Many dream of Britain - the country of Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, The Beatles and tea. This is a very popular destination for Russians and Ukrainians who are looking for work. That is why this article talks about how to get a job in this country temporarily or permanently, as well as how to get a visa there. These issues will be fully considered.
Why exactly the UK
So, many people think that working in the UK is exactly what they need. There is a good climate (temperate oceanic), the temperature rarely drops below zero. The only thing is that it often rains, but it's really getting used to it. Moreover, the UK has a very high standard of living, the salary is also at the level. High taxes, but thanks to them, there is a huge amount of everything for education, including free, as well as improving health. Also, work is available in this country for residents of Russia and Ukraine, because relations with them are quite warm, and many native speakers of Ukrainian and Russian languages still live in the UK. Every year tourists come there.
How important it is to know English, and at what level
As a rule, in order to get a job in the UK it is necessary to know English at least at the conversational level, since, of course, few people know Russian or Ukrainian there. If the position involves constant interaction with people, then the level should be at least average (B1, perhaps B2 according to the international scale of competence). If a person is going to work in a large company, the level is needed as high as possible, C1-C2 (fluency).
Of course, work in the UK is more accessible for those who know English, because it raises a person over others. And always a bonus is knowledge of other foreign languages. For example, knowledge of French, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese is relevant. Of course, everything must be confirmed by certificates of completion of courses or exams.
In this regard, it is convenient that in the UK there are a huge number of different language courses for foreigners. There are directly at the company (especially often they are available when a person is transferred from his country to another within the same organization), there are various language schools that teach at a certain level and issue confirmation. There are also courses for immigrants.
Is higher education compulsory
The importance of having a higher education depends on the qualifications required for the chosen position. For example, it is needed for pharmacists, economists and other employees with finances. You can get a tutor in a family with higher education in any field, for example, philology. Of course, working as a doctor in the UK is only possible for those who have the appropriate education. However, even here there are some nuances. Some specializations in Russia or Ukraine are taught quite differently. For example, it is unlikely to get a neuropsychologist or psychiatrist. In such cases, it is necessary to retrain at training courses or even at a university in the UK. We can say that higher education will be an undoubted plus, it will be advantageous to distinguish it from others.
Do you need work experience?
Of course, the need for previous experience depends on the specific type of employment, but most often it is necessary. Usually, hiring companies indicate a clear number of working hours or days that should be noted in the work book.
In addition, so-called volunteer activities often count. This is free assistance in various non-profit organizations (hospitals, hospices, orphanages, gerontological centers, animal shelters), as well as at events at various levels, such as festivals, exhibitions, forums. In Russia and Ukraine, the volunteer’s hours of work are most often not kept, but usually letters of thanks and letters of appreciation are issued, and you can also ask for a job review or recommendation. Also, in some cities, volunteer work books are registered, where the hours are already marked. The presence of such documents significantly raises the applicant in the eyes of the potential employer. In addition, such experience will greatly help to get a social worker or teacher in a language or other training center.
What professions are most in demand in this country
So how to find a job in the UK? Of course, you can always go to work in the service sector: as a waiter, cleaner, cashier, but there are other possibilities. As already mentioned, for some specialties it is necessary to retrain, but it is worth talking about those vacancies that are available to a Russian or a Ukrainian with a completed higher education.
For example, financiers, economists, managers, secretaries, tutors, advertising, PR and public relations specialists, guides, art historians, administrators in a hotel or hotel are hired throughout the year. It is much easier to get where people who know Russian or Ukrainian are needed, as well as in companies that work with these countries.
However, the most profitable option is to work at home in an international company that cooperates with the UK and has its own branch there. Then you can apply for a transfer and leave with the whole family. Work will be right away. This is especially true for people who have achieved a lot in the field of information technology, as well as in science and creativity.
Who is least likely to be hired
But there are also posts that are literally closed to foreigners. So, it is almost impossible to get a teacher at school or a teacher at a university, because, firstly, in the UK, teachers often need to have a bachelor's degree in both pedagogy and the taught discipline, moreover, at the local university, since Russian and Ukrainian are rarely quoted . It is also difficult to get a low-skilled job like the same janitor, as the competition is huge due to the large flow of immigrants.
