Absolutely everyone understands what a concept such as "relationship" means. There are a huge number of varieties of them, and they are created, developed and also look differently. Someone creates friendships, someone love, someone business. And, of course, they have not only something in common with each other, but also fundamentally different. On which side can relations of production be considered? What do they include, what are they aimed at, and why do they even exist in society? With the help of this article it will be possible to answer these and other questions.
The concept of industrial relations
In order to understand the whole structure of such relations, one should pay attention to the concept itself. The definition of production relations can be described in different words, but the essence is rather simpler than it might seem at first glance. This is an unbiased relationship that develops between people in the production process, aimed at achieving common goals and solving certain problems that arise in the process of work. Naturally, a person, working in some kind of production, interacts not only with resources, but also with other people, cooperation with which is also called social relations, on the basis of which the formation and development of society takes place.
It is impossible to imagine that at any plant one person performed all the functions and tasks. Therefore, production relations are created, in the process of which employees constantly interact with each other. They exchange information, knowledge, experience on the workflow, and often can discuss personal issues over a cup of coffee during the lunch break. And an important point in this situation is the fact that the absence of such a system can quite adversely affect the result of the entire production process as a whole.
Division into species
There are several types of production relationships:
- industrial relations between different states;
- between a particular enterprise and the state;
- between different enterprises;
- between the household and the state;
- inside the enterprise (internal);
- between the household and the enterprises.
Each of these types is quite understandable, but the question may still remain: “But how do enterprises and households interact with each other?” Everything is very simple. Some household workers have land or personal capital that they can invest, for example, in banking, earning their interest from the work of their resources. Another example: the family that is engaged in the household has an adult son (daughter) working in an enterprise. There are many more examples, but their essence is clear to everyone.
The relationship of various elements
It must be understood that much in nature is interconnected and constantly interacts. Association and interaction takes place on the basis of various components. Similarly, there are elements of production relations. They are the basis for the full development of the economy of any country in the world.
It should be understood that all funds received by any labor, company, person, are sent in a different direction. Politics, religion, science, education, medicine, entertainment - all this is developed with the help of certain funding. Society is completely dependent on the development of various state structures.It will not be a secret to anyone that the main source that supports this whole huge system is a person who works, works, brings income, knowledge and experience. It is people who act as the productive force of their country and the whole world.
Forces of production and their relationship with production relations
Production forces and production relations cannot exist without each other. By the forces of production can also be attributed not only people, but also the resulting natural resources, various funds. Accordingly, it is necessary to correctly distribute all these forces, to use them correctly. Who will do this? Naturally, production workers. Often there are cases when a new worker comes to production. He does not have the necessary experience and knowledge to successfully fulfill his duties and functions.
In this case, experts in their field, training courses, and tips from colleagues come to his aid. This, too, is the relationship between production forces and production relations. The proper organization of the process, the allocation of responsibilities, clearly defined goals are important things for the development of the company and the state as a whole.
Manager or employee
It is possible to consider all processes in production from various angles. And depending on this, a certain process takes on one or another character. Interaction factors are changing accordingly. In this entire system there is the concept of industrial and economic relations. What does this mean? This is a type of relationship, which is expressed through relations to the means of production. Any tools, machines, structures, buildings, raw materials can be attributed to the means of production, to material resources.
In other words, if all these funds are in the personal property of a particular person or group of persons, then the rest of the employees are economically dependent on these owners. Their work and the results obtained are assigned to the "main" persons. If the means of production are distributed among all members of the production, then relations are formed between them on the basis of mutual assistance and cooperation. In this situation, everyone is equal, there is no division into subgroups.
Production and natural resources
Special attention must be paid to material resources. Where do they come from? What can they influence? Means of production are an important part of the social production forces. With their help, the main percentage of all work is carried out, consumer goods are produced. Such means appear in two ways - either nature itself provides them: oil, gas, coal, forest, land, etc., or these are means that have been processed or created by man himself, by production. Of course, for the full implementation of all tasks it is necessary to possess both types of data resources. And sometimes production incurs huge losses due to the absence of one or another element. Especially global damage occurs due to the lack of natural resources, which, as a rule, are not replenished.
Organization of production
Another type of relationship that arises from production is called organizational-production relations. Surely everyone understands that any process, one way or another, is organized. Everything goes in stages. There is an enterprise, there are employees, goals and objectives are set, actions are being developed that will help achieve the desired results. All this can be attributed to the organization process. The latter should occur at the required level and constantly improve.
It will depend on this exactly how people directly interact with each other in production, how they use various methods and means in their work. Organizational-production relations also include cooperation between enterprises.Organizations can provide mutual assistance to each other when conducting deliveries of goods, supplying warehouses, and other procedures. Such relationships can be of a one-time nature, or carried out on an ongoing basis.
Manufacturing process
Any production is reduced to a certain output. There are many examples. This may be the manufacture of clothing, and the production of bread, and the release of aircraft. Of course, each of these examples is not like the other, but there is a lot in common between them. A common feature is the basic processes of production.
They are intended to directly change the forms of materials or the condition of products that are produced in a particular production. At first glance it is difficult to understand what is at stake, but it's pretty simple. There are special factories that produce automotive parts. But they also assemble various units and cars from them. Another example: a bakery where bread is made. But from the same test they can change shape, making loaves, rolls and all kinds of cookies.
Replacing an ineffective employee
Of no small importance in the development of production relations should be attributed to the professional level of development of personnel who are engaged in production. Each manager understands that the more his employee knows and knows how, the better he copes with his duties.
Of course, the individual qualities of a person should not be ruled out. Indeed, it often happens that the employee has all the necessary practical and theoretical skills related to his work. But it does not bring effective results.
Why? The answers can be varied, but in most cases this situation arises from the banal laziness of the employee. In this case, it is easier to find another person, conduct his training and employ him in the necessary position. Such training can often be carried out on the job.
Production Training
Can training in industrial relations be related to industrial relations? Rather yes than no. As a rule, most training processes take place directly in the workplace. This applies to factory workers, bank employees, and bakery workers. Many people are recruited to factories through special employment centers. They visit a certain workshop, where a master introduces them, who is engaged in their training.
Based on the results of such training, as a rule, they conduct final exams, and those who pass them successfully are hired. There is a process in which a new employee receives work (earnings), and the master receives additional production power that he needs in production to successfully complete tasks. There are training courses to improve the skills of employees, training staff to work on new machines, etc.
Crisis check
Of course, any society and state forms production relations in various ways. But they exist all over the world. And how these relations will be developed determines how production itself will work. A huge role in this process is given to a person, his skills, knowledge, experience, personal qualities.
But the state should also participate in the development of such relations, provide all kinds of support and encourage. A crisis in a country can lead one enterprise to bankruptcy, another - to stagnation. And this can not ignore the industrial relations. Because people are going through difficult times, and these relationships will be automatically tested for strength.