
I sew bags from old T-shirts myself: how I save money and at the same time save nature

There are many ways to save money and protect our planet. I never throw away anything and give each thing a second life. Next, I will tell you how it is beneficial for your wallet to preserve nature.

Do not use paper towels

Today, in every public restroom, paper towels can be found. I must say that this is extremely unprofitable, and harms nature. Yes, this is certainly convenient, because you use a disposable tool to wipe your hands, and you can be sure that no one else will do the same with your copy. But just think how many trees you need to cut down to provide all bathrooms with this fixture. Of course, great damage is done to nature and the environment.

And if you use paper towels at home, then additionally throw away with each torn piece of paper a bunch of your own money, which could be saved using fabric analogues. Thus, I decided not to buy a paper version, thereby began to save significantly, which I advise you. After all, by such a decision you can further protect nature.

Plain fabric instead of paper napkins

This advice is similar to the previous recommendation, only in this case we are not talking about towels, but about napkins. When I saw the item “paper napkins” in the list of my purchases, I realized that I was wrong and literally also threw money away. I often bought disposable napkins before and didn’t even think that I could use ordinary fabric instead. Now I use classic rag towels or shawls that replace me with paper towels. And I must say that here, as in the previous case, I also manage to save a lot of money.

Reusable sandwich bags

Every day I eat a variety of snacks, and therefore I need packages for sandwiches. I used to use paper packaging that was disposable and quickly finished. But now I use fabric bags with neat zippers, some of them are made of transparent silicone material, equipped with a clasp on top and easy to wash. If I use a bag of fabric, then for the next use I throw it into the washing machine. Well, silicone bags just require quick hand washing and dry air. Thus, the use of this package meets my basic principles: easy, cheap and environmentally friendly.

Silicone bags for freezing

I use silicone bags when I need to freeze something, along with ordinary plastic bags that often break, they are fragile and short-lived. So I get rid of the need to throw away cellophane, which causes irreparable damage to the environment. They also replace plastic boxes. I use silicone packaging to freeze various liquids, which is very convenient: soups, sauces, stews - all this can easily be poured into a bag. Then air is squeezed out of it, the package is sealed, and as a result you save a lot of space in the freezer.

It is also worth noting that, among other things, they are much easier to clean and can be used endlessly, since silicone is a fairly dense and reliable material. They are undoubtedly more economical and environmentally friendly than their plastic and cellophane counterparts.Due to the fact that they are strong, you are protected from unexpected leaks during melting.

Homemade vegetable waste broth

As I said, I don’t throw anything away. I love to cook vegetable broth and make it from frozen vegetable waste. Before that, I used to spend a lot of money on packaged vegetable sets, but now this dish has become almost free for me. Every time I want to prepare a liquid dish, I use various vegetables, as well as peels from previously leftover products, which I freeze so that it does not deteriorate. For example, I add peel from zucchini and beetroot to the broth and make healthy and rich soup with these ingredients. And the remaining flesh I give to pets.

In my broth, I add salt, pepper, garlic, and bay leaf, vegetable trimmings, potatoes and carrots, and then cover and cook over medium heat. After the broth cools down a bit, I pour it into jars and store it in the refrigerator so that you can use it all week. So, scrap vegetable stock is very easy, healthy and cheap.

Water bottles

I drink a lot of water. Moreover, the small bottles that are sold are just one sip for me. And constantly buying is an expensive pleasure, because in order to get drunk I need at least two or three pieces. Of course, I do not want to overpay, so I always carry a bottle of reusable water with me. My children, too, each have such a bottle. This saves money and protects the planet from the release of excessive plastic waste.

Bag for fabric products

Cashiers at a grocery store love to sell us cellophane bags. But this is another outburst of money and a blow to the health of the planet. Why use a new bag every time, if you can get a sturdy cloth bag with which you can go to the store? I did just that. Now I don’t have to use plastic bags and behave wastefully.

Old t-shirts for making bags

For shopping in stores, I use more durable reusable bags compared to other people. I personally make excellent containers for purchased goods from old T-shirts. You can see in my house a bunch of bags that used to be ordinary T-shirts. I just take an old T-shirt, cut off her sleeves and sew up the bottom. Now my sewing skills are honed, and believe me, everyone can do it. And if you have a sewing machine or reliable glue for fastening the seam, then all the more there are no problems, and you will get a light and original bag for products.

Thus, at present, we are all strongly obsessed with disposable things that damage the environment and hit the wallet hard. And all that is required is to return to the old string bags, cloth towels and abandon the habit of buying a new bottle of water, when you can simply fill a regular flask.

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Reason for complaint
Tanya Larina
Respect. I do it myself.
Mara Semench
: heart: Well done !!! Healthy, rational and for Nature is a huge plus, we consume a lot of paper and cut down forests and the climate is changing. Previously, there were no paper towels and cellophane bags that harm nature. I myself have good vegetables and peel bouillon.


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