
Perfectionism, a good team, a cold mind: the rules that helped Steve Jobs reach heights

The path to the cherished goal is often not easy. One has to cope with difficulties and barriers, but it is their overcoming that gives an incomparable sense of satisfaction and pride in oneself. Famous people have many secrets that made them successful. The legendary Steve Jobs is no exception.

Business is a “sport" for trained and strong athletes. Success and recognition in this matter come to the most daring, decisive and smart. The technologies of creating a successful company, which are tested in practice, are shared by many successful people. The study of their experience and advice is an essential component for building a career.

One of the most successful entrepreneurs in history, Apple co-founder, billionaire and outrageous personality - all about Steve Jobs. However, the conquest of Olympus is not given without effort and technology. These are the tricks that helped our hero conquer the world.

All or nothing

Many aspiring entrepreneurs compromise with themselves. Make “good”, and that is enough in their opinion. But for Jobs, such an assessment was unsatisfactory. Perfectionism in everything was the main principle of the entrepreneur. And even if for his colleagues such a position was simply unbearable, but we all know about the unprecedented quality of his company's products.

In the long run, striving for excellence is a good investment. To make not only a product, but also to satisfy the desires of the most fastidious consumers. Before embarking on a new idea, bring the previous one to a rating of “excellent” and even better.

Dream Team

To fulfill ambitious tasks and projects, of course, you need an appropriate team. Jobs devoted a lot of time to finding the best staff who shared his vision and passion for work. Only together is it possible to bring the company to high positions.

Any large business, event, project is carried out only as a team. The founder of the empire of Apple perfectly understood this. The company was built and developed by people, hundreds and thousands of employees who made the best product in the world.

Cold calculation

Repeatedly, Jobs found himself at the center of scandals due to the fact that he rejected brilliant ideas and suggestions. In his opinion, these unique projects were not good enough for Apple or simply not viable in the future. Just imagine how many decisions every day came to its approval! He dismissed many without regrets and hesitation, even more projects went to the landfill after a detailed review.

However, he never regretted the ideas that he took to work. Each decision was unconditionally correct, valuable and necessary. Perhaps that is why they were all so successful.

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