
Profession - personnel management. Education, requirements, responsibilities

It is difficult to imagine the work of any large enterprise or organization without a personnel service, because the labor path of each person begins with communication with the personnel department. Today, positive changes in the field of personnel management continue to take place, and HR personnel become people who not only monitor the proper execution of the personal files of the company's employees, but also have the opportunity to influence the work team by applying various methods to increase labor efficiency and achieve a high level of staff return for the good of the organization.

Edward Deming, a popular scientist and consultant in the field of management, noted that people are the main element in the business system, and how effectively these people devote their energies to the good of the organization is absolutely dependent on the work of the personnel management service. But in order to understand what function the personnel management system performs and what it takes to become a manager in this area, it is necessary to consider in more detail the specifics of practical activity.legal support for personnel management

The definition and essence of personnel management

Human resources management, or HR management, is an area of ​​activity that is aimed at the formation of high-quality personnel in an organization. The following main responsibilities are assigned to personnel management employees:

  • selection and hiring of personnel;
  • optimization of staff use;
  • control over the proper execution by employees of the organization of their functional duties.

work personnel management

HR Practical Development

In the field of human resources management over the past five years, many new areas, professions and specialties have appeared that differ in their focus. In addition to the main professions in personnel management, such as personnel management, personnel inspector or personnel manager, sales trainers, training managers, corporate culture managers, personnel assessment specialists, couch consultants are gaining popularity. It is worth noting that specialists in this field remain in demand, and their activity brings a stable and fairly high income. This is due to the fact that many organizations, in order to achieve their goals, strive to create such a work team that can cope with their responsibilities in a high-quality and highly professional manner, but, accordingly, this requires professionals to select and hire personnel. HR Manager

HR Management Education

The personnel management profession requires special education and certain internal qualities, on which it depends on whether a person’s labor activity in this area will be successful. Today, many universities with an economic bias provide the opportunity to receive proper education in this area. During the training, you can study such areas as psychology, economics of various levels, paperwork, sociology, political science, management, as well as legal support for personnel management and many other disciplines that will help the future specialist to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for working with people. It is worth noting that you can get education in this area both on the full-time and part-time basis.More demanded employees in this area are those people who graduated from the magistracy in this specialty.

What are the responsibilities of a HR specialist

The main responsibilities of the HR manager (HR specialist) include:

  • organization of work to provide personnel in accordance with the objectives and goals of the enterprise;
  • staffing the enterprise;
  • assistance in the adaptation of personnel in the organization;
  • study of the labor market to identify sources of staffing the organization;
  • forecasting staffing requirements;
  • settlement of various labor disputes;
  • assessment of labor activity of employees;
  • development of proposals for improving the working conditions of employees;
  • certification of employees;
  • organization of work aimed at improving the skills of employees and the possibility of their training;
  • staffing development;
  • participation in the development of a collective agreement and other primary documents governing the labor activity of the organization;
  • motivation and stimulation of the organization’s employees.

and personnel management personnel management

Types of specialists in HR management

Based on the fact that in the field of human resources management there have been many changes in recent years and this area has received wide demand, it has become harder for specialists to develop and work in all areas of personnel management. This factor entailed their separation into conditional types.

HR managers can be divided into the following types:

  • diagnosticians;
  • trainer managers;
  • consultants;
  • administrators.

The peculiarity of each of these types in the options for implementing professional aspirations of a person in the field of human resources management from an enterprise or organization where a personnel specialist is involved.

It is worthwhile to dwell on each of these types.eychar this


As a rule, recruitment agencies or large enterprises with a need for new personnel need diagnostics. The task of an Eichar diagnostician is first of all an assessment of the staff, and in other words, a comprehensive diagnosis of the employee and his personal file.

In their activities, such specialists use psychological techniques to test candidates and employees of the organization. Thanks to this approach, the organization has the ability to hire only highly professional personnel who cope with the tasks and ensure the implementation of the goals of the company.staff adaptation in the organization

In the case of recruitment agencies, the activities of which are aimed at selecting employees for various organizations, diagnosticians pay special attention to the study of personal files, resumes, profiles and biographies of candidates for positions. Their main goal is to protect the customer company from unprofessional personnel. Very often, head-hunter (bounty hunters) are specialists in recruitment agencies, specialists who focus exclusively on experienced and professional personnel. It often happens that in order to satisfy the need of a certain organization for employees, the “bounty hunter” lures already employed professionals from companies and firms. Head-hunter specialists are highly skilled in psychology and have extensive connections with many companies.

Trainer managers

Trainer managers are involved in various companies conducting training for organizations on a variety of programs. Specialists in the field of personnel management conduct seminars and trainings on sales, staff adaptation in the organization, team building and leadership, creating a talent pool, and managing time. It is important that training managers should be able not only to correctly present information at trainings, but also to develop training programs.

It is quite difficult to become a trainer manager, since only one who has sufficient experience in the field in which he conducts his trainings can train.personnel management profession


The main task of the consultant is to correctly present knowledge to a person and transfer his experience in the field of personnel management to another person. One of the features that an HR consultant should have is the versatility of thinking. Counselors, as psychologists, must also be good economists. This is required in order to carry out the correct calculations of economic risks, various costs, benefits, as well as own the specifics of marketing. The career of a consultant is multi-stage, such specialists should have the skills and abilities of the personnel management profession.


The administrative type in the profession of personnel management is the most multifaceted, since it combines all the previous ones. Reaching the so-called highest administrative level is extremely difficult, and this requires a lot of time, theoretical and practical experience. This type includes the heads of personnel management services. The heads of the service or department in the field of HR interact with all structural divisions of the organization and their direct managers and bear personal responsibility not only for the activities of their department, but also for the selection, hiring and organization of work within the organization.

In addition to the above, administrators are obliged to organize staffing for personnel management within the framework of a holistic enterprise system. Specialists with appropriate education and their own experience in managing human resources can cope with this extremely crucial task. It is worth noting that in higher education institutions with a legal and economic bias, you can get an education in the specialty "personnel management", which already implies the possibility of achieving success in administration.

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