
We draw up a business development program. How else to achieve financial well-being of employees?

Probably, each of us at least once in a lifetime has faced a similar situation: you see attractive advertising on the Internet or on television. You understand that the product is clearly worthy of attention: like quality, design, and even the price is more than attractive. You go to the store in high spirits, anticipating a new acquisition, and encounter terrible service. Sellers behave so unprofessionally (show indifference or, on the contrary, are rude) that any desire to buy something is completely lost.

Do you think such a business can survive? Hardly. And all because of the lack of motivation and interest among employees. If your organization has such a toxic atmosphere, you can be sure that the business will fail. What to do in this case, we will understand in today's article.

Reasons for employee dissatisfaction

Employee behavior is an indicator of how things are going in the company. Dissatisfaction with work may indicate the presence of serious problems within the team. As a leader, you must take certain steps to eliminate them. Otherwise, you risk losing the business.

So, what are the main reasons for the dissatisfaction of workers? Here are the most common ones:

  • lack of feedback from superiors;
  • lack of control over the work of employees;
  • lack of career growth, professional development;
  • lack of loyalty of the company to employees;
  • lack of stability and confidence in the future;
  • low salary.

As you can see, finances were in last place on the list. And this is no accident. According to surveys, the vast majority of people said that money is not a decisive factor. Employees can be financially motivated, but at the same time ignore customers and not follow the corporate culture. And all because subordinates relate to the organization in the same way as its owner. If you do not care how the business is developing, then the wage earners and even more so.

Anonymous survey

So, as a boss, you must take care of the well-being of employees. However, how can one understand what their discontent is? The most effective way is to conduct an anonymous survey. The questionnaire should include questions about how people evaluate the work in the company, the quality of feedback from management, prospects and further joint cooperation. Experts recommend conducting such surveys once a quarter to always be in the know. Timely identification of problems will help to avoid possible negative consequences in the future.

Development program

Of course, there is no magic formula in this case: you must build on your situation and the information received from employees. In order for the customer service to work fully, you need to involve subordinates in the work and somehow motivate them. Consider some important factors that should be included in the development program.

Working conditions

Of course, this is one of the most important points. If employees are not satisfied with the work environment, then customers are even more so. Many components play a role here:

  • schedule;
  • location of the office;
  • collective;
  • attitude of the authorities;
  • work environment.

Do you know that every fifth person is willing to sacrifice part of his salary only to improve working conditions? That is why think about subordinates working in a comfortable environment.


The integrity of the employer is another key factor that affects the morale of workers. If people are delayed in their salaries, they are not offered the promised benefits or bonuses, they are burdened with additional duties, then it is not surprising that trust in superiors and the company as a whole is lost. Accordingly, subordinates pour out all their negativity to customers.

There is another bad scheme: to take a person for a low-paid internship for 1-3 months, and at the end of the probationary period to declare that he is not suitable for some parameters, and refuse to find a job. Remember that first of all, by such an attitude you harm the reputation of your company. Rumor spreads quickly throughout the village, and people will go around you on the tenth road. Make sure that you behave honestly and decently towards your employees.


In our unstable, hectic, fast-paced world, people want to feel confident in the future. If your company has a high staff turnover, then this cannot but alert people. The lack of stability negatively affects the work of employees as a whole. Understanding that they can be fired tomorrow, they can behave inappropriately: from rudeness to customers to theft at the workplace. However, this is understandable: after all, they have nothing to lose, tomorrow they will be left without work.

It is impossible to work in a state of constant stress and anxiety, so try to make sure that in your organization such a situation does not recur. It is in your interests to assemble a friendly team that will work as a coordinated mechanism.


Of course, the financial issue is relevant and interests people no less than working conditions or corporate culture. You must provide a salary that will correspond to the position and duties of employees. At the same time, you should remember that with money alone you will not succeed and earn trust. Finance should be only one component, and not the main and only factor in retaining subordinates.

Yes, for the money people are really ready to work, gritting their teeth, even in the most severe conditions. But believe that customers will feel the true attitude of the employee towards the organization during the conversation. If an employee does not share the same interests and values ​​as the company, if he feels a biased and bad attitude, then even a high salary will not help hide discontent.

Bonuses and benefits

Ideally, you should provide employees with a full social package. If this is not possible, offer other bonuses. For example, free vaccination in the clinic, regular medical check-ups, corporate mobile communications or travel compensation.

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