Is it possible to get students
Yes, there is work for students in the UK, but most often it is unofficial, because at the moment, residents of Russia and Ukraine who study at a higher educational institution in this country cannot work while studying, although you can try to ask to work as a laboratory assistant at the department or faculty. However, perhaps the situation will change. If just a student comes on vacation, then getting a job is easier. Take to the store, baby sitter, peddler of newspapers, for example.
What types of work are not for the whole year?
Often, work in the UK is not seen by Russians and Ukrainians as something permanent, so they choose employment for several months. It happens that just someone, most often, a student comes for the summer or during other holidays to earn some money. Therefore, seasonal work in the UK is also in demand. For example, in the fall you can go as a janitor to collect leaves on the streets, and in the summer you can feed and walk the dogs or cats of those who go on vacation, and also sit with the children while their parents are resting somewhere outside the house.
However, there are more interesting and unusual options for seasonal work. So, in the summer and winter often come to collect shellfish for restaurants and other companies.In the summer there are many opportunities for part-time work in various shops and shops, when some, again, go on vacation, and also at this time of the year help is needed at almost every UK farm. You just need to ask. In the fall, you can arrange to collect hops and get more than two hundred euros per week for this.
The undoubted advantage of such works is that you do not need to look for them in advance. You just need to come to the UK and wander around looking for ads, as well as asking locals. This will help to overcome the language barrier and make a couple of useful contacts.
What you need to know when applying for a job
It is worth noting that work in the UK for Russians has its own characteristics. It is necessary to consider them. Likewise, work in the UK for Ukrainians. It is important to stock up with all the information before arriving in the country. If non-seasonal work is chosen, then you need to get a position before leaving and completing all the documents, buying tickets, so that everything is not wasted. Often contacted by employer by e-mail, sometimes you need to come for a personal interview, but this is only in very large companies. It is necessary to conclude an agreement where the conditions and time of work, the amount of wages will be prescribed.
This is not to say that Russians or Ukrainians are biased in the UK, but it is important to remember that people from Europe do not have advantages over refugees and people from Asia. This is not some kind of racism, it is only a manifestation of the immigration policy of this country.
How to get a visa to the UK
There are two possibilities for a UK visa to be able to officially work there. Firstly, there is a work visa. It helps the employer to do it. He must prove that for this position there is no person with the same qualities, but from the local population. An agreement must also be signed to work only with this person. If you need side jobs, then they also need to be officially agreed with the employer. Also, the conditions of this visa stipulate that if the employer terminates the contract, the country must be immediately left.
Secondly, there is a second option. There is an HSMP program. Suitable for qualified personnel. The bottom line is that the questionnaire is filled out, as a result of which the applicant receives points. For example, they give more points to those younger, who studied additionally in the UK, as well as those who have a higher level of education, English and a salary in their homeland. That is, the more various important professional skills, the greater the chance to get a visa for this program. Everything must be confirmed by documents.
So, official work in the UK with a visa is real. Moreover, the presence of a visa will just help in the device. It is also worth noting that in both cases, after passing the first stages, it is necessary to pass an interview with a representative of the country in English. Perhaps it will be someone from the company, perhaps just a person associated with the visa.
What are the difficulties in obtaining a visa and how to overcome them
Basically, difficulties will arise in people without good personal and professional qualities. A visa to the UK is not issued if the person is easily replaced by a local resident, because there are fewer problems with them, and also because there is an obligation for employers to make a choice in favor of a resident of the country. All this can be overcome only by hard work at home in Russia or in Ukraine. The more a person knows how, the more difficult it is to choose another for a given position.
As you can see, finding a job in this country is quite realistic, if you can imagine something, be able to submit yourself, and also know about all the pitfalls that you will encounter. Working in the UK is a great and memorable experience that is well worth the effort. But, of course, you must first think through everything and weigh the pros and cons.