
After the husband lost his job, the couple decided to save on food. So they paid their debts and began to eat better

A woman who spent five hundred pounds a month on food for herself and her partner told how she managed to cut her spending in half by abandoning expensive food and buying meat in bulk.

Thirty-three-year-old Greyn McNami and her husband Ryan from Belfast, who owed sixteen thousand after spending money on home repairs and borrowed a car loan, paid off this amount by cutting food costs. After reducing the amount of habitual spending, the couple shortened their working week so that there was time to focus on their blog, which also allows you to earn money.

The couple received an alarming signal that it was time to stop their frivolous expenses and start living within our means after Ryan received the news that he might lose his job at the bank.

Previous expenses

Previously, spouses were fond of takeaway food and often ordered pizza, various drinks or Chinese food at the restaurant. They also spent money on ready-made meals in the supermarket, bought expensive branded products, convenience foods, and so on. At lunch, each of them could spend about a hundred pounds.

Every day, fourteen pounds of the family spent on fresh fruits and vegetables. They bought cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, carrots, bananas, grapes, and potatoes. Another ten pounds flew away to canned tomatoes, pasta, flour, rice, cookies, diluted juice, sparkling water. As a result, daily spending on products amounted to more than fifty pounds. Greyn and Ryan still live with their dog Jesse, who also loves to eat. Assessing their finances, the couple was stunned to find that they were spending a colossal amount per month.

Greine decided to start planning menus and recipes, and also began to visit less expensive grocery stores. She began to combine lean meat with cheap vegetables and fresh spices. Now she often cooks dishes such as chicken pie, Chinese pork, as well as spaghetti and meatballs on her own.

Tidy up finances

The couple was determined to return finances in the right direction. So Greine created an Instagram page to control their family’s daily expenses and keep them in check for the entire time they pay off their debts.

It took some time to make Ryan save too, but in the end they succeeded, they took control of their expenses and changed their approach to money in general. Soon, they spent about one thousand pounds a month, and their total debt gradually decreased.

Menu for the week ahead

From now on, pre-planning meals every week, Grain prepares lunches and dinners for the week ahead, and the remaining servings go for breakfast. One meal now in their family costs only two pounds. Later, the couple recalled with horror how a huge portion of their monthly income was spent on expensive takeaway food and eating out. They also can’t believe now that they used to leave about five hundred pounds a month in stores only for groceries, and this is a huge amount for two people.

And all you had to do was start cooking and buying products in budget stores on your own. Soon, the couple realized that the quality of cheaper food is also amazing, despite the low price. Using chicken breast, minced beef and pork as the basis, they now prepare hearty and wholesome dishes.

They also learned to use any leftovers to make, for example, a large meat pizza that can feed two people for a couple of days for about five pounds.

Grein's Tips

As a result, Greyn wrote a book last year in which she talked about her methods of cutting costs by minimizing spending on food.For example, the girl advises not to throw anything out of food and use any leftover food to prepare other dishes. She also recommends eating monotonous foods, as this also helps to save a lot. Grain, among other things, insists that, as part of the economy, people be procured in bulk.

Thus the journey of this couple to get rid of debt was not easy, but it was, they argue, worth it. Grain boasts that she and Ryan now live without debt and save so much money every month that she can afford to work only two days a week. Actually, this gives her time to focus on her Instagram blog and has contributed to the fact that in December last year, as already noted, she wrote the book “How to Get Out of Debt” - this is an eight-step strategy for paying off debt and correcting financial errors.

Live modestly

People often think that living modestly means being unhappy, but this couple claims to be happier than they ever were. After all, very often all we need is just some time to reconsider our attitude to finance and make small changes that will contribute to productive changes in the future.

Thus, the history of this couple reminds that it is not worth wasting money, you need to learn how to save, and then you can easily live without debts.

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Tatyana A
Today there is work:
these are real vacancies, you can not only see them, take pictures of your phone and address,
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will work.

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Address on weekdays: mountains. Zvenigorod, ul.Pochtovaya house 8, of 306.
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Tatyana A
Hi, I understand the indignation of the girls, this article is so pragmatic, in the opinion of the author only the author. Yes, many young hostesses, like this Grain, do not understand why sarcasm and distrust of her work? To her book, I need a book , achievement - they save on the pupil, you say. I suppose that they have not only mentality and worldview different from the reality that surrounds us, our parents and grandmothers for a long time. Forgive these people that they do not know life, they live like moths .How much is it for 1000 pounds at the rate of rubles? 78.77 rubles for Chaldeans Yandex today, then it would cost 78770 rubles for two obzherstvo in mesyats.Na each 40,000 rubles almost, I find it funny, not because of my girlfriends pension of 11,000 rubles, and the rent is 5500 rubles. And the price of the products
thirty times more expensive than in the UK on a regular basket. You understand the difference between them and our living wage ...)))) Their English guys already understand that our Russian women can save. And they can do without essays, Grein.
Hamd mhmd
Modesty is beautiful: القلب:
Lisa Ivanova
they didn’t say what salary they receive. to find out that you throw out food when roughly speaking a sn of 200 thousand 150 thousand for food and stop eating in restaurants and buy food and cook yourself - yes, a significant saving, but when sn 20 thousand and think how to save on food .... sorry only peel from potatoes from a neighboring garbage can
Hmm dumber not to come up with ...
Natalya Atlashkina
Many of us do not need these tips at all. We ourselves own the art of saving on products.
Alexandra Konev Natalya Atlashkina
I would say - extreme survival: smile: let them turn - we will help ...: grinning: even share our powers that be: relaxed:
Katya Weaver
Great way


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