Many people in Russia, planning their leisure time, pre-study the calendar for the month they need. This technology allows them to track weekends and possibly take a few days off at work to arrange an unscheduled vacation. In order for such a competent approach to the issue of holiday planning to become the most effective, study the holiday schedule in November in this article.
November 2018 calendar
The total number of days in November 2018 is 30. Of these, 21 are working days, and in the remaining 9, you can relax and unwind. Redundant workers this month is not expected. The only holiday in November is the 4th. This holiday is celebrated in our country relatively recently and is called the Day of National Unity.
Brief information about National Unity Day
This holiday is celebrated for only 13 years. The official day off on November 4 was in 2005. In Russia, they decided to devote a holiday in November to the end of the Time of Troubles, which is usually called the boundary of the 16th and 17th centuries. According to historians, a number of tragic events that took place at that time were the result of the termination of the ruling Rurikovich dynasty at that time. At the same time, the period of Polish intervention began, which became a complicating factor in the situation in the country; it was also difficult for citizens because of the difficult economic situation.
All these events left their mark on life in Russia, but the great Russian people decided to oppose this and give battle to the Poles, who wanted to occupy the throne and rule the country. Under the command of Minin and Pozharsky, a militia was assembled to liberate the Russian lands. It is significant that these events were attended not only by representatives of all classes, but also of all peoples living in Russia. The capture of Kitai Gorod by storm and the final expulsion of the Polish interventionists from Moscow took place on November 4. This victory became one of the most powerful impetus for the revival of the Russian state.
Many years after these historical events, the Interreligious Council of Russia proposed introducing November 4 into the holiday calendar. This holiday once again reminds all residents not only of the great victory, but of the power of joint action.
Weekend transfer from November 4 to 5
Since in November 2018 the holiday falls on Sunday, which is an official day off in most organizations, the government of the Russian Federation decided to postpone the day off from the fourth of November to the fifth - Monday. At the same time, celebrations and festivities will be held on Sunday.
How to better plan your vacation
The most optimal solution would be to take time off work on Friday and / or Tuesday. Thus, instead of two usual days off, you will have 4-5 days that can be spent on a short trip, for example, to a neighboring city. An excellent program for celebrating national unity day is expected, naturally, in the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg. Information on all locations and surprises that can await you at the holiday can be found on the official city portal of almost any settlement. Usually, Moscow celebrates the day of national unity by arranging thematic venues in the city parks with culinary master classes, various hobby classes, offering the guests of the festival delicious treats and arranging performances by city groups and pop stars. By tradition, the holiday ends with a bright and spectacular firework. It is worth seeing!
If possible, visit a city where you have not been to a major event. Such an event is guaranteed to give you unforgettable emotions and allow you to properly celebrate the holiday in November.