Today, mostly cards are used for payment, and it is very convenient. Cash can be lost, it can be stolen, it can become worthless. But the advantages in their use also remained, and this is a fact. The mother-in-law explained how cash settlement can lead to practical savings.
You can pay everywhere
Today, there are terminals in every supermarket, so buyers do not see any particular problems in using cards. But what to do if you want to taste home-made products from the market, treat yourself to farm cottage cheese or fresh herbs, grandmother lovingly grown in the garden. This is where the problem arises, since sellers in the market accept only cash payment. You have a huge amount on the card, but essentially no money, so you can’t afford anything.
No internet addiction
Very often you can observe a picture in which suddenly the lights go out in the supermarket, the Internet disappears or the system crashes. Huge lines gather near the cash desks, sellers try to rectify the situation in a panic, but little depends on them. And now people have to wait an indefinite amount of time or leave without a purchase. But only those lucky ones who have cash are not afraid of any failures. They calmly take out their wallet, pay and go under the envious glances of the holders of bank cards.
No Bank Dependence
The bank has the right to block the amount that it considers large (for example, for self-employed citizens). You can transfer one thousand to another person’s account, but you won’t be able to transfer twenty thousand. It is very difficult: to make excuses for where you got the money from. But banks can be understood, as they protect you from scammers. And if you take these twenty thousand in cash and pass it on to anyone you want or need, there will be no such problems.
Judicial Cash Security
Electronic systems that provide non-cash payments are not one hundred percent perfect. At any moment, everything can change, and money will be sent from your card in an unknown direction. Those who have stories with bailiffs or tax officials are especially at risk. These services have access to your savings on the card, so they can easily withdraw the amount that they consider necessary. You can dispose of cash only on your own.
Big savings
The statement that paying less in cash is already scientifically proven. A person needs to see how money makes a turn. Getting paid in cash, we hold the money in our hands, and then gradually give it back to stores or various establishments. There are fewer of them, so we pay special attention to the price and immediately calculate how much we have left (even approximately). When using the card, we do not have such an opportunity: we do not see money initially, respectively, we do not regret when they leave. In the store we are more interested in quality, and the price goes by the wayside. And only when nothing remains on the account, we come to our senses from how many useless purchases we made. Therefore, if you want to save money, take along a certain amount of cash, you simply don’t have enough money for the temptations.
The joy of shopping
Another discovery of scientists: a product purchased for cash pleases us more than a product purchased with a card.In addition, things and products turn out to be of higher quality and are in operation longer (if we are talking about non-food products). Perhaps the secret is that we invest more positive energy in these purchases. We carefully select them, because we have to give up what is available. If the calculation is made by card, we seem to take them for free. And a person is not used to treating with care what he did not exert effort to.
The right financial habits
If you see in your wallet a certain amount intended for a planned purchase, you will never allow yourself to purchase what you do not need. Even if you like some product, you will not immediately get the money, but rather think a little before taking this step (especially if the item is expensive). You will understand that after such an acquisition, your wallet will immediately become empty, and this is not the most pleasant. That is why cash settlement allows you to acquire the right financial habits. A person becomes practical and pragmatic within reasonable limits.
It is possible to instill financial habits in children only with cash. You can explain to a growing child what is expensive and what is cheap, what can be bought now, and what needs to be postponed until later. And if you just give him a bank card, your lecture will be completely useless. No matter how much you talk about the benefits of saving, the baby will not be able to feel it. And if you leave him a certain amount in the account, the child may even be offended, because the money runs out with him incredibly quickly.
Maintenance costs
You constantly notice how you have to pay certain amounts for paying bills, replenishing a card, withdrawing cash from an ATM. These are all small expenses, but in general they make up a pretty decent amount. If you prefer cash, you do not have to spend money on some strange interest from each operation. Everything that will be in your wallet will remain unchanged.
Comparison of cards and packs
A pack of money always looks much more convincing than a thin plastic card. A person is used to sense more than to imagine, and money is no exception. New bills with a characteristic smell, tied up with a piece of paper, will make anyone believe in their significance. You will improve your mood, straighten your shoulders and there will be many plans for the future.
Real value of money
Money today is also a commodity. According to official figures, the value of cash is ten to fifteen percent more than non-cash. We will not now develop the topic of how they can be sold. But we see that cashing out requires additional interest, and some goods when selling for cash can sometimes be cheaper.