Many of us work five days a week in the office, that is, as a result, we spend most of our lives at work. Our body may signal what worries the body, but we often ignore it. Experts revealed 6 obvious violations that every second young lady in the workplace commits.
So, it's time to pay attention to invisible bad habits that affect our well-being.
1) Refusal to use moisturizer
Many girls carry a tube of lotion with them in a bag or store it on their desktop. This is understandable: the researchers found that you need to apply about 20 grams of moisturizer to your skin daily.
Why is it important to use it in sufficient quantities? First of all, so that the skin remains soft and moisturized. Signs of insufficient hydration are: dullness, itching, peeling of the skin. Do not save on moisturizing. The more creams will be placed in different places, the more likely you are to remember to moisturize your skin in time.
2) Drinking a few cups of coffee per day
According to statistics, 32% of women drink at least 2 cups of coffee per day. If you are one of them, then we have not the most pleasant news. Excessive consumption of coffee negatively affects our health:
- caffeine dehydrates the body;
- the liver begins to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body;
- toxins negatively affect the condition of the skin;
- caffeine works like a diuretic;
- skin becomes dry and pale due to dehydration.
Therefore, reduce your coffee consumption throughout the day! One cup a day in the morning is enough to cheer up.
3) Refusal of dinner
People often skip meals because they are too busy working or dieting. But your body craves the vitamins and minerals necessary for its effective functioning. Despite the fact that skipping meals in rare cases is safe, frequent refusal of food can lead to the following consequences:
- dry skin;
- excess body fat;
- high risk of diabetes;
- weak immune system;
- bad breath;
- decrease in metabolic rate.
Why risk your health? It is better to make your diet so that you do not have to skip meals. In addition, the absence of lunch is, as a rule, a hearty dinner, which is not very useful for a figure.
4) Subcooling
If you have been in the scorching sun and immediately entered an air-conditioned room, a change in temperature will affect your body (and your facial skin is no exception) in a negative way. Why is that bad? We reveal the secrets:
- the skin is dried - it is especially dangerous for those who have diseases of the dermis;
- there is an imbalance of moisture in your skin;
- synthetic fibers cause skin irritation.
Here are 3 easy ways to moisturize your skin to make it smooth and silky:
- drink enough water;
- keep the moisturizer on the table and apply it regularly;
- use glycerin-based cleansers;
- avoid soap; use a lower pH detergent instead.
The lack of moisture in the body provokes premature aging, so do not neglect your beauty.
5) Exposure to bacteria that live on our phones
According to studies, women use a mobile phone two hours more daily than men. And this is one of the dirtiest things that are in our arsenal. 2.5 cm2 accounted for about 25,000 microbes. You will be surprised by the list of things that are cleaner than your phone (we give the number of microbes per 2.5 cm2):
- toilet seat - 1 201;
- kitchen worktops - 1,736;
- pet food - 2 110;
- door handle - 8 643.
Now can you imagine what happens to your hands and even your face when direct contact with your smartphone is established? Yes, this is disgusting! Therefore, immediately reduce the amount of time you spend on using your smartphone.
6) Hot showers before or after work
Although this is not exactly what you do in the office, it is usually what you should do before you go to work or after you return home at the end of the day. Remember: a contrast shower relaxes the body and mind. But often taking a hot bath is dangerous to health.
Hot water can provoke an increase in blood pressure, damage keratin cells on your skin, which often leads to dryness or irritation, itching. This is especially dangerous for those who have sensitive skin. All these misfortunes are very unpleasant.