How to make money at home with your own hands? Probably, there are practically no such women, especially mothers, who would not ask this question. A modern Russian woman can not only enter a burning hut and stop her horse, but she will also sew a dress for herself, knit a winter sweater with deer, make a warm jumpsuit for a child, and make a magnificent earring as a present for her friend. Should all this remain only a hobby or is it time to make money from your skills? We will talk about this further.
It's time!
Why right now a part-time job at home can bring a good income and even become a full-time core job? Yes, everything is simple: hand-made is now in fashion. Surely among your acquaintances there are already such enterprising personalities who are actively working in the field of making beautiful and useful products with their own hands. And in the world there are even large organizations that purchase goods from private manufacturers and resell them at furious prices. Do not believe that there are customers? And you check! However, this is still a Western experience, and relatively small stores are engaged in similar resale in our country. Well, of course, you can search for a client yourself.
Why is needlework so attracting craftswomen, craftsmen and buyers? Why is this particular business easily growing into a family business? There is nothing to be surprised: the process is fascinating, the result allows you to be proud of yourself, and demand provides a good income - sufficient so that the whole family not only has bread, but, as they say, butter and caviar to put on bread. True, you need to be able to do needlework orders at home - and this requires considerable self-discipline.
So, what is attractive at home needlework? Here are the main positive features:
- the abundance of materials, techniques, directions allows everyone to choose what is to their liking;
- demand for goods is high enough even in a crisis;
- manufactured products are unique.
Many rightly consider the last factor to be the most important, because it is precisely because of the desire to possess a unique item that the buyer does not turn to a regular store, but to the master. Is it possible to say that needlework is crafts? Unique products that attract the attention of connoisseurs are difficult to characterize with this simple and even critical word. These are excellent samples satisfying the taste and requirements of the most demanding client.
Implementation Benefits:
- You can search for customers on the Internet;
- a home-craft business plan allows you to think through such business practices when a large flow of customers will be combined with a high margin;
- start is possible with a very small amount.
A spoon of tar
Sounds, agree, fabulously. Is everything as rosy as it seems at first? In practice, needlework as a business is fraught with certain difficulties. Among them:
- negative impact of the crisis;
- the abundance of competitors;
- the complexity of work in this area for non-creative people.
In the latter case, certain problems are related to understanding the idea itself, the logic of work. It will take a lot of time, effort to figure out what's what. Do you need it? However, there is always a way out: you can organize a collaboration with a creative girlfriend. For example, she makes, you - sell, both are satisfied and remain in profit. Moreover, practice shows: often creative people are not too practical and need the help of a loved one - someone you can trust.
Start wisely
How to make money on needlework? First of all - choosing the right niche for self-realization.It depends on the direction of activity which strategy will lead to success. You need to understand that this is a promising topic - needlework as a business. The ideas associated with this area of work are numerous, but really standing, as they say, do not lie on the road - you will have to think and search.
What is this about? For example, knitting to order: it's no secret to anyone, you can make money on it. But since many people know about it, then there are hundreds of thousands who want to try their strength. This gives rise to enormous competition, and novice masters, trying to create a name for themselves, make complex things for almost nothing. Of course, in such a "business" you are quickly disappointed.
So, the main niches in which demand is great and you can break through, being able to correctly build a strategy:
- knitting already mentioned;
- beadwork;
- lace making;
- custom embroidery;
- jewelry manufacturing;
- work with ceramics;
- hat making;
- cooking soap;
- macrame;
- floristry;
- paintings, painting;
- sewing clothes;
- decoupage;
- production of decorative candles;
- sale of goods a la "Everything for needlework and creativity."
What's next?
When the most attractive direction for you was found, it's time to work out a business plan. It should be understood: even if your company grows out of your favorite hobby, it needs a serious approach, otherwise no success shines. In addition, a carefully and properly compiled business plan will be of great help: you can contact the city administration with it and get money to start.
So, a business plan is a turn-based strategy that describes your vision of how to make money on needlework. This means that in the document it is necessary to mention the steps without which it is impossible to succeed, as well as to describe the features of the implementation.
What are we writing about?
First of all, we consider the target audience. Success is possible when the craftswoman understands who exactly her client is. To do this, you need to imagine who purchases similar products from competitors or in stores. For example, if you are attracted to the “all for needlework and creativity” field of activity, then your audience is needlewomen. But if you like to make slingobusy, then the client is a young mother.
The next stage is the acquisition of all that is necessary for the successful conduct of business. These are materials, equipment, if necessary - courses at which they learn to do something. What exactly will have to invest money depends on the chosen direction. For example, choosing knitting to order, you will have to make an effort to look for a store with favorable prices for threads, knitting needles and other supplies and equipment.
Promotion is also important
The business plan needs to pay attention to marketing issues. Simply put, you need to describe in detail how you plan to find a client and interest him. There are a variety of channels - from word of mouth to the offer of their goods at foreign offline fairs. Which way is right for you? Depends both on the scale of activity, and on the existing reputation, direction of work.
Needlework as a business does not forgive an irresponsible approach. In a business plan, you need not only to write how a client will be found, but also to think out a scheme for financial interaction with him. How will you sell your product? Through the Internet, through newspaper advertisements or by phone? However, practice shows that in our time, all methods, except the virtual web, are almost a thing of the past.
Strategy and Opportunities
If all of these topics have been considered, the craftswoman was able to find satisfactory answers and it makes sense to assume that the business will bring success, you can start. If you want additional help, draw up a business plan and offer it to officials for consideration. Otherwise, you can begin to implement everything right now.
You need to be aware that different niches bring different incomes.For example, custom embroidery is much less in demand than jewelry, but it also costs more. This means that the first time, probably, there will be few customers, so the craftswoman would rather work at a loss - after all, you need to develop an assortment from which customers would choose, and which would reflect skills. And to be prepared for the fact that the customer wants "the same, but with pearl buttons", so it will be very difficult to sell finished products.
