Individual entrepreneurs pay taxes according to the scheme chosen by them during registration, and freelancers, tutors, and everyone who is on the above list, only contributions. The self-employed population will also not be affected by the need to submit reports on cash registers and maintain a revenue-expenditure book.

There is one more important difference between self-employed citizens and individual entrepreneurs. The former cannot hire outside labor in their business, while the latter have the right to replenish their own staff by attracting job seekers. self-employed population insurance premiums

Beneficial for whom?

Naturally, the legalization of shadow citizens is beneficial, first of all, to the state. This is another and considerable financial inflow into the current asset of the country. After all, a self-employed population withdrawn from the gloom will pay taxes as regularly as individual entrepreneurs, and there will be no escape from this. Since they will no longer be able to sink back into the shadows. And the Federal Tax Service will always be able to control their business.

Naturally, officials understand that this should be beneficial for free citizens. Only mutual bonuses will force them to register voluntarily.

Legalization gingerbread cookies

  1. Obtaining legal status.
  2. The possibility of state support.
  3. The ability to openly advertise their services.
  4. The ability to take loans from banks.
  5. Openly enter into contracts with companies.
  6. Defend your rights in court.
  7. Ability to record your work experience.
  8. The ability to count on receiving a pension, since paying taxes implies allowing retirement savings.
  9. The soft conditions and the opportunity for the first two years not to pay any taxes and fees at all.
  10. Getting all the benefits associated with periodically conducted state support programs for small businesses.

self-employed population taxes

The fears of the self-employed

But, nevertheless, the lawmakers have concerns that the self-employed population will not rush to quickly take the queue for official registration. Firstly, in our country there is already an established chronic distrust of the government. Few people believe in caring for people. And there are examples of this, because while you are healthy and young, you are required to pay contributions to the pension fund. But then it turns out, when you are old and weak, that the ambulance will not always come to the call, and not everyone will be taken to the hospital for treatment. There is an established opinion that the elderly are expensive for the state, they have nothing to take, but they need to pay a pension. A solid loss to the budget. So why make investments now, if then they do not want to return them to you. PFR self-employed population

Even if you believe it

But, of course, not everything is so sad, there are isolated cases on the ground, but, of course, the government does not want anything terrible for its citizens and is doing everything it can to prevent such arbitrariness. But the fact remains, the "shadow artists" of small business are afraid that once they light up with the tax authorities, for the rest of their lives they will be on the fly.People believe that the goal of officials is not to take care of them, but rather to pump money. Indeed, even on the Internet, on well-promoted and well-known bulletin boards, prominent offers are inviting large salaries, which in the end are simply aimed at obtaining a contribution for the alleged large mythical earnings. And no one is fighting this. What is surprising that the population does not feel protected. After all, for some reason, those who deceive, and so can give their ads and "hire", and they do not need to buy a patent and deduct taxes.

There are other reasons.

Of course, a self-employed population would probably not refuse to acquire a patent, but many unresolved issues remain. How often will the policy change? Will tax collections begin to go up over time. And what about those who have very small and unstable earnings? Will it be possible to refuse a patent when applying for an official job, and how will the procedure for closing a business take place?

How is the solution seen?

The uncertainty of the future and prospects, by itself, will deter the self-employed from legalization. To fix the fact of this type of entrepreneurship is already problematic.

But you can start with the fact that without any whip and obligation to provide shadow citizens with a voluntary decision - to register or not. After all, the first will come those who really need all the advantages that will give them the appearance of themselves as a representative of a mini-business. And the rest, seeing how things go with the "pioneers", will catch up on their own. Moreover, there is already an order that entered into force in early 2017 on the relationship of small shadow companies with the FIU. Self-employed people who voluntarily entered into mandatory pension insurance relations and pay insurance premiums are credited to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for insurance pension payments. self-employed population patent

What is the result?

The head of state, V.V. Putin, has repeatedly expressed a desire to save self-employed people from perceiving them as illegal entrepreneurs. His requirements for officials are to draft, ponder and voice the bill so that free shadow citizens can "work normally and completely calmly." Today, a new type of business has been introduced under the name of “self-employed population”. The facilitated administrative regime for such entrepreneurs was created in connection with the ban on hiring auxiliary workers and workers. Plus, the registration procedure itself will be so facilitated that, one might say, it will happen automatically. And plus taxes and pension contributions, most likely, they will be deducted in a “one window”. Well, perhaps everything will even be very good. Time will tell.

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