
Productive animals - what does it mean? Types of Productive Animals

The animal world is an integral part of human life, since it was he who gave, gives and will give the products necessary for existence. The most useful species have become agricultural, they are bred on a huge scale and the wildlife has already ceased to belong. It is domesticated, productive animals that are the engines of human progress, which allowed us to move from hunting and gathering to a more civilized way of life. And now intensive breeding work is underway, which allows us to increasingly improve the quality and increase the number of products received from animals.

productive animals it


The most productive animals are cows, since they are practically the most productive of the existing in the world. No one else can give such a huge amount of meat and milk - up to seven thousand liters per year a person receives milk from one cow, and the carcass of cattle is up to half a ton of fine meat. Cows are bred of different breeds: there are meat, there are dairy, and there are mixed, meat and dairy, which are most common. In addition to milk and meat from cattle, people receive excellent raw materials for leather products. And among the Slavs, only three hundred years ago, bulls and cows ceased to be draft power. The cow in the family was the nurse. There are a lot of cattle breeds, and the most productive animals are the subject of our conversation today.

The oldest in the world is Simmental. Such cows were introduced to Switzerland in the fifth century, where the development of this breed began, which almost ended only by the middle of the twentieth century. Simmental women are perfectly acclimatized, and therefore more common than others in the world, especially since they are very, very productive animals. This is a foundation for obtaining more and more useful breeds: from the Simmental breed cows were formed: Montbeldar, Bulgarian red, Hungarian motley, Slovak red-motley, Sychevsky and many, many others. In Russia, Simmental women have been very willingly bred since the beginning of the nineteenth century in thirty-six regions of the country. The combination of meat and dairy performance in this breed is optimal, excellent weight gain, milk fat and tasty.

what does a productive animal mean

Other breeds

What does “productive animal” mean in the modern world? Of course, that which, through the selection and selection of local livestock, has become more resilient, requiring no special care, unpretentious in feeding and at the same time giving maximum healthy product. That is why many breeds of cattle were bred purposefully, such as Hereford, which has a pronounced meat direction. Now, such cows are naturally no longer like those that arrived here from England in the eighteenth century. Hereford settled in Altai, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in many other Siberian territories, as well as in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Stavropol, Orenburg, Volgograd. The latter, by the way, is famous for the best breeding factory for the breeding of this particular breed. Aberdeen-Angus breeds are common in all of the above territories, they are dairy.

Everyone saw at least in pictures or from the window of a train grazing in the meadows of white, black and black and white cows. This is a purely Russian breed - Kholmogorskaya, known from the fifteenth century on the Northern Dvina.For crossbreeding with hillocks, black-motley cattle was imported from Holland, however, the influence of foreign blood on the hillocks was almost imperceptible, except that the milk became thinner and smaller in total volume.

That's what a “productive animal" means, to improve it is only to spoil it. And it was intended to change the exterior. It is good that they refused further crossbreeding, and managed to save this breed. A cow is Kholmogorsk and without Holland is beautiful, kind and good. Taste milk is one of the best in the world. In addition, the breed formed in the harsh North is resistant to almost all diseases, including colds, rheumatism and tuberculosis, and is superior to all in resistance to leukemia.

veterinary sanitary rules for keeping productive animals


The goat had previously made friends with other animals and shared milk, wool and down with him. Meat and skin, too, but goats have less valuable products than the first three. Due to milk, down and goat hair - exclusively productive animals. The definition of productivity consists in this: how valuable the resulting product is and how much it is. Goats are especially popular in private and private farms.

Goat milk is a product of amazing quality, the composition is as close as possible to mother's milk, it has a huge number of medicinal properties, it is used to make ideal cosmetics and elite cheeses. And probably there is no more popular clothing than made from goat hair, down and fur. Unless sheep and rabbits can compete with goats in this.

productive animal cat

Sheep and pigs

Sheep is also very productive, especially in certain areas - Central Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. From sheep, people primarily get wool, meat and skins, even milk. Sheep alone in our country totals about six hundred breeds. The main areas are fine-wool sheep breeding and coarse-haired. The latter, in turn, is divided as follows: meat-wool, smushka, fur coat, meat-greasy and meat-wool-dairy breeds.

But pigs are even more common and are the most important animals in agriculture, there are more than a hundred breeds in Russia. The classification by productivity is as follows: bacon, meat-sebaceous and sebaceous breeds. From the pig’s pancreas, a medical preparation is made - pancreatin. The most interesting thing is that the carcass of the pig is fully used, it is absolutely waste-free production.

problems of biology of productive animals


Horse productivity is quite different from that of other types of productive animals. In the horse, labor is the primary function. Of course, now everywhere in agriculture, in production and in transport, iron triumphs, but man still loves this animal very much. Conventionally, horses are still subdivided into meat, dairy and workers, but their main function now is the joy that people bring from communication. There is even hippotherapy.

