What associations arise in your mind with the word "saving"? Surely something related to cutting costs, the need to spend as little as possible, abandon entertainment and pleasures, and lead a generally not too joyful life. But there are other ways to spend less, but do not deny yourself literally everything. Read about these methods and secrets of savings.
Rule One: Set Your Reachable Financial Goal
The mistake of many disappointed people is that they begin to save money for the sake of saving itself. And how else, when it seems that everyone around is talking about the need to put off some of their income. But if you do not have a goal, doing this will not be too pleasant. Moreover, if you start procrastinating in order to “live better” someday, this will not work. Your goal must be concrete and tangible. Having decided on it, you can understand in which direction to move, how long it will take.
If, for example, you are tired of renting an apartment, or joint housing with parents is now a problem, you can start saving up for a house or at least for a down payment on a mortgage. Suppose for two years you need to save half a million rubles for a down payment on a mortgage. This means that every month you will have to “tear off” 20,800 rubles from the budget. Or do you want to go on vacation in six months, and for this you need 50 thousand rubles. Then every month you will need to set aside 8300 rubles. As you can see, these are quite specific amounts, which means that it will be easier for you to distribute your income and reduce expenses in order to achieve your goals.
Rule Two: Look for Other Fun Instead of Shopping
It so happened that for many modern people (mind you, not just girls) shopping is one of the most effective ways to get rid of stress. Buying a new dress (shoes or handbags) allows us to feel happy for a while. Unfortunately, this feeling quickly passes, and then it turns out that we bought things not very much needed. Such a way to cheer yourself up can make a huge hole in your budget.
If you feel miserable again, think about how spending time can give you positive emotions. Perhaps this is a meeting with friends, a walk in the park with a dog, an evening alone with a loved one or reading a book. As soon as you learn to console yourself with pleasant everyday activities, you will no longer have to run to the mall after every disappointment. If you understand that your depressed state makes you lower your paycheck, stop yourself and go not to the store, but, for example, to the playground, where you can forget about sadness on a swing.
Rule Three: Petty Spending Is Your Enemy
When was the last time you paid attention to how much money is leaving your wallet due to so-called small expenses? How much do they add up per month? And in a year? These seemingly small expenses include coffee that you used to buy on the way to work, cigarettes, subscriptions to paid applications, taxis, another beer on Friday at the bar ... You can list for a very long time, but the main feature of the small ones spending - this is what you do not consider them worthy of attention and easily part with money.
Of course, I do not urge you to abandon absolutely all the things that allow you to be happy. However, it would be prudent to analyze what exactly you spend insignificant amounts of money on, and without which things in the compiled list you can quite do. Alternatively, they can also be replaced with cheaper counterparts.If you manage to identify at least one position, the refusal of which will not make you unhappy, then say goodbye to it without regrets.
But remember that the money that you managed to save is not worth spending on something else.
You need them to achieve your goal.
Rule Four: our whole life is a game
Can you call yourself a gambler? If the answer is yes, then it's time to arrange a financial challenge for yourself. You can argue with a friend or even with yourself and come up with a prize. A sense of excitement will help you not to leave the race ahead of time, and the challenge itself will teach you how to spend money wisely.
The tasks in this case can be very different. For example, for a week, give up one expense item (entertainment, coffee, taxi rides), live a week for 700 rubles, or try to live a whole day without spending. All in all, let your imagination work.
Rule Five: Total Limitations Are A Bad Idea
It is important to remember that the methods of saving that you choose for yourself should be combined with your lifestyle. If you “tighten the belt” too tightly, it will cause stress and you run the risk of breaking loose (the same principle applies as with a rigid diet: if you eat one spinach, you risk waking up with a cake in your hands at some point).
Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it. It makes no sense to rush to extremes and transfer yourself to "bread and water." It will be much smarter to start small, gradually developing the habit of saving in yourself.