New types of needlework regularly appear. Some of them are extremely promising, but others will not take root and there will be no demand for them - except, among a very narrow circle of people. The ability to see a promising direction is the best way to success.
Making jewelry - making money
Handcrafted jewelry is the perfect needlework. As a business, it can bring a good income. There is no arguing. Moreover, that business is still - the market is simply overwhelmed with those who want to make money on beauty and for those who want to be beautiful, therefore lately what kind of promotion methods are used here! There are both white, honest, and not too pleasant. Nevertheless, the option is considered very good, since even in case of failure there will be no problems with the manufactured goods. You can give it to friends, wear it yourself. In a word, it’s both beautiful and useful, and in the long term - profitable.
The development strategies of shops with handmade jewelry - the sea. You can do simple things, you can make complex, luxurious, expensive. Fortunately, even living in a small town, you can find buyers for such things - there’s the Internet for this. Of course, you will have to master all the resources through which needlewomen sell products, but tool ownership is the key to success. The Internet in our case is the same tool as knitting needles and needles.
How and what?
What can you do with your own hands? The list is huge:
- bracelets;
- jewelry for children;
- jewelry in the ears, on the neck;
- rings and rings;
- brooches and key rings.
In the past few years, products made from epoxy have gained the most popularity. This is such a transparent substance, which during operation is liquid, hardens when solidified and becomes strong, reliable, beautiful. Inside, you can put a dried flower or a beautiful image, and the product will become an original pendant or eco-ring.
Knit for sale
Perhaps this needlework as a business is one of the most familiar to our fellow citizens. Back in the days of the USSR, when there was practically no clothes on the market, and what it was - it was all the same, people used to sew and knit for themselves. Many already then made money on this, providing the services of a tailor, seamstress, knitter. Of course, in the 90s, the perception of hand-made things changed - it was believed that only those who do not have money to buy a new one do this. But the notorious nineties are long gone, nowadays hand-made products are a real chic, which not everyone can afford.
Cardigans, handmade sweaters, unlike mass stamping - things that are appreciated by both young people and middle-aged and older people. This is especially noticeable in the largest cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg. Great demand for manual work and abroad. If you know English, you can try to collect orders on international sites. Europeans, Americans are ready to pay a lot for high-quality hand-made.
What and how?
Most in demand:
- items of everyday wardrobe;
- scarves and hats;
- gloves and mittens;
- Kids' things.
To start a business you will need:
- threads
- knitting needles;
- scheme.
If you plan to use a machine or knitting machine - then you need to have them. Another important asset is skills. If there are none, it will take a long time to gain knowledge, otherwise it will not work to do really beautiful, neat high-class things.If you already know how to knit and are ready to try yourself in custom work, then it is definitely worth a try.
We embroider with profit
Perhaps embroidery is one of the most ancient types of needlework, which is in demand to this day. However, this is directly related to the competition: there are many craftswomen, everyone wants to earn with their talents. If you are ready to make your way to success by all means - then the area is right for you. But you will have to work out an advertising campaign, with the expectation of working with clients from different regions and even countries.
You can embroider anything: tablecloths and napkins, collars and blouses, jewelry and bags. To start a business, you need to have skills, to have needles, fabric and threads. For certain types, you need to use an embroidery machine. The price for it is not small, so you should buy it only if you are sure that such an investment is justified.
Home studio: traditional income
Tailors have always been valuable, especially talented, tasteful. Once there simply were no factories, and an appeal to a tailor was the only way to get good clothes (except, of course, independent sewing). Now only a fairly wealthy person can afford to turn to a seamstress. But let's be honest: modern fashionistas are already disgusted with factory things - all as one is monotonous, typical, and even on the street you can easily meet someone in the same clothes. The only way out is a private order for sewing clothes.
You need to remember such a thing: yes, wealthy people are willing to pay well for original things, but they perfectly understand what they are buying. If you sew anyhow like, "tyap-blunder", you can not count on the client, and you won’t be able to restore your reputation. But having created a positive image for yourself, there is no doubt that there will be a lot of customers. True, there is a certain difficulty: many craftswomen do not recommend working with buyers from other cities. The reason is simple: it is very difficult to do a good thing if there is no way to take measurements on your own. Of course, you can give the client detailed explanations of what and how to measure, but the probability of error is always there.
Additional income from a home studio can be obtained by providing small services: mending clothes, fitting to size. To get started, you need to have skills, a sewing machine, needles, threads and fabric.
Where and how to find a client?
Perhaps this is the question - the most difficult for a novice master, and for an experienced needlewoman. Nowadays, the Internet offers the widest opportunities for finding a customer. Every day, billions of people use the network to find what they need - including goods. This means that with the proper promotion of the coat of a craftswoman from a small Russian village, an American customer will see and order it, because the thing will turn out to be exactly what it was looking for. True, achieving this will not be easy.
How to find a client over the Internet? Others say the best method is to own a website. The approach is extremely controversial: many do not trust the situation when one site is dedicated to one master. They catch a catch, they suspect that this is actually just a store reselling things - in a word, many options immediately come to mind. Therefore, it is rightly believed that the best option is to use special international and federal platforms for trade in hand-made products.
So, appearances and passwords:
- Worldwide auction site and just goods eBay;
- Etsy, the largest international site for the sale of hand-made products;
- the largest Russian-language portal dedicated to handmade work - "Fair of Masters".
Each of the projects offers its own variant of cooperation. Somewhere you need to pay if you have successfully completed the transaction, other sites take money for putting the goods up for sale, for the third you need to pay membership for a certain period, which involves placing a fixed number of works.