
How popular product brands in Russia look in other countries

The global brands of products that we are used to, which we are so accustomed to, in other countries may look very different. They may have a name that differs from the one under which the goods are delivered to Russia, as well as have a different packaging. You may be surprised to see how well-known brands look like abroad.

Diet Coke

We are already familiar with the Coca-Cola diet (sugar free) in silver bottles or jars, but it is less popular than the traditional one, and in the USA the production of such Cola has been carried out on a large scale since the beginning of the 90s.

Chocolate Dove or Galaxy ("Galaxy")

We know this chocolate bar called Dove, but in other countries it comes under the name Galaxy ("Galaxy"). The reason for this is that Galaxy is an older brand name, so for those who are used to this name, they decided not to change it.

Favorite Lays Chips

In Russia, the most popular chips are Lays chips. They are made from natural potatoes, among all types of Lays, you can choose classic or fluted chips with a variety of flavors. But in the UK this product is called differently - Walkers, which means "walkers". There are other flavors of chips there that we still cannot find. For example, Walkers chips with the taste of a seafood cocktail or pickled onions.

Burger King ("King Burger") turned out to be "The Hungry Jack"

We are used to foreign fast food restaurants in Russia, but we could not even think that, unlike McDonald's, in other countries these restaurant chains have completely different names. So, the Burger King in Australia is Hungry Jack’s ("The Hungry Jack"). The fact is that when the restaurant chain Burger King reached Australia, there was already a catering establishment with that name, so they came up with a different sound. But as we see in the photo, the symbolism is the same.

KFC - aka PFK

KFC is known to us as restaurants specializing in the sale of chicken fast food. These are fried wings, legs, breaded fillet, chicken burgers. Translated KFC means "Kentucky fried chicken". In Canada, these letters differ (PFK), because there the name is formed by a translation into French.

These are the differences, and this, of course, is not all. The USA and Great Britain are the world's largest exporters of products of well-known brands. In some countries, their names were replaced with new ones due to the fact that they sound better, in others they simply decided not to introduce new names because the inhabitants of these countries are already used to them. The most important thing is that the contents of the packages remain the same, and knowing about such differences is also useful, especially if you are planning a trip abroad.

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