When you grow up in poverty, it’s hard to believe that other children have good toys, delicious food and trips to the sea, and when they come of age they get a new sports car. Surprisingly, it is also difficult for a child from a wealthy family to understand how the poor live.
1. Sometimes repairs take a long time
Wealthy children do not know that not everyone has money to quickly replace a broken thing or repair a suddenly broken car. They can sincerely be surprised if a person uses public transport instead of fixing his own car. However, for the poor it is a routine to which they are accustomed. Any additional expenses unsettle them.
2. Sandwich without butter and sausage
Food is almost the main item of expenditure on which the poor have to save. However, it makes people become more inventive. If they have neither butter nor sausages, they will make a sandwich from bread, for example, with sugar. A wealthy child will never think of this.
3. Some people do not meet with anyone because of money
For wealthy children, this is savagery, and for the poor it is an urgent reality. This mostly concerns guys. They cannot go on a date because they don’t have money even for a cup of coffee. And if they work, then they spend all their free time to earn an extra penny.
4. Christmas is not so fun
Rich children do not understand that the poor may not receive gifts on holiday. Unfortunately, for some children this is a harsh reality. When everyone is happy about the holiday, they are sad and hope that next time they will not be forgotten.
5. You have to do everything yourself
Rich people are used to paying others. If cleaning is needed, they call a special company, if the car breaks down, they turn to the service station. The poor are used to doing it on their own, as they have nothing to pay for other people's services. That is why poor people are very dependent on each other, coming to the rescue in various situations.
6. Parents do not always leave a condition
Wealthy people are confident that after parents everyone inherits impressive amounts. However, the poor live in a completely different reality. After parents, they have almost nothing left.
7. Some kids get fake toys
Wealthy children are used to getting all the best. It would not even occur to them that the poor have to play the fake Playstation or its counterpart because it costs less than the original. Poor children have no choice, so they have to agree on what they have.
8. Cheap drinks
Wealthy children can easily get any food and drink by asking their parents. In response to such a request, the poor can receive a flurry of aggression and another reminder of the lack of money. They have to drink cheap drinks.
9. Birthday doesn't always bring joy
Wealthy children are used to throwing a birthday party. The poor cannot afford it. They do not make friends, but are sad alone due to the lack of celebration.
10. A gift to mom can have real power
We conclude the list with a positive paragraph. Rich children will not understand how it feels to call their mother, who never knew what poverty is, and say: "I am buying you a house." The poor have to work hard for this.