
Implementation is ... Meaning and synonyms for the word "implementation"

Today it is quite difficult to calculate how many language units per year modern Russian spoken and written language is borrowed from foreign. Many words remain incomprehensible to people who do not encounter professional vocabulary. Other groups of words are not included in the active (constantly used) vocabulary even after they are interpreted, and the thing is that a person feels comfortable only in his “language field”. Nevertheless, there are also expressions that come from foreign languages, the use of which is a universal norm. So, for example, "implementation". The meaning of the word lies in its origin, depends on the context of use and many other semantic factors that will be considered in this article.

Etymology of the word

"Implementation" is a noun in Russian, which is formed from the verb "implement" borrowed from the French language - realizer. In turn, this verb is derived from the noun la réalité, which means "reality". Implementation is the implementation of something, the creation of something qualitatively new. You can realize not only material objects (that is, produce them), but also spiritual values, your own inner potential. Each person at least once in his life thought about his abilities - mental or creative, about how they could be embodied in reality. For a thinking person, this question remains relevant throughout life. At the same time, a thinking person adequately assesses his own capabilities and always seeks new areas of his interests, does not stop at the results achieved. This search process is called self-development.


A synonym for the word "realization" in the context of the development of personal potential is "self-improvement." Improving personal qualities, acquiring new, and most importantly - useful skills in the interests of each of us.implementation is By investing in the development of our own personality, we become a good family member, interlocutor, colleague and perform many other social roles better. But above all, realization is development for oneself, for creating an internal feeling of self-confidence, for gaining the will to live and interacting with the outside world.

How can one fulfill oneself?

Not a single person in the world has managed to deduce the only true "formula" for successful self-realization. For everyone, the recipe for success is individual, but what any of us must know in order to consider ourselves self-fulfilling is that he is in his place and is engaged in "his" business. It is extremely important for a person to find his place in this world, to determine his favorite pastime, and no matter how much or little they pay for him. For those who have not yet managed to navigate this world, the shortest path to self-realization is to watch high-quality and wise films, read books, travel and make new acquaintances. All of these aspects can make our life and ourselves much better!

Product sales

Very often, the word "implementation" can be heard in this, near-economic context. For entrepreneurs, the sale of products is one of the main processes for making a profit, so this word is used in this context as a synonym for "sales" - sales, delivery to the market, and the provision of products to the end customer.sales of products In an economic sense, realization is also about generating income.This word can be used in the context of a conversation about property. The income received from personal property is the total revenue of a particular individual or legal entity. You can get this revenue by exercising property rights (disposal). For example, renting an apartment or vehicle.

Synonymous series

A synonym for the word "implementation" can be a number of cognate lexemes - "create", "create", "recreate" and others. To realize means to reproduce the potential properties of some tangible or intangible object (for example, a thing or person). When people talk about the realization of something, they most often mean putting something into practice.synonym for the word implementation You can implement a plan or idea, you can implement a product on the market. The paradoxes of linguistic structures allow us to use this ambiguous word in a variety of contexts. Of particular interest in this case is the question of using the concept under consideration.

Word usage

Most often, this word can be found in some formal letters, journalistic texts or in public speeches of people dedicated to some specific issues. For example, you are likely to hear about the implementation of the program from a politician or economist. People from these areas are forced to use this word for their professional motives.meaning of the word implementation Conducting a quantitative content analysis of public statements of officials, a high percentage of the use of the word "implementation" can be noted. Every politician, economist and bureaucrat seeks to implement the planned strategy, to create some kind of program to increase the efficiency of his activities (be it to improve the quality of the political program or increase the productivity of the company), or at least announce such a desire in public speaking.

The issue of implementing the strategy

Public speaking does not remain merely words thrown to the wind if the terms for the implementation of the planned programs and strategies have clear boundaries. Within the framework of this article, it would be useful to understand what a "realized" and "unrealized" program is, using a specific example.program implementation So, the popular and expected strategic planning product in Russia is "Strategy 2020". She established the basic requirements for the development of the country's economy, its points were an increase in the average life expectancy of citizens, an increase in gross domestic product, a decrease in inflation, an increase in real incomes of the population, and the dynamics of many other indicators. One way or another, some of these requirements have not been met by 2017, but it is too early to say whether the program is “unrealized”.

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