Today, many have the opportunity to work and earn money without leaving home. This option is used by mummies on maternity leave, students, retirees and those who have free time for freelance. However, not all households understand that working at a computer implies the same responsibility and a certain schedule that must be followed in a regular office. A mother of two children tells how she organized her day and accustomed children and other family members to order.
Freelance is not a free job
The girl worked as a journalist, radio decryptor, and editor of a bookstore site. Once on maternity leave, I realized that she could earn money without leaving home. To do this, she bought a small laptop and dragged it along with her throughout the apartment. Cooked porridge and corresponded with the editor, collected cubes with her daughter and sent edits to the authors, read book novelties in the sandbox.
Now she works with several publications and is always open for new offers. When he finds an interesting site, he always sends a letter to the chief editor with offers of cooperation. Elena says that many copywriters are afraid of rejection, so they are in no hurry to submit applications and propose their candidacy. Like, there is no experience and portfolio. It should be said that it is not fundamentally important for a potential employer to have both points: if the author writes a competent letter in which the style of presentation of information is clear and the literacy level is visible, success is ensured.
Organization of working hours
Just this moment and attention should be paid. Work at home is relaxing. You can not make up, do not dress, but get out of bed, make a cup of coffee and just so, in your pajamas, sit down at your laptop. It is not right. Elena herself noticed that light makeup, a neat hairstyle and an appropriate working environment (not a sofa or a bed, but a desk) contribute to greater productivity.
In addition, do not forget about the refrigerator. Many freelancers work over a cup of coffee with cookies and other food. This is, at the very least, indecent and, as a maximum, fraught with extra pounds.
Tip from an experienced copywriter: get a notepad. This is a must have for any freelancer. A great option is a notebook divided into several blocks. In one part, you can write down ideas for promoting the product, in another, make notes on the timing and cost of work. In any case, in the notebook you can enter everything that comes to mind. This organizes and prevents interesting thoughts from getting lost in the flow of information. Speaking of birds.
Work with information
Why should a potential employer choose you? Most likely because you can offer something interesting and unusual. Creative strategies for promoting a product, a bomb article, or a topic for an online magazine - these are just the ideas your brain should generate. And how will he come up with something new if you do not feed him? You need to learn to look around, look for the necessary information and throw aside the slag, which is now teeming with content. Read writers' magazines, follow top bloggers, study sites, put yourself in the shoes of buyers and don't forget about specialized literature.
Contract with children and husband
When working as a freelancer, it is important to organize your schedule and agree with households. It’s clear that you don’t really agree with a small child.But without a clear plan for the day, you can easily go skewed to either side: either find yourself in the abyss of the household (play, cook, bring, clean, etc.), or head off to work and one day be among hungry children and dissatisfied husband. Therefore, the balance and schedule is still needed.
If your baby has not yet gone to the garden, give him time. In the end, the child also gets tired of the constant attention of adults and needs loneliness. It sounds paradoxical, but it really is: a baby “fed up” with mother’s attention, with whom they regularly play, read, think, is slowly learning to let their mother go. In addition, children feel good when they want to get rid of them, so they cling to their skirts even more. When the baby grows up, you can use the elements of the game to find time. For example, say to your son or daughter: "We will build a pyramid together, and then you will draw, and mother will go to work."
Think of a magic phrase that means "you should not touch mom." There are times when you urgently need to get involved in the work: urgently discuss the details of the order with the boss, fix the error on the site that thousands of users see, arrange by phone with the client, etc. For such a moment, you need to come up with a special sign. For example, a red cap. So, mom in a cap? So you can’t touch it. The main thing is to use this life hack only in extreme cases.
To explain to households that freelance is also work
Many do not understand the seriousness of the freelancer. Many do not take seriously sleepless nights at the computer. Many consider this indulgence and trifling occupation. “Well, what can you do there? Think, you’re sitting on the Internet.” You just need to demonstrate to the adult family members the correspondence with customers, show the terms of the order and the amount that appears on the card or electronic wallet. In general, it is clear to household members that freelance is a job where there are deadlines, responsibilities and payments.
Workspace organization
This is also a small nuance that tunes to the working wave. If you write texts while sitting on a sofa or in bed, your household will perceive this accordingly. They do not understand how sitting on the couch can be work. Give yourself a corner with a table, which will become your workplace. Put your favorite flower and take care of proper lighting. Do not forget about health. Indeed, for many years working at a computer also affects the back and eyes. Therefore, work in pleasure and do not forget to do exercises to stretch your joints.
Organization of working hours and joint classes
And again we return to the schedule. He really needed to work as a freelancer. You can agree with older children by drawing up a daily daily routine. So, for example, in the after-school time, you devote an hour or two to discussing important issues, walks, joint games and classes. Then you have the right to personal time, which you can devote to work. Teach your children to contact you for help at the allotted time. It is clear that in a critical situation you do not have the right to refuse them. But, for example, a new classmate dress really needs to be discussed in a timely manner.
To summarize
Everyone can work remotely at home. Today there are many opportunities not only to earn extra money, but also to professionally engage in one or another activity, without leaving home. Writing and editing articles, term papers and dissertations, creating and promoting websites, sales and advertising - there is nothing complicated about this. The main desire. A huge amount of specialized literature is freely available. It is never too late to learn a new profession and try your hand at freelance.
It is only necessary to organize your time and make a reservation with the household that mother also has work and there is a time when no one should interfere with her.Then the children will be happy, and the husband will be satisfied, and the house will remain clean, and the family budget will be replenished. But do not forget about the schedule and self-organization.