Why does someone become rich, despite the fact that he was not born into a family of millionaires, but someone remains poor, although he works all his life? Psychologists believe that the whole point is the difference in thinking among people. Rich people think differently and react to difficulties differently than poor people.
Think like a millionaire
Of course, not everyone was lucky to be born into a family of wealthy parents. But many people, even without family capital, achieve great success and become very wealthy. What is the reason for their success?
The author of the bestselling book “Think Like a Millionaire” T. Harv Ecker is sure that the whole thing is in our subconscious, which determines whether a person can achieve financial success in life. He gives an example of how many lottery winners, having become overnight millionaires, after a while lose their money and become poor again. The thing is that they think wrongly, says T. Harv Ecker. What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? Here are a few key points.
The difference between the thinking of the rich and the poor
Rich people are sure that they are masters of their own destiny and create their own life themselves, no one from outside influences their life path, but only the person himself chooses the road. Poor people are convinced that fate leads them, and their whole life is a collection of random events that they cannot control.
When embarking on a business, a rich person always thinks that he will be able to win and earn and how much may be in his hands. The poor man always keeps in mind the idea of not winning, but only of how much he can lose.
Rich people want to be rich and make a lot of efforts to this, setting specific goals and clearly moving in their direction. Poor people really want to be rich, but they don’t do anything for this, but simply dream about it.
Rich people set themselves big goals right away, and poor people think about small goals and don’t dream of anything big.
Responding to difficulties and obstacles
During any business and obstacle, rich people see opportunities and opportunities that they can give them. Poor people see only the obstacle in front of them, they lose heart and often do not even try to overcome it.
Even experiencing a sense of fear, a rich person continues to move toward the intended goal. As soon as fear seizes the poor man, he stops and ceases to achieve the goal.
The rich are confident that they are able to cope with any problem. The poor believe that any problem is greater than they are, and take it for granted, not trying to deal with it.
The rich are always focused on development and work on themselves. Poor people do nothing for their own cultivation.
Rich people respect other rich people who have achieved a lot in this life, they admire their experience and are glad that they can learn a lot from them. Poor people do not like the rich, because they don’t have the idea that they can learn something from them. They are just jealous of the rich.
Rich people try to be in the circle of positive and successful people, poor people communicate with people as dissatisfied with life as they are, washing the bones of the rich.
Rich people carefully control their money and spending, they know how to save. The poor prefer to spend all the money they have.