As Frederick Perls, a well-known psychotherapist and psychiatrist, said, the desire to change is based on dissatisfaction. Every attempt to change or change their environment is a result of dissatisfaction.
Where to begin?
Start with yourself. The world is a reflection of our inner state. Stop and look around you. What do you see? If what you see doesn’t suit you, want to change inside - then the list of books on psychology, which we will consider today, will become not just interesting literature, but a guide.
For those who want to succeed
Psychology is a subtle science to which we often do not attach due importance. Meanwhile, it is psychology that allows a person to understand himself, in his environment. And even in the device of the world. Understanding of psychology allows you to develop mentally and spiritually, confidently climb the career ladder. And of course, find harmony in yourself and in the world around you, because it is it that is the key link in happiness.
Rating of books on the psychology of different genres
Today we look at the most popular psychology books worth reading. These are works that have become the best in their genre and won the love of readers from around the world. Some of them will allow you to interact more effectively with people around you, and even influence their opinion. But most importantly, you will become much more confident in yourself and your abilities.
So, the rating of books on psychology is as follows.
Books on Behavioral Psychology
Behavior is the main factor by which your character is evaluated by others. After the first acquaintance with a person, we draw up a superficial, but whole opinion about him or her. These books will teach you to be more confident and behave properly. Below is the rating of books on the psychology of behavior.
1. «Psychology of influence. Convince. Act. Defend yourself. ” Robert Cialdini.
This book is advised by psychologists around the world as the best guide to management and conflict. Written in a light and unobtrusive language, it motivates, teaches to perceive information and make decisions. In the United States, it was reprinted 4 times, despite the fact that it was released in 2016. Especially this book will appeal to those readers who work with people and by the nature of their activities should convince or convince their opponents. This is the best book on the psychology of behavior.
2. «Make yourself. Tips for those who want to leave their mark. " Tina Silig.
The book is written by a teacher at Stanford University. This book is an excellent guide for those who want to start their own business. She will teach you how to react to problems and to some extent even realize their necessity. Tina is sure that it is problems that are the best motivation for self-development, without a constant search for solutions, a person degrades as a person. The author also gives advice on where to start a business, where to direct energy and what to spend free time on.3. "Seven skills of highly effective people." Stephen Covey.
An expert in the field of life management shares his advice with the reader. You will learn how to achieve a highly efficient life, and for this you need to know - there is always a choice, even in the most hopeless situation. And he consists in a reaction to this situation. In order to change your destiny, a person must learn 7 basic principles of behavior.
4. «Mental traps at work. " Mark Goulston.
Mark Goulston trains FBI negotiators.A successful practicing psychologist in his book describes how to behave properly at work and quickly climb the career ladder. Mark tells how to eliminate the psychological traps created by our subconscious.
5. “Psychology of manipulation. From puppets to puppeteers. ” V. Shapar.
Thanks to the description of everyday manipulations, you will learn to identify them from the side of your environment and nip in the bud. You will also learn simple psychological techniques that will allow you to change your behavior, increase self-esteem and learn how to get your own way from others. The rating of psychology books without this book would not be complete.
Psychology of personality: the best books
The most effective and interesting books on personality psychology are presented below. Thanks to them, you will get an idea of the concept of human life from birth to death. These bestsellers will teach you to look at life differently and enhance your personal development.
1. "Psychology of development." Grace Craig.
This tutorial on personality psychology was written in 2016. The author describes in detail all the stages of human life. Thanks to the analysis of life and all the factors affecting human development (society, psychology, physiology), the book talks about how unique each of us is.
2. "Psychology of achievements." Brian Tracy.
Brian Tracy has written about 60 books on personal growth and management. This book is on the list of the best in its genre. Brian explains why some people's lives are failing, why they are irresponsible, envious, embittered. The author honestly talks about all the unsightly character traits of humanity and their vices, but you can certainly look deeper into yourself after reading this book.
3. "How to stop worrying and start a new life." Dale Carnegie.
This book is primarily necessary for those who are constantly nervous and worried about the future. Experiencing about what may and may not be, you seem to be looping along the paths instead of following the central road through life, as one parable says. The book is written in an easy and accessible language and contains descriptions of various situations from the lives of various people. Read, be inspired and believe!
Having examined the best books on psychology and self-development, we turn to the eternal topic - the relationship between a man and a woman.
Relationship Psychology: The Best Books
Of course, this is one of the most popular sections of psychology. We often do not realize how deep and unexplored women are for men and men for women. Books on the psychology of relations between men and women will teach you to better understand the opposite sex and respond to some situations more wisely and calmly. So, let's begin.
1. "Men from Mars, women from Venus." John Gray
For over 20 years, this book has been the best textbook for couples who cannot find mutual understanding. Why? Everything is very simple! We are completely different, but refuse to understand this. The book will help you to be more tolerant and wiser to your soulmate, because John describes in detail all our psychological differences and teaches us to overcome difficulties in relationships. In addition, the book is written lively and not without humor.
2. "You do not know anything about men." Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey is an amazing psychologist who wrote this book based on his own rich experience (three marriages and two divorces). He demonstrates to women the inner world of the entire strong half of humanity, which allows us to understand them much more deeply. And understanding the psychology of men is the key to his heart. An amazing movie has been shot on this book.
3. "The paradox of passion: she loves him, but he does not." Dellis and Phillips.
In this book, everyone will find something for themselves. How to save love, if it seems that there is no way out and it’s time to end the relationship? What are the stages of a relationship going through a couple and how to take them to a new level? This book will be useful both to those who have already found their life partner, and to those who are still in search. Of course, she is on the list of books on psychology that everyone should read.
4. "To promise is not to marry." Berendt and Tuccillo.
Another book that made an amazing film. It is intended for women whose relationship with the opposite sex does not work out.How to find your true love? First of all, stop seeing your fiancée in every person you meet. Take a look at the world and accept it, learn to give it love. And of course, love yourself.
What other books are useful to read?
Of course, the books on psychology that are worth reading are so numerous that they cannot be overpowered. But the above-mentioned are not in vain considered the best in their genres - actual problems, accessible language, interesting, in some cases, ironic presentation. Consider several useful books on psychology that relate to other genres.
1. "The language of conversation." Alan Pease and Alan Garner.
This book will help develop your communication data. Sign language, non-verbal signs that the interlocutor gives us, will help to achieve from the conversation those results that you personally need. Such knowledge will become a ladder for your career.
2. "Career manager." Lee Iacocca.
Best seller from manager Lee Iacocca, who, despite the difficult periods in his life, has become incredibly successful. What should a manager know? What principles should be followed?
3. "Rich dad, poor dad." Robert Kiyosaki.
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve financial independence. It is based on 2 opposite principles of two completely different, but close people - the author’s father and his friend.
4. "The psychology of lies." Paul Ekman.
We all lie. Analyzing the phenomenon of deception from the point of view of psychology, Paul talks about the gestures, facial expressions and behavior of the person who is currently lying to you. By carefully reading the proposed material, you can easily recognize when you are being lied to.
Psychologists also recommend reading ...
For a basic understanding of psychology and an easy study of more complex books, psychologists advise reading the following editions:
- “Motivation and Personality,” Abraham Maslow.
- "Games People Play," Eric Byrne.
- “Say yes to life,” Victor Frankl.
- “Identity: Youth and Crisis,” Eric Erickson.
The article contains the best books on psychology and self-development, which you should definitely read if you want to change your life.