
What debts are not allowed to go abroad? Prohibition of traveling abroad

As a rule, the long-awaited vacation is so rare that it begins to turn into a pipe dream. And when there is a chance to go to warmer climes, all plans fall apart with the following sentence: "Departure is closed." Most often, this situation occurs due to one’s own carelessness, when a person simply forgets to pay an apartment bill or tax. Therefore, it is important for every traveler to know with what debts they are not allowed to go abroad.

with what debts do not let go abroad

Who turns out to be “restricted to travel abroad”?

If a citizen has a fear that there is a ban on traveling abroad, it is necessary to check this as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to find out that the trip is canceled already at the airport. In this case, it will be almost impossible to change the situation. In addition to controlling the payment of own debts, you need to make sure that the person does not belong to one of the following categories:

  1. The state has the right to call up for military service or there are military obligations in connection with the contract. The only exception is persons who have official permission from the military command to travel to another state.
  2. Civil servants with a high level of secrecy or are in the service of the national security organs of the country.
  3. Persons under investigation, or have the status of a suspect in a crime.
  4. Citizens with arrears on bank loans, alimony or unpaid fines for violation of traffic rules.

The most popular reason for the ban

As a rule, it is the last item from the above list that is relevant for consideration, since almost every person at least once issued a loan or had fines for traffic violations. In order to exclude the ban on traveling abroad, you can use special online services to check whether there are outstanding debts, what exactly and how much should be paid in the amount.

How is the ban set?

In fact, the fact of overdue debt alone cannot close a citizen’s trip abroad. However, any debt is a good reason for making an appropriate court decision on this issue. The process of imposing restrictions on movement for debtors usually takes several months. While the whole thing is "hanging in the air", everyone can safely leave the borders of the Russian Federation.

travel ban check

When a court decision to recover a certain amount from a debtor for certain obligations was made, he has only five days to voluntarily pay off the debt for the apartment or on the loan. Otherwise, further coercive penalties are applied. It is important to know that it will be impossible to travel abroad from the moment the debtor’s property is seized. In addition, the decision to ban travel abroad is solely the prerogative of the bailiff. No one else can establish it: neither the creditor bank, nor the housing and communal services, nor the police. To protect your rights, it is important to know with what debts you are not allowed to go abroad. The list of persons not allowed to travel abroad includes those people whose debt on rents or loans exceeds 10,000 rubles, there is a formed writ of execution, which is still valid, or enforcement proceedings have been instituted.

How to check debts?

There are several ways to check your outstanding debts.First of all, this can be done through the official bailiff resource:

  1. On the main page of the site you must select the appropriate region of residence.
  2. Fill out the proposed application form with personal data.
  3. Pass the test by entering a verification code that confirms that the system is dealing with a person, not a bot.

As soon as the application is sent, the site will give out all the necessary information, including whether the person has any debts. In addition to the fact of the existing debt, you can even find out which employee is involved in this case, his contacts and data on the enforcement case.

bank loan debt

The second way to find out information of interest is to go to the website of public services through your personal account. If there is money on the bank card, then the existing debt can be repaid online through official resources. This will greatly facilitate the entire process of fulfilling debt obligations and save a lot of time. However, information that the debt was closed is updated only within ten business days, since the organization to which the money is transferred will see them no earlier than five business days.

Overdue fines for traffic violations

A person may lose vacation due to a variety of unfulfilled obligations. Therefore, it is important to know with what debts they are not allowed to go abroad. They also include “letters of happiness”, which are often received by all sloppy drivers. However, it is worth knowing that an unpaid fine becomes a debt only after the 70-day payment period has passed. Up to this point, each driver can leave the country without any obstacles and not worry about the fact that he may not be released.

unpaid fines

Therefore, the presence of unpaid fines is not always the basis for the prohibition of departure. The question of whether to pay immediately or not remains for individual consideration and the possibilities of each citizen. While the payment deadline is still in effect, not a single traffic policeman will submit documents to the court, since there are no grounds.

Tax payment

Quite often, citizens worry about whether they can travel abroad if they have debts on taxes of an individual or other types thereof. To get all the necessary information, you must enter the identification data on the official resource of the Federal Tax Service.

individual tax debts

In a short period of time, the system will immediately open a list of debts with a breakdown of what the taxpayer must pay for. In addition, the site has the possibility of instant payment, which significantly speeds up the process of solving the problem. Since it will take a certain amount of time to update the information, it is recommended to take care of the payment as soon as possible so that there is no misunderstanding at the border. If the arrival is already approaching, and the information has not been updated, you can print the paid receipts, which will serve as direct evidence of the fulfillment of all obligations.

Other types of debts

In addition to taxes and fines for traffic rules, there are a number of other types of debts that can become a significant reason for the application of the ban on traveling abroad. For example, many people going on vacation are interested in: if the debts on rent are released abroad?

whether overhaul debt will be released abroad

Debt for housing and communal services, non-payment of alimony in the amount that was established in court, state fees, non-payment of loan obligations - all this may be a reason for the ban of departure.

As a rule, all information can be found on the portal "State Services". However, this should not be done at the last moment, but at least a month before the planned trip. It is also worth noting that in the light of recent events, many are interested in the question: if there is a debt for overhaul, will they let them go abroad.To date, there have not been cases in practice when the debt for this service really hindered the movement of debtors, since most often the recipient is a non-governmental organization.

Travel Tips

A conscientious traveler will find out in advance with what debts they are not allowed to go abroad, and will fulfill all his obligations. So that subsequently there are no problems with the customs authorities, people who go on vacation can be given some advice. In order to correctly deal with this issue and protect yourself from unpleasant situations and further misunderstandings, you need to do the following:

  1. It is better to pay the receipt in the organization where it was issued, because in any case it will have to be shown to the bailiffs.
  2. It is mandatory to check whether the organization saw the money sent and whether the payment was credited to the repayment account.
  3. After a few days, it is recommended to contact the federal migration service and clarify whether the ban was lifted and whether you need to bring along any additional documents so that there are no questions on the control.

if the debts on the rent will be released abroad


Before packing your bags, it is recommended to check if there is any debt that could interfere with a long-planned trip. After all, it is better to play safe in advance than spoil your long-awaited vacation.

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