Some advance their careers very rapidly, while some fail. A person can work for decades for the good of the company, but never advance in his position, remaining at the bottom. What prevents us from getting a promotion, what qualities of character work against us? Pay attention and start changing if you do not want to be stuck forever in low positions.
Of course, strong communicators are often in good standing with leaders, but the spread of rumors and gossip during working hours will greatly spoil your reputation. This attitude towards colleagues will not give you a chance to increase. Perhaps the boss will need you as an informant, but no more. He will not have reason to remove you from the bottom, as you regularly report to him the situation from there.
Good employees strive to please the boss as much as possible. But the load should be within reasonable limits. If you silently endure and “pull” huge volumes on yourself, then gradually you turn into a rug for wiping your feet. They simply stop noticing you, throwing off all the most objectionable work on you. Why promote you if you already do the job in your place? Why pay more to someone who is already doing pretty good for the proposed payment? Think about it.
An employee who constantly disagrees with the rest of the team, who regularly complains without trying to improve his position, is unlikely to deserve a high position. His bad character and a tendency to negativity make career advancement unrealistic. Such people are kept in place only because they exclusively perform their part of the work. In their field, they are usually impeccable professionals. Otherwise, the boss generally does not make sense to keep such a person in the team. True, the evil idealist can’t see any increase either, that’s for sure.
To be a good “team player” means to be able to take the blame for your work mistakes, to see your weaknesses in time. If you constantly expose yourself as a victim, blaming others for your "shoals" or failure to do work, you will not earn the trust of colleagues. The leader does not respect those who “switch arrows” to someone all the time; he will not promote such an employee for anything in the world.
Evil Neurotic
Attacks of anger are unacceptable for people over five years old, but some employees are not aware of this truth. They prefer to pour out their anger on their colleagues. Such personalities are unstable and unreliable, any trifle can infuriate them. The head will not raise such an employee, he has nothing to bring neurotic to himself, who does not know how to restrain his emotions.
Knowledgeable, experienced, easily trained workers were appreciated at any time. But the “know-it-alls” who regularly correct colleagues on their own initiative, insist that their ideas and strategies are perfect, usually remain without promotion. They annoy with their enlightenment, constantly extolling themselves over the rest. It is obvious to the manager that such an employee considers himself the first person in the company, so he wants to put him in his place. At the lowest place in the team.