In some regions, they traditionally eat horse meat and drink mare's milk. These are mainly eastern countries, and herd production of horses. There, the horse is the main source of meat and milk. As a manpower, the horse is used in hard-to-reach areas, because it is strong and mobile: it carries goods in the mountains, as well as people who use it to plow the land. Mountain tourism can not do without these animals.

biology of productive animals


Many thousands of square kilometers of the northern lands of Eurasia, North America are mastered by man, and, of course, a deer helps to survive in these unthinkable tundra conditions. Only in our country there are more than a million diverse reindeers, which the inhabitants of the North have domesticated.

Like a pig, a reindeer is 100% productive: it is used absolutely completely: excellent meat, valuable milk, wool, skin, horns, bone and internal organs. And antlers (non-ossified young horns) are a healing product that is widely used in medicine.Beyond this productivity, reindeers are wonderful mounts.

productive animals definition

Domestic bird

Chickens are one of the most productive animals on earth; their world population far exceeds twenty-five billion individuals. There are also very, very many breeds, they differ in appearance from each other, and in features in content, breeding, and orientation in productivity: meat and egg, meat and egg. In addition to eggs and meat, chickens give a person feather and fluff, which are also important products.

The domestic duck has practically no direction for egg productivity, but it turns out excellent meat, excellent fluff and feather. Ducks are fertile, viable, resistant to disease, caring for them is not very difficult. Duck eggs are very useful, they are even used as an anti-cancer agent, but the egg mass is small, and this orientation of productivity is not effective.

Domestic geese - more than twenty breeds only in our country, and the most interesting is that the person practically did not participate in the selection, the domestic goose turned out by chance. This is a very productive bird: its mass sometimes exceeds ten kilograms. The meat is delicious. And from the liver of a goose and a duck, a world-famous delicacy is obtained - foie gras. Goose down is the best filler for blankets, pillows, winter clothes, it is very light, and it does not get warmer.

embryonic mortality in productive animals

Turkeys and Bunnies

In our country, breeding of such a productive bird as a turkey is gaining more and more popularity. The meat is lean, digestible, breast - white meat - more nutritious than any other. They pay back the maintenance costs easily, as they gain weight up to twenty-five kilograms (turkeys) and up to ten kilograms (turkeys). They do not differ in high egg production, but the parental instinct is remarkably developed in this bird, it perfectly hatches the offspring, including not its own, moreover, even the males sit perfectly on the eggs from which the chickens, ducklings, geese are hatched.

But the most profitable industry and, perhaps, almost catching up on the popularity of chicken breeding, is rabbit breeding. Rabbits - more than a hundred different breeds: from tiny to giants, and by productivity they are divided into downy, meat-skinned and meat. Meat is a dietary and tasty product, and therefore extremely popular. The skin of this animal is soft, light, but strong enough to be used for making clothes. Rabbit fluff in many respects surpasses the fur and fluff of many other animals.

"Problems of biology of productive animals"

This is the name of the scientific journal, on the pages of which you can find answers to many questions relating to livestock. And only that which brings a certain product to people: meat, milk, eggs, wool, fluff, skin, horns, hooves and so on. Here you can find out about the main problems of the industry.

For example, a large article recently published highlighting such an important topic as embryonic mortality in productive animals. In particular, it says that such a plan of disorder is most often found in completely artificially bred breeds, that is, in highly productive animals, and therefore has a huge impact on herd reproduction rates. Pets suffer from the same diseases as humans. These are ovarian cysts, for example, which violate reproductive function, as well as the birth of twins, which also affects the further health of the animal.

The benefits and harms of selection

The biology of productive animals is different from the nature of their wild counterparts. Domestic species from a variety of breeding species lose much of their immunity, are more amenable to diseases and are harder to survive. Therefore, the veterinary service must be constantly on the alert. The diet that a productive animal receives is also very important. A cat, for example, is an unproductive animal, but even for it a menu is provided that contains all the necessary vitamins and dietary supplements.

And in a productive animal, such complex processes interact in the body that it is often impossible to determine the factors that affect embryonic mortality. This is either a cyclic failure, or inflammatory processes, or too high milk production, or protein overfeeding with an excess of starch and a lack of trace elements. Even climatic changes or violation of the conditions of the animal can affect reproductive function, not only chromosomal abnormalities.

species of productive animals

Animal health

Scientists have long been focusing on the fact that the veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping productive animals should be reviewed more often. Fundamental and theoretical studies are being carried out to improve the management of domestic, farm and industrial livestock breeding, and new highly effective methods for assessing nutrition systems, diet, and living conditions are being developed.

This is especially true in the light of the emergence of a variety of new infections, the fight against which does not yet have strategies. For example, new strains of bird flu, classical bird plague (H5N1), are appearing. There are also outbreaks of foot and mouth disease and anthrax among cattle in completely different regions. That is why the rules for the maintenance of agricultural productive animals in private farms must be strictly observed.

Animals have benefited mankind for centuries, and not a single civilization has done without domesticating them. Only thanks to the help of pets, mankind managed to survive. The animals provided us with food, clothing, footwear, helped in the cultivation of the land, in the movement and transportation of goods. And finally, they constantly give us their affection and joy of communication, no matter what.

So now you know which means "productive animal." We hope the information provided was useful to you.

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