Sandler Systems, an American company with more than 250 offices worldwide, is recognized today as one of the largest in the field of business education. A well-known training organization provides training under the program of David Sandler - the founder of the company.
The methodology, based on the psychological principles underlying human behavior, has become revolutionary. For more than thirty years, Sandler’s sales rules have been brilliantly applied in practice, and readers can get to know them in the book “The Psychology of Successful Sales”.
Sandler's technique
Those professionally involved in sales are probably familiar with David Sandler’s methods. Every day they apply them in their work. Perhaps without even realizing it.
Sandler created a method based on human emotionality. Today it does not seem strange. But in those days, his ideas seemed frightening. They are based on the theory of transactional analysis (TA) of the famous psychologist Eric Berne, which defines human consciousness as a composition of three "I":
- A parent is that part of the mind that stores information about what is right or wrong, bad or good, acceptable or unacceptable.
- An adult is logic, analytical thinking, a rational part of human behavior.
- A child is an emotional part that is responsible for feelings, impulsive actions and desires.
Each person is pleased to think of himself as a Parent or Adult. But, when it comes to shopping, he instantly turns into a Child. The technique is aimed at this part of the personality. According to Sandler, this is where the secrets of successful sales lie.
Human psychology is so arranged that by the age of six he will know the full range of emotions. Throughout life, this six-year-old child feels the desire and demands "I want, I don't want."
But until the Child expresses a desire, the Parent and Adult will not begin to analyze the situation. According to Sandler, everything begins with the Child. This is the key selling point.
It is necessary, first of all, to find interaction with the Child - to interest him and surprise him. The next stages are communication with the Parent and Adult. Sandler combined all this into a sales system that has proved its effectiveness.
Sandler's story
Naturally, when getting acquainted with the technique, questions involuntarily arise about its creator. Who is he? What is his knowledge based on? And, of course, what does he have to do with the book “The Psychology of Successful Sales,” which is discussed in the article?
David Sandler has been involved in the family business since childhood, delivering groceries to shops. By the age of thirty-six, he became president of the company. When they were at the pinnacle of success, the partner left him penniless in his pocket and without business.
David was forced to get a job as a simple manager in a competitor's company. Like everyone else, he attended trainings, gave presentations, responded to objections, made “cold” calls, fought for each client. This paid off - he became the best seller in the company, and soon the only one. Two years later, David Sandler bought this company.
Having secured himself financially, in 1967 Sandler ceased to participate in business. Based on many years of experience, he understood that the key to successful sales lies in human psychology. And David decided to carefully examine this area. He took up the training.
Unfortunately, the founder of the Sales Institute did not see the heyday of his theory. Sandler is dead. But his students continue the work begun by him. Not everyone can afford to take part in company trainings and seminars.They are very expensive. But Sandler's friends believe that this should not be an obstacle to his ideas, which is why the book “The Psychology of Successful Sales” was written.
About the author of the book
David Mattson is the CEO and president of Sandler Systems. A world-famous leader and trainer, Mattson joined the company in 1988 and worked under Sandler. He began working with the company as a trainer in sales, strategic planning and interpersonal communications. And in 1992, David served as vice president of the company.
Under his leadership, programs were developed that increased the efficiency of Sandler's methods by 65%. In 2007, Mattson was appointed CEO of the company.
David Mattson is the author of several books that will take their rightful place in the working library of those who are engaged in the field of trade. The Psychology of Successful Sales is one of the top ten books on sales.
Who is the book written for?
The book will be useful to business owners, managers, managers, sellers. In a word, to those who want his sales to take less time and bring more money. Sandler's practical advice should be taken as the rules for building customer relationships.
For each item indicated in the book, the author gives a task to understand and project his experience. Describes in detail situations and their actions in the process. The book will be useful to everyone who wants the business to work clearly and stably.
The author not only introduces Sandler's rules, but also explains how to put them into practice. It offers tips and advice on sales and leadership, pays attention to management issues and conflict resolution methods.
According to the author, professional trainer and business specialist David Mattson, “Psychology of successful sales” is a kind of quintessence of Sandler’s wisdom, who spent decades decoding these rules.
About the book
Structurally, the book is divided into three parts:
- The first part introduces the basic concepts of sales. Describes the rules of negotiating and concluding a deal. Explains how to behave when meeting with a potential buyer and why you should not immediately lay out the benefits of the product. At what point in the sale is it appropriate to mention the “added value” of the product? How to exclude the possibility of a return? Mattson has an answer to all these questions. He explains how to identify problems or doubts before concluding a deal, and resolve them at the stage of product presentation.
- In the second part, the author shares his many years of experience and explains where to find a potential buyer and arrange a meeting with him. Advises how to conduct a conversation, determine the intentions of the buyer, answer questions during negotiations and complete the dialogue. In this part of the book “Psychology of Successful Sales,” the reader will learn the steps involved in preparing for a product presentation. The author specifies what information will be useful in order for the presentation to “shoot”. At what point in the presentation is it necessary to fill in the existing gaps and prevent the possibility of obstacles.
- In the third part, Mattson pays attention to the tasks set: how to solve them purposefully and intelligently, how to behave with competitors and determine whether the buyer is honest with you.
With numerous examples, the author confirms that the 49 Sandler rules will certainly lead to success and increase sales. You must apply them in practice and remember that the key to success lies in the correct behavior of the seller.