Before learning the rules of discussion, you need to understand this concept. It came to us from Latin and is literally translated as consideration or research.
What is a discussion?
A discussion is a debate during which a discussion of a problem takes place. The participants in this process are persons who possess the necessary set of knowledge on the issue under consideration and are authorized to make certain decisions. Based on this, the rules for conducting discussions are formed.
If we consider the discussion as a process, we will be presented with a series of statements by participants regarding the subject under consideration. In this case, the topic is formed in advance so that opponents have time to prepare and collect information. From other types of dispute, the discussion is focused. Participants must come to the maximum degree of agreement on the matter. It is necessary to find the optimal solution, and not to prove the triumph of their position.
At the end of the discussion, its participants should develop an objective judgment with which they agree to one degree or another. Thus, from a variety of points of view, a clear and reasonable formulation of the solution to the problem should be formed.
What is controversy?
Before learning the rules of discussion and debate, you need to understand these concepts. The latter came to us from the ancient Greek language and means hostility. This is a type of dispute where each side directs all efforts to uphold precisely its point of view. Unlike discussion, there is an element of competition.
Victory in a polemic brings personal satisfaction to one or more of its participants. Nevertheless, the winning party has a certain burden of responsibility, because the point of view that won the dispute is perceived by society as true. Thus, it is important not only to defend one’s point of view, but also to prevent the spread of erroneous opinions.
What is common and different in polemics and discussion?
The rules of discussion and debate are somewhat different, as is their nature. So, if in the first case the parties strive to reach consensus, then in the second, the participants spend all their resources on proving their case. The second difference is that more controversy is available in the debate. So, the interlocutors can seize the initiative from each other, use the effect of surprise, as well as a number of psychological techniques.
As for the general points, both in the discussion and in the controversy there is some specific subject around which the debate unfolds. The arguments must be substantial, and there must also be unconditional respect for the opponent and his opinion. Speakers speak strictly in turn, and violation of logical and ethical standards is unacceptable.
Dispute tactics
The rules of debate and discussion imply the right choice of tactics. Parties to the dispute may use one of the following options:
- Calmness, poise and correct behavior - these are the characteristics that create a positive image of the speaker. Taking control of emotions, you can influence the course of the dispute by adjusting its tone.
- A benevolent attitude to the statements of opponents can disarm them. “I like your idea, but ...”, “this is an interesting look that needs to be discussed ...” - these and many other speech techniques give the speaker a way to safely switch to his own evidence base for other participants.
- Demonstration of openness and compliance.This allows you to earn a favorable attitude of opponents. As a result, they are more willing to accept your arguments and agree with them.
- Conditionally accepting an opponent’s opinion is a technique that will help you refute someone else’s point of view without using straightforward words. Starting with your consent, you gradually draw a number of conclusions that contradict the words expressed by the other side.
Main principles of discussion and debate
The rules for conducting scientific discussion and debate are based on some fundamental principles. They can be formulated as follows:
- Search for the truth. Each of the participants should be aware of the importance of finding the right solution and put this moment above their own point of view.
- Clarity. Opponents should not use linguistic ambiguity in the evidence base or mix different questions together.
- Evidence. Each of the parties to the dispute should be ready to defend its point of view, answering all the questions of opponents.
- Friendliness. If a participant in a dispute undertakes to reformulate the arguments of his opponent, then they should not be distorted.
- Relevance. All arguments put forward by the speaker should relate strictly to the issue under discussion, and not take the conversation aside.
- Acceptability. The parties to the dispute should use only those arguments that can be accepted in society or in a specific circle of interlocutors.
- Adequacy. The number of arguments should be sufficient so that there are no questions about the speaker’s correctness.
- Counterargument. Participants in the discussion should think ahead of possible objections of opponents and prepare counterarguments.
- Reaching the truth. If one of the points of view is completely upheld, and opponents cannot oppose anything to it, the dispute is considered to be over and the truth is achieved.
- Delayed dispute. If all points of view are equally convincing, a discussion or controversy persists until new arguments and facts appear.
- Revision. The results of the discussion may be revised if, after its completion, new facts were discovered.
Memo: Rules for discussion and debate
If you had to take part in a dispute, you need to be guided by some rules. It is worth remembering such basic rules of discussion:
- Do not plunge into your own experiences. There should always be a “cold zone” in your mind that is responsible for understanding and accepting the opponent’s point of view.
- Even if you are skeptical about the point of view of the interlocutor, listen to him as carefully as possible. Look for the slightest clues and points of contact. This will bring you closer to a compromise.
- No matter how you relate to your opponent in real life, in the process of discussion you need to abstract and concentrate only on his speech. At the same time, take her as seriously as possible.
- Do not be afraid of open confrontation. Sometimes the interlocutors must make mutual claims to each other (let off steam). When passions subside, thoughts become clear, and conversation can take on a whole new constructive tone.
- Do not get personal. A discussion is a confrontation of ideas, not people.
Prohibited Tricks
Leading a polemic or discussion, refrain from some tricks. The following is prohibited:
- labeling opponents;
- the empty use of pompous phrases to impress the audience;
- Indication of false information or reference to nonexistent sources;
- bullying opponents;
- use of racist or sexist arguments;
- provocations with the aim of getting the interlocutor from himself
- discredit the interlocutors by disclosing the facts of their personal life.
To search for truth, polemics and discussion are used. And the rules of the discussion, the logic of constructing speech and observing the norms of behavior - all this is a prerequisite for a constructive dispute.