Pets are a source of positive emotions for most people. Scientists have proved that having a four-legged friend makes a person happier and more resistant to stress. Indeed, when we spend time with a cat or dog, we even feel better physically. Well, and about raising the level of “mimicry” one can and generally keep silent.
However, speaking of pets, you involuntarily imagine your apartment, house, room. In general, the place where you live. The work office does not come up in the imagination at all, which is not surprising, because pets are called “pets” because they live at home. And imagine what would happen if the pet were with you in the office? How would you feel?
Scientists decided to conduct a study and found that the presence of pets at work positively affects employees. And that's why.
Stress reduction
Work is almost always stress. You will either encounter a dissatisfied client, a disagreement with the boss or colleagues, a lot of things will pile up, or something else. In general, all day the employees are in suspense. Because of this, cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone, is actively produced in the body. It negatively affects overall well-being in general and can cause serious health problems in the long run.
So, during the study, one group of subjects was allowed to take pets to work, while others worked as always without four-legged friends. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that the cortisol level in the participants of the first group was significantly lower than that of the representatives of the second.
Why it happens? Just when we spend time with pets (we walk, play, just pet), then the body increases the level of oxytocin, that is, the hormone of joy. Accordingly, we feel happier, calmer, relaxed and balanced.
Increase productivity
If you imagine that the pet will be with you in the office, then we can assume that you will be distracted by it. Accordingly, you will not be so well focused on fulfilling your duties, will you? Partly yes, but scientists say that this only benefits. People who worked with four-legged friends in the office showed better results and were more productive.
Why it happens? The fact is that when you need to change the tray, walk, feed the pet, etc., then we leave the business for a while to take care of the animal and thus take a break from work. Even five minutes is enough to catch your breath, regain strength and begin to work with a fresh head.
Improving team relationships
Have you noticed that when you walk on the street with a dog, is it much easier and faster to get to know and make contact with strangers? Indeed, domestic animals are the so-called "social bonds." Only through their presence is it easier for people to communicate and find a common language with each other.
Scientists decided to confirm this by experiment. It turned out that when the four-legged friend was in the office, all members of the team were in a better mood. Moreover, they felt a warm and trusting atmosphere in the team, were more willing to make contact, share ideas and observations. By the way, thanks to the animals, it was possible to attract many new clients who, in a state of increased “mimicry,” were more open to communicating with managers.
Less disease and sick leave
Pets improve our mood, soothe the nervous system. Accordingly, we feel better, less ill, more resistant to stress. As a result of the experiment, it turned out that when employees were given the opportunity to hire four-legged friends, they were less likely to ask for time off and went on sick leave. In general, they showed more activity, interest in work. And all thanks to the fact that when communicating with pets, cholesterol and triglycerides are reduced. We are less likely to plunge into a state of depression, anxiety, and apathy.
By the way, this applies not only to hanging out with cats or dogs. For example, you can even lower your blood pressure just by looking at the aquarium for several minutes.
Saving money
When there are no pets nearby, we find other ways of entertainment, even while at the workplace. Someone makes a paid subscription to sites, someone spends money on mobile applications, games, etc. When the pet is nearby, the need to look for an additional source of discharge disappears, because there is always someone to have fun with.
Plus do not forget about saving on drugs. You do not need to take antidepressants or pressure pills when pets are nearby. Accordingly, we take less time off and sick leave, because the state of health in general, as has been proved by scientists, is improving. Here is such a saving.
Happy pet and happy owner
When you go to work for the whole day, and the pet remains at home alone, you involuntarily experience feelings of guilt and remorse. When you have to stay in the office until late, there is a state of anxiety. When the pet is nearby, then you have nothing to worry about.
By the way, for a four-legged friend this is also good. It often happens that prolonged solitude leads to behavioral problems, for example, in dogs. They begin to destroy the whole apartment and thus take revenge on their master for leaving them to their fate. When the animal is next to the owner, its emotional state is also positive. The pet feels happy and satisfied, does not get nervous and does not harm. Accordingly, problems with education do not arise.
Instead of a conclusion
In some foreign companies, employers listened to the results of the experiment and allowed employees to take pets to the office. After that, they also confirmed that the findings of the researchers are fully true. So it is quite possible that in the near future we will all go to work with cats and dogs.