It's no secret that every boss hides some information from his subordinates. It’s not that the boss treats employees badly, it’s just for a person in a leadership position to keep certain aspects secret. Let’s try to figure out what ordinary employees don’t need to know.
Little things are not important
The boss can instruct subordinates about the most important tasks and how to accomplish them. Information about what success the company is capable of achieving will not be secret. But the boss will keep some minor points secret, because he believes that this information should be confidential. And why reveal all your cards and load subordinates with unnecessary trifles?
Network Information
According to statistics, 70% of employers look at the pages of jobseekers in networks even at the hiring stage. And 50% do this regularly in the process. The boss needs to know who he has to deal with. After all, what kind of lifestyle a person leads and with whom he communicates, characterizes him to the full extent.
Interaction with other people
A very important point is how the employee communicates with other people. We are talking about contacts with waiters in a restaurant, talking with pedestrians, street cleaners or other colleagues. Therefore, do not be surprised if you find that your boss pays attention to you when your working time is already over.
Personal qualities are more than skills
It is possible that your boss will look closely at what kind of person you are. He believes that any employee can be trained in professional skills, but not everyone can establish good relations. Therefore, the boss will try to keep friendly and sincere subordinates next to him, since no one is pleased to deal with gloomy or aggressive people.
Secret control
At the initial stages of production, be prepared for the fact that your manager will keep an eye on you. It is about fulfilling your direct responsibilities and ways to solve actual problems. If you manage, the boss will weaken his attention to some extent, hoping for your decency. In any case, he will be happy with your feedback. The best option is a weekly conversation with the boss to clarify all the nuances that you have to face.
Personal communication
The boss is primarily an ordinary person who has a personal life, in addition to basic duties. Therefore, he will be pleased if you begin to communicate with him at inopportune times. This is a regular conversation in which you mention his family or his vacation. Only you need to do this as tactfully as possible so as not to violate the personal boundaries of your boss. But a few laid-back phrases will definitely cheer him up.
Distracting talk
Your boss will not like it if you talk for hours on the phone. Therefore, try to solve your personal problems so that the boss does not see this. Teach your loved ones that during working hours you cannot talk with them for a long time. The conversation should be constructive and concise.
Lack of workplace
You might think that the boss has more important things to do than monitor your presence at the workplace. But this is an erroneous opinion, since a good leader always has the ability to control his subordinates (he personally observes them or has a qualified informant). Therefore, do not ignore the lack of control, be punctual and responsible regardless of whether they look at you or not.Believe me, the boss sees everything.
Missed errors
Sometimes you can make a mistake and not get caught, because the boss does not always have the ability to control everything to the last detail. But this does not mean that you should constantly hope for luck and enjoy the employment of your boss. But if the manager notices such an attitude towards work and realizes that you are systematically making mistakes, you may simply lose your job.
Many employees are very afraid that they will not be able to meet the expectations of their superiors. Their actions may seem unprofessional or they will make mistakes. Believe me, your boss has the same concerns. He is the same person, and he wants to impress his subordinates. And to be unworthy in their eyes is the worst thing for any boss.
Normalized criticism
Even the best boss who takes pleasure in criticism is not able to listen to it constantly. He may admit that a qualified employee will point out a mistake to him, but this will be rare and tactful. So even if you have an excellent relationship with the leader, try to refrain from moralizing (if you are looking for an increase).
Language of the body
If you plan to be a worthy worker, watch your posture. If you are hunched over at your table or stoop while walking - it means that you are less competent person in your work. At least that’s how your boss and colleagues perceive you. Therefore, straighten your back and hold a proud posture, this will give you significance.