
Vanga’s strong conspiracy for money, which helped me overcome a difficult period in my life - you only need a little brown bread

At work, my salary was reduced, and I found myself in a situation where I had to save literally on everything in order to pay for renting an apartment. Upon learning about my situation, a neighbor advised me to make a plot of Wangi, which helps to cope with financial problems. I’ll tell you how to conduct a ritual.

Conspiracy for money

To carry out the ritual, you only need a piece of black bread (even smaller than in the photo).

Another important point: you need to read the plot on an empty stomach, so 3 hours before the ritual, you need to completely abandon food.

Before any conspiracy it is necessary to say a prayer: “Nicholas, the saint of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way and the way, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil. ”

At night, when no one is around, put a piece of bread in front of you and utter a whisper over it three times in a conspiracy:

God, as you fed during the life of all the hungry and needy, so help you and all members of my family so that they always feel full. Draw good luck to me, and take grief. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen.

As soon as you utter a conspiracy, bread must be eaten. This ritual is performed only once. It is advisable to lead him to the growing moon.

Important Tips

Remember some rules. First, for the ritual to work, you do not have to sit back. I continued to work hard to save the necessary amount.

Secondly, you must be sure of the power of the conspiracy. Do not let doubt shake your faith. Maintain a positive attitude and do not give up. Remember that your life will change soon.

Thirdly, magic will not work if you go to get rich at someone else’s expense. Count only on yourself and do not look for easy ways to enrich yourself.

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