Each of us heard this question at the interview: "Why did you leave your previous job?" Sometimes we honestly revealed the true reasons, sometimes we came up with something. But how is it really worth answering? What reasons are better not to disclose to the future employer? What answer can be given? Experts say: it is better to learn from the mistakes of others - and reveal five things about the past workplace, information about which is better not to disclose!
Your side affairs and hobbies
Having a hobby is quite normal. And it’s great if your hobby brings you not only pleasure, but also profit. But what’s not very good is that you tell your potential boss about it.
For example, the girl I worked with received negative reviews about her recent performance. Annoying little things spoiling the impression of her work became more and more, and there were rumors that the leadership was tired of her carelessness at meetings and constant mistakes. In the end, the leadership found out why the girl, who had initially shown herself to be a super-professional, stopped working so well: at one of the lunch breaks, to one of the specialists who said that she was about to get married, she said she was ready to plan his wedding, because for several months she has been organizing a variety of events. This is precisely the reason that it has been somewhat scattered lately.
When later this girl began to ask her colleagues why the management is so strange to her, no one answered her why she could not wait for a raise.
Late night training exhaustion
It's pretty cool to go to the office tired of late night work overtime. Most likely, this behavior will bring you a lot of extra points in the eyes of your superiors and will help your further career advancement. But you should not complain to the management that you needed to prepare for the exam or complete an assignment for courses that are not related to your work.
Another true story: one girl who worked in the marketing department appeared on the morning meeting, yawning endlessly. When the boss jokingly asked her about the reasons that she did not get enough sleep, the girl replied that all last night she had been preparing for certification for a teacher. To a dumb question, the girl said that she was actively trying to find a new job - outside the company in which she worked at that time. Was she embarrassed? Probably. Moreover, she even said that she would leave her job as soon as she could find a good high-paying job in the field of education, because the economy is not hers.
Doctor Visit Details
If you need a sick leave, do not worry - this is normal. You can even not be shy - and share it if this is something insignificant or, conversely, serious. But in any case, there is a very important rule that you must adhere to absolutely always - do not say anything that can cause unpleasant images in the head of your leader.
Life story
One of the girls with whom I had an internship sent a message to our male supervisor. In this message, she said that she would not be able to go to work due to infection. Moreover, she clarified what kind of infection in question! Imagine the boss's expression on his face when he opened the message about STDs and the treatment methods that this girl has to transfer.It was the same face that you usually make when you see drunk couples kissing on the subway or any public place. You probably think that these people are clearly out of their minds and that they will regret it and feel as awful as the girl who sent the message to the head.
Remember: your future boss does not need to know the details about exactly what and in what form you are sick, with what symptoms. And you should not report on how exactly you are being treated, what tests are done - and what medications and procedures you are being treated. Some things are best kept secret - and talk about them exclusively to your doctor.
How much you screwed up
At one of the corporate parties, employees of the organization shared a wide variety of stories - funny events that happened in the office, some awkward moments. And everything went on merrily and quite normally - exactly until one confession silenced everyone. It turns out that it’s one thing to accidentally break a copy machine, and it’s completely different to ruin a relationship with a client.
One of the specialists, holding a cocktail in unimaginable neon tones, ready to splash when the young man laughed a lot, told how he was almost desperate when he accidentally left a stupid tweet on behalf of a client. It was a disaster. As you can guess, the leadership - even potential ones - should not be aware of all your failures.
The real reason you left your last job
A variety of things can be acceptable reasons for leaving your previous job to your current one: moving, changing your career, desire to reach new horizons, or interest in another corporate culture.
The most inappropriate thing? Well, I know the story of a guy who said in an interview that he was looking for something "slower, less complex, and higher paid." Agree, for the employer this is not the most pleasant thing that you can hear from the applicant. At the same time, it is fair to say that this young man helped his leader build a business from scratch, taking on a huge amount of responsibilities. A new project would allow him to take a break from the hustle and bustle at least for a while.
What is better still to be silent?
No need to admit that you left your job just because you were offered a few thousand more salaries in a new place. It is also worth keeping silent that you did not have a relationship with your boss. The fact is that in most organizations we need specialists who will be loyal, able to build relationships with any people. And, if you fail to explain the causes of the conflict, it is unlikely that this excuse will add bonus points to you.
What then to tell?
If you last changed your job two years ago or more, the best answer would be that you have achieved excellent results at your previous job, discussed your prospects with your manager and realized that in the near future you are unlikely to have a career opportunity. It is for this reason that you have discussed your dismissal with your boss - and you are ready to start a new business with greater responsibility. An irreplaceable part of this story will be the contacts of your boss, who will be able to confirm your words.
If you worked in the previous place for a year or less, there are fewer “right” answers to the question about why you quit. But there is still a way out. For example, you can report that the company could not contain financial obligations to you. For example, the initial income offered to you did not coincide with what was paid to you as a result, without even explaining the reasons. Another significant argument is that the functionality was changed from the very first day: for example, you had to become a manager, and as a result, acted as secretary or assistant to the head.
You can also report that you were forced to leave work due to personal circumstances (illness of a loved one, moving, etc.). Add that before the dismissal, you handed over to your colleagues all matters and at first you continued to advise the employer on a variety of